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Science for 5-8th?


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Only have a 6th grader left at home.


Here is what we will use this year:

Main science: SL Science 5

Supplemental: BJU Science 6


Following years:

For 7th grade it will definitely be BJU's Life Science. 8th will be BJU's Space & Earth. 9th BJU's Physical Science. 10th BJU's Biology. 11th BJU's Chemistry. 12th BJU's Physics... all with HomeSat. ;)


Yeah! I am done planning science for the rest. of. my. life. :lol::D

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Prentice Hall's Science Explorer (plus the guided workbooks) have been good here (for 6th, coming up 7th). I would think a 5th grader cd probably do them with a little more hand-holding.


You can choose topics from a list of about 16, and do 2-4 per year (depending on age, I think).

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This is an area where I let my children (5th&6th grades) choose what they want to learn...their interest will inspire better learning. I had them tell me what subjects they want to learn about in science and I found curriculum to help them learn. Next fall we are going to do:


1. Herpetology (one child wants to learn about frogs and the other about snakes): Animal classification book from rainbow resource, "Hands on Herpetology exploring ecology and conservation" by Schneifer" a book I found at Acorn Naturalists. "Amphibians and Reptiles Thematic Unit" from Teacher Created Resources.


2. Science Explorer Inside Earth along with some science in a nutshell kits. They want to learn about rocks, minerals, volcanoes, etc.


3. We'll decide the next subject when we get there, possibly Chemistry.

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I'm doing biology for fifth, putting together my own stuff, but I saw you had another post about Apologia mammals. I looked at that at convention and just loved it. I guess my only hesitation was that I really wanted to cover more than just mammals in a year's time for biology, but it was very, very tempting, LOL....

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Also, library books/videos and other kits that go along with whatever the topic is and allow us to "dig deeper" into whatever topic the Reader's Digest book introduces. Also, the occasional Christian science book to balance the secular/evolutionary slant of the other books/materials.


Have fun with your science journey! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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I also let my dd pick her interest. This year (5th grade) she picked Chemistry and we did Christian Kids Explore Chemistry, and read some books on Chemists. She LOVED it and wants to do it again next year! So, we ended up picking NOEO Science Chemistry II. She likes the variety of books, not just one book, and is looking forward to starting. We'll probably start that near the beginning of August, to slowly get going with it. I already purchased (used) Rainbow Science for her. So, when dd finishes the NOEO science, we'll just head straight into the Rainbow science. That will take up her 6th and 7th grade years I'm thinking. At that point we'll re-evaluate and see where we want to go from there.

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use Rainbow year 1, because I already have it and the year 1 nondisposable supplies. (I have a BS in Chem, so dd has a good background in science already)


6th--I won't use Rainbow year 2. I'm not impressed with it. And the additional supplies I will have to get are expensive so I might as well look at other options. I'm thinking the life science books in the Prentice Hall Science Explorer series plus some microscope work and dissection will suit us.


7th-8th--I want to get in some geology/earth science and one more year of Chemistry.


This year I am doing science with a friend of dd's who is in grade 6. If it works well we will keep it up. We will have to sit down and review curriculum together and make sure our religious views mesh since the Science Explorer series is secular. We'll have to see what chapters we want to skip or do on our own.

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I was planning on homesat for all our kid's science but now I am not so sure. I need to check out other options.




Care to share why you are reconsidering using BJU's science? Just curious. ;)


I love BJU Science, but perhaps if I had multiple grades of 5th-8th I might want something we could all do together as a family before my 8th grader enters high school science levels. If this, too, is what you are thinking, have you considered some of the Sonlight Science options? SL's Science 5 would be great for 5th-8th with perhaps the Lyrical Life Science: The Human Body added on for your 8th grader. I believe it is even scheduled in the TM for you even though it is only a suggested resource.


SL's Science 6 might be a good choice as well if you're looking to cover Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. I personally very much dislike TOPS books, but I know that many love and enjoy them.


Another rather expensive choice would be using Winter Promise's Adventures in the Sea & Sky program. It is basically a one year history & science program revolving around, well, the sea and the sky! :w00t: They even offer an older learners set for adding on 7th -9th graders to the program, but I personally don't think you would need to get that. You could also eliminate the history selections if you didn't want to dig into any of the history, though I must admit all the books look very good. Not sure I would want to eliminate anything. It would basically be a science program on steriods...but it sure looks good! :drool5:


Anyhow, I just thought I would throw those out there for ya. So many choices available!! Gosh, when I started homeschooling 13 years ago there was basically Abeka and a few other companies. Now our choices are AMAZING! I hope you'll let us know what you decide to use. :001_smile:



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I agonized over it, but she really was disliking Apologia General.

I love science and have a degree in science but I was sold on the fact that I could order the dvds to give her the kind of lectures and demonstrations that inspired my love for the subject. I KNOW I can not devote that much time or prep work into it. I am happy with it and the plan now is to stay with it through High School.

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Another Homesat person here.


I'm recording now - and i'm LOVING all the science classes. I could sit here all. day. long. and watch them (shhhh, don't tell DH i did that the other day).


I know that i COULD do it, but realistically, i CAN"T, so they get the job.


Besides, the whole family is waiting to see DD's response to the frog dissection! LOL!!


Add in the wonderful sounding K4 for the preschooler - how can i not do it?!?!

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I am rethinking my plans for this year. What are you using for science for grades 5-8? Thanks!


My second son is a rising 5th grader. This fall will start the third year I've used the Apologia elementary series with both him and my third son (rising 3rd grader). They're super excited about the Zoo 3 book, and since mammals are their area of interest, we'll likely spend the majority of the year with it.


My oldest (rising 8th grader) we'll be moving on to Apologia Physical Science. I had him use General Science over 6th and 7th and that worked well.

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I just had some last minute panic, but I am sane again. Well, sort of. :D




Let's see - what can we get you to panic about next???? Have you about the new.............. :bigear:


I can honestly say that the last 2 weeks spent at this desk with my computer issues and the sample and orientation classes just made my decision all that much firmer.


The right choice at the right time.




NOW, stop reading and second guessing yourself!

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Oops! Too late, I really need to finish something exactly when I start it, and stop wandering away...

Here is what I wrote, anyways!




I know Im a thread killer, but since we used something different, I wanted to share!


I went with the integrated middle school science program from Glencoe for 5th, 6th and the 1st half of seventh. I thought these were quite good, but you have to make sure you have the same edition for all three years (Red, Green and Blue) because they build on each other. The labs in the book were simple and fun, yet emphasized the process of scientific thinking, and I did not ever run across a desperate need for a TE. The best part is that they were very inexpensive! Conceivably, you could stick your 10 and 11 yos together to cover all three books together!


The second half of seventh, dd did what I call Earth Science, but the cc called Physical Geography, this summer we are completing conceptual physical science, then in the fall she will begin an intro-level chemistry course which by spring will go into beginning organic, medical and other fun applications of chemistry.


Yay, science!:hurray: No matter what you choose, you cant really go wrong, because they are all a basic introduction!

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