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I bet I'm the only one here that...


lived without electricity for six months, while pregnant and having six children.


So, does that mean you have sextuplets?



I may be the only one here who attended fifteen different schools between Kindergarten and 12th grade.




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It took me a long time to think of something to contribute, but:



I bet I'm the only one here who...pees in a five-gallon bucket filled with shredded junk mail and then dumps it in the compost, because I hate wasting all that perfectly good nitrogen and water that could be going back into the earth.

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It took me a long time to think of something to contribute, but:



I bet I'm the only one here who...pees in a five-gallon bucket filled with shredded junk mail and then dumps it in the compost, because I hate wasting all that perfectly good nitrogen and water that could be going back into the earth.


Not quite, but I use shredded junk mail for rabbit litter and put the result in the compost pile!


Is it just you, using the bucket, or is the rest of the family compelled to help out the compost :D?

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Not quite, but I use shredded junk mail for rabbit litter and put the result in the compost pile!


Is it just you, using the bucket, or is the rest of the family compelled to help out the compost :D?


Hah, my mother uses shredded junk mail as extra bedding in the barn :D

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Is it just you, using the bucket, or is the rest of the family compelled to help out the compost :D?


It's just me, but husband has free reign to pee anywhere in the backyard that he wants, but I direct him sometimes. "Pee in that corner near the sprinkler! I want to kill off the rest of that darn comfrey." And we're still pottytraining the kid, hee.


Oh, and I bet I'm the only one who's gone for a ride in the Goodyear Blimp. ('Tis veddy veddy loud up there.)



I bet I am the only one here with several scraps of tinted nitrate film stock from the 1910s in a little basket on the shelf.


Um...isn't nitrate film explosive?! :)


I like banana and mayo sandwiches.


We used to eat chopped olive and cream cheese sandwiches growing up. Yum. Not cardiovascularly correct, but yum.


I am probably the only one here that carries a card that showing I am a registered temporal bone donor. They also have permission to take my associated brain structures. The National Temporal Bone Registry matches donor tissue with research facilities around the country.


Oooh...I should sign up for this! I love registering to give away body parts. (Why won't they come for my bone marrow--WHY?!)


...who has accidentally laundered a large cockroach.


I almost drank a cockroach once. Sigh.

Edited by kubiac
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...whose spouse proposed on our very first date (19 years and counting):D


...was pregnant the same time as my oldest daughter - our boys were born exactly one week apart


...saved a 3 yo little boy who had unknowingly escaped from his daycare center - dubbed the "good Samaritan" on the local news (seriously cars were just driving past this child about to cross a very busy road alone!)


...ran for public office (school board)


...helped a friend of my little sister give her stillborn baby a funeral and burial (she was going to have him cremated because financially that was her only option :crying:)


...whose dh has a tattoo with her name on his arm


...camped out all night to get my dd N'Sync tickets


...met "Victor Newman" from Y & R - got his autograph on a napkin then threw it out :lol:


...has been to two Ozzy Osbourne "final tour" concerts


...once quit a job by "going to lunch" and never coming back lol!


That's all I'll share here :D great thread...such exciting stories!

Edited by *~Tina~*
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...whose spouse proposed on our very first date (19 years and counting):D


...was pregnant the same time as my oldest daughter - our boys were born exactly one week apart


...saved a 3 yo little boy who had unknowingly escaped from his daycare center - dubbed the "good Samaritan" on the local news (seriously cars were just driving past this child about to cross a very busy road alone!)


...ran for public office (school board)


...helped a friend of my little sister give her stillborn baby a funeral and burial (she was going to have him cremated because financially that was her only option :crying:)


...whose dh has a tattoo with her name on his arm


...camped out all night to get my dd N'Sync tickets


...met "Victor Newman" from Y & R - got his autograph on a napkin then threw it out :lol:


...has been to two Ozzy Osbourne "final tour" concerts


...once quit a job by "going to lunch" and never coming back lol!


That's all I'll share here :D great thread...such exciting stories!



How'd your run for school board go? I'm considering it. Two out of five of our current school board members have homeschooled. And we're the 6th largest district in our state.



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It took me a long time to think of something to contribute, but:



I bet I'm the only one here who...pees in a five-gallon bucket filled with shredded junk mail and then dumps it in the compost, because I hate wasting all that perfectly good nitrogen and water that could be going back into the earth.


I don't do that, but I do send dh and ds out to pee in the compost periodically.

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This is hilarious.


I fell out of a car when my date reached over to kiss me. I had opened the door to leave (flee) when he started talking again. I leaned back in, but the door didn't close. When he leaned over to kiss me, I moved up against the door to avoid his kiss and the door flew open. I tumbled out and ran into the house. We were both so embarrassed, but how we're FB friends.




Thankfully, mine wasn't on a date, and the couple in the backseat were dear friends of ours, but same basic scenario. :lol:

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I hope I'm the only one who got engaged in a Super 8 hotel room.


I cringe when women start swapping proposal stories.


My husband proposed to me in my parents' dining room then left 15 min. later to go play paintball with his buddies. I still tease him about it and he kicks himself for being so stupid.:lol: He's made up for it many time over the past 11 years.

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