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s/o of reading aloud. . . will you


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I don't have the books being read aloud in my signature anymore but they are:


The Chronicles of Narnia (with DH)

The Trumpet of the Swan

The Complete [..] Winnie-the-Pooh

The Adventures of Grandfather Frog


DS is almost 6 and he loves them all. That's the only reason they're being read to him.


eta, I noticed you first asked do 'you "love" or "just like" what you're currently reading'. That's another thing altogether. I could live without Winnie-the-Pooh and am happy for Grandma to take over some of that when she babysits and I'm more than happy that it's DH reading The Chronicles of Narnia. The other two I'm enjoying.

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This is so helpful -- thank you!!!


I hope we can start a new trend on here to add this info. It helps so much in deciding what to order from the library.


Books we LOVED:


My Father's Dragon -- three books in series. Read to boys when they were 7.


Books in my signature -- boys heard at 8 yrs.


Cricket in Times Square -- boys heard at young 8.


Rats of NIMH -- boys heard at young 8.


The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes (a Newberry Award winner that everybody on the planet should read. We've read it before and we'll read it again.) Heard at age 7 and again at 8.


Tum Tum & Nutmeg -- heard at age 7 and read on their own at age 8.


Kenny and the Dragon by Tony DiTerlizzi -- heard at age 8.


Time Warp Trio series: Summer Reading is Killing Me! (No, not great literature, of course, but this particular story is fun.)


Sadie and Angus -- first book. Young Fredle -- second book. Heard at age 8.



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My son (6) has never heard a book that he didn't LOVE. Our favorites from the last few years: Charlotte's Web, My Father's Dragon series, Charlie and the Choc. Factory, Mr. Popper's Penguins, The Mouse and the Motorcycle.


My dd (4) has listened to most of those books also, but I would say she only liked Charlotte's Web and Mr. Popper's Penguins.


The only books that I didn't like last year were the sequel books to Mouse and the Motorcycle.

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I always forget to add this to my signature but here are the reviews straight from my boys on the books we have read recently (they are 5 and 7):


-Wizard of Oz - they loved it !!

-My Father's Dragon series (all three) - they liked these but were a little bored by the third book.

-Stuart Little - loved it

-Ms. Piggle Wiggle - surprisingly my boys were just o.k. with this one.

-The complete tales of Beatrix Potter - loved it (we read them over about 6 months)

-Peter Pan - only like it - my 5 year old is finding the language hard to follow and keep his attention.

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This is so helpful -- thank you!!!


Reading out loud books is the major part of our school, or life I suppose you could say. I keep track off all the chapter books we read. (I those to consider anything that takes over a hour to read out loud a chapter book)


I have read some books many times. We are now up to 324 books read out loud. Some where audio books, but with the exception of "Raggedy Ann" I sat beside the boys for every audio book. I didn't listen to this one with them since they were so excited they wanted to listen to it all day long! It was so cute since they would stop it every few minutes and my youngest would run to the kitchen and let me know what had happened.


These were best favorites of one, or both the boys and the year we read them.



My Father's Dragon series (2 times each book)

The Story of Doctor Dolittle (3 times)



Peter Pan (2 times) I got a audio recording of this to listen to myself. Connor heard me listening to it and got so into it. It surprised me because it was beyond what he was currently listened to at the time. He would sit and listen for over an hour without moving. He thought Hook was a very misunderstood character.

Freddy the Detective (3 times)

Freddy goes to Florida (2 times)


2009 - 2011

Tales of the Green Forest books (We have 30 different books, some read more then others for a total of 109 books read out loud)

The Magic School Bus chapter books. (18 books read multiple times, 56 reads total)


2009- 2010

Pippi Long Stocking (3 times) it sequels (2 times each)

The Wonderful wizard of Oz (3 times)

The Marvelous Land of Oz (5 times)

Ozma of Oz (3 times)

Charlie and the Chocolate Favorty (3 times) - We tired the sequel, but no one liked it enough to finish it

The Wind in the Williows (2 times)



Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (2 times)

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2 times)

Mr. Popper's Penguins (2 times)

The Little Prince (2 times)

The Secret world of Og (2 times)

The Wheel on the school (2 times)



The Box car children. I read the first book twice, then the next 20 books in the series once each.

The Five Little Peppers and it's sequel (1 time each) My boys would have liked it again but NOT me

The Rats of Nimh (3 times)

Danny and the Champion of the World (2 times)

Little House books

Poppy series (most books twice)

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DD has been stuck on fairy tales/myths for a LONG time. We are going through Andrew Lang's color books, as well as many others. She loves myths of all kinds and Just So Stories.


Alice Adventures in Wonderland was the last read-aloud and she liked it.


Read-aloud books she loved:


Moomintroll series (cried when this was over)

Narnia series

The Night Fairy

The Tale of Despereaux

Winnie the Pooh (I still need to read these to her a few times a week)

Anything by Roald Dahl!


She loved the Poppy series, but she read those to herself. I read the series a few other times with my boys and they're great read-alouds.


Favorite audiobooks:


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Dragon Rider

Watership Down

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Winnie the Pooh

Charlotte's Web

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Your question made me laugh - we just started book 10 (of 13) of the Series of Unfortunate Events, and I am *so tired* of it, but my girls love it! We started it last summer while on vacation, I was looking for something to include dh in reading. But now I'm stuck with it - they would be crushed if we stopped before The End.


To be fair, the series has some great points - the vocabulary is exceptional, and all the new words are defined in context, in a funny way - and there are great mixed-up gender roles (i.e. the girl is the scientist/inventor, the boy is the reader), but it is getting so tedious after all this time. . .


I'm planning to read them the Chronicles of Narnia next, and can't wait!


Other hits and misses: we read the Phantom Tollbooth, and I liked it okay, DD8 loved it, but didn't really "get" it. They both loved The Wizard of Oz, Peter Pan, Mrs. Piggle Wiggle, Winnie the Pooh. I liked these too. DD9 loved the Harry Potter series, which we read in 1-3 grades, I thought a little young but she loved it. I tried to read the Little House series to her when she was in 1st, and she liked it okay, but it kind of fizzled out during "Farmer Boy". I really want her to read the series, as I loved it as a kid, but she hasn't done it on her own yet. I will probably do it again with both of them.


My biggest problem is - too many books too little time! I have a huge list of things I want to read aloud with them, and can't wait to get too! Watership Down & Mrs. Frisby are high on my list, but Narnia is definitely next.

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We're currently reading The Little Prince and I assume DD likes it. She's always disappointed when I stop. Her number one favorite of all time is Black Beauty. I read it to her when she was four, although I didn't think she would get much out of it, but apparently she did. I still hear parts of it come up when she plays.


Books I can recall off the top of my head:


A Little Princess (loved, age 7)

The Witches (LOVED, 7)

The Jungle Book (not interested, 7, I dropped it after the first chapter and a half)

the first 3 American Girl Kirsten books (loved, 7)

Big Susan (LOVED, made me read it 3 times, 7)

Nurse Matilda (loved, age 5 or 6)

The Hundred Dresses (tolerated, 5 or 6)

Gooney Bird Greene and Gooney Bird and the Room Mother (liked a lot, 6 and 7)

Om-Kas-Toe (she liked it, but it wasn't a good book to read aloud, recommend saving this one for when the child can read it alone, 7)

The House Above the Trees (liked a good deal, 6)

The Invention of Hugo Cabret (LOVED with hearts and stars and flowers, her second favorite book of all time, 7)

Capyboppy (loved, read over and over, 4-6)

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We're currently reading The Little Prince and I assume DD likes it. She's always disappointed when I stop. Her number one favorite of all time is Black Beauty.


Isn't this one very sad?


Capyboppy (loved, read over and over, 4-6)

I have read almost every book by Bill Peet including his autobiography, but never this one. I would just look at the title and think, "How it the world do I say that word?" But now my kids are done with Bill Peet and the book is left unread. :(

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I have read almost every book by Bill Peet including his autobiography, but never this one. I would just look at the title and think, "How it the world do I say that word?" But now my kids are done with Bill Peet and the book is left unread. :(

Oh no! I read it twice, and it is pretty good.

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Oh no! I read it twice, and it is pretty good.


In addition to his biography I have read these books, most twice a few three times.


The Ant and the Elephant

Big Bad Bruce

Bill Peet: An Autobiography

Buford the Little Bighorn

The Caboose Who Got Loose (10 times maybe?)

Chester the Worldly Pig

Cock-a-doodle Dudley

Countdown to Christmas

Cowardly Clyde

Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent



Eleanor the Elephant

Farewell to Shady Glade

Fly Homer Fly

The Gnats of Knotty Pine

How Droofus the Dragon Lost His Head

Hubert's Hair-Raising Adventure

Huge Harold

Jennifer and Josephine

Jethro and Joel Were a Troll

Kermit the Hermit (10 times maybe)

The Kweeks of Kookatumdee

The Luckiest One of All (only once, Yuck)

Merle the High Flying Squirrel

No Such Things (only once, Yuck)

Pamela Camel

The Pinkish, Purplish, Bluish Egg

Randy's Dandy Lions


The Spooky Tail of Prewitt Peacock

The Whingdingdilly

The Wump World

Zella, Zack, and Zodiac

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Wow, I haven't read ANY of the others!


Many of his other are similiar to epic poems. Here is the begining of Katy Caboose. Which I have memorized, perhaps I have read it more then 10 times.



"When Katy caboose rambled down the train tracks,

The engines were steamers with puffing smoke stacks.

She was a caboose who disliked being last

With an endless black cloud of smoke rolling past


'It's not only smoky,' the caboose would complain,

'There's the jerks and the jolts of this noisy freight train'.

Often katy would wish that someday she could be

Something quiet and simple like a lovely elm tree".


-- I might have it memorized, but I copy and pasted it from a quick google search

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We just finished The Saturdays. I liked it. Mushroom loved it. BalletBoy liked it. Before that, we did the Anna Hibiscus books, which I loved and the kids liked. And before that The Invention of Hugo Cabret and the third Penderwicks book, which we all loved.

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If I don't enjoy a read-aloud, but my kid does, I'll just hand it to him to read himself. :tongue_smilie: That refers to my oldest (who can basically read anything that's age appropriate for him to hear). My middle child... He probably doesn't understand half of what we read anyway. I'm trying to expand his language understanding. We stop and talk a lot about what's happening. He is enjoying Winnie-the-Pooh, and he seemed to enjoy Wizard of Oz (our last read-aloud). My 2 year old doesn't sit and listen. Mostly, if my 7 year old enjoys it, I'll keep reading. :)

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Isn't this one very sad?



I have read almost every book by Bill Peet including his autobiography, but never this one. I would just look at the title and think, "How it the world do I say that word?" But now my kids are done with Bill Peet and the book is left unread. :(


I'm not entirely sure which one you're referring to. The Little Prince isn't terribly sad, but Black Beauty has some sad parts (cruel owner, etc). It had a happy ending.



I pronounced it Cappy-boppy. Maybe you can get it for a niece or nephew.

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I'm not entirely sure which one you're referring to. The Little Prince isn't terribly sad, but Black Beauty has some sad parts (cruel owner, etc). It had a happy ending.



I pronounced it Cappy-boppy. Maybe you can get it for a niece or nephew.


I was refering to "Black Beauty" I thought it was very sad and depressing through out. But then I have only glanced over it.


As for not being able to say "Cappy-boppy". I had a very serious speech impediment as a child. I think I couldn't say 1/3 of the sounds in the English language properly. To this day I have difficulty learning how to say her words.


For example I found out about a new movie, "The Borrowers" coming on in February. This is a movie my kids are interested in watching. :) (Which is very strange for them).


So I plan to read them, "The Borrowers". My husband has spent about 1 minute every day for the past 10 days teaching me how to say "Borrowers" instead of "Burrowers" or "borruwers" or any other way I don't say it properly. :p I think I finally have it. If not my kids said they will either not complain or help me say it properly.

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I was refering to "Black Beauty" I thought it was very sad and depressing through out. But then I have only glanced over it.


As for not being able to say "Cappy-boppy". I had a very serious speech impediment as a child. I think I couldn't say 1/3 of the sounds in the English language properly. To this day I have difficulty learning how to say her words.


For example I found out about a new movie, "The Borrowers" coming on in February. This is a movie my kids are interested in watching. :) (Which is very strange for them).


So I plan to read them, "The Borrowers". My husband has spent about 1 minute every day for the past 10 days teaching me how to say "Borrowers" instead of "Burrowers" or "borruwers" or any other way I don't say it properly. :p I think I finally have it. If not my kids said they will either not complain or help me say it properly.


DD8 could NOT handle Black Beauty last year. We were watching the movie, though. After only a short time, she cried and asked me why I would do that to her! If it involves animals in pain, she can not handle it.


Capyboppy did nothing for us. Not sure why; it is so well loved on the boards.

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DD8 could NOT handle Black Beauty last year. We were watching the movie, though. After only a short time, she cried and asked me why I would do that to her! If it involves animals in pain, she can not handle it.


Capyboppy did nothing for us. Not sure why, it is so well loved on the boards.


I think I'll pre-read Black Beauty if we are ever going to do it.

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Love it. We are reading The Sea Fairies by L. Frank Baum.

Boys ages 7, 11 (almost 8,12)


I'm going to have to check this book out!


We're reading The Hobbit, and loving it!


Ds10 also really enjoys The Magic of Reality, and dd8 really enjoys The Tarantula in My Purse.

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Black Jack -- love it (and pretty much all Leon Garfield)

Ballet Shoes -- setting this aside (something we don't often do) as it enrages DD the Younger

The Princess and the Goblin -- quite like it, DD the Younger shows the most interest


Some recent read alouds:


Un Lun Dun -- loved it

a whack of E. Nesbit -- love them

The Three Musketeers (Pevear translation) -- loved it

the Little House books -- I tolerate these


DD the Younger is reading me the works of Beverly Cleary, currently nearing the end of Ramona. Disclaimer: I'd never read these as a child, and even though we live only four blocks from Klickitat Street only started picking them up this past year. :blushing: I was surprised by just how good the Ramona books are.

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See siggy. This book was reviewed by nytimes, and I wasn't sure if Dd who is 6 would enjoy it, but since it does have mice, I thought I should give it a try. The main character says the funniest things. DH reads it aloud each evening and they can hear me snorting with laughter while I'm doing chores. She must love it since she begs for just one more chapter each time.


Julie, um, wow, I'll have go over your list carefully when I have some time later. Thank you!

Edited by crazyforlatin
Oops, should be Secrets at Sea
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Ballet Shoes -- setting this aside (something we don't often do) as it enrages DD the Younger



DD the Younger is reading me the works of Beverly Cleary, currently nearing the end of Ramona. Disclaimer: I'd never read these as a child, and even though we live only four blocks from Klickitat Street only started picking them up this past year. :blushing: I was surprised by just how good the Ramona books are.


Oh, moira, do tell what enrages your dd. DD8 just got

Ballet/Dance/Theatre Shoes for the holidays.


I have always steered away from Ramona. Not sure why. Glad to hear you like them. I was just re-shelving some books today and wondered if I should hand them to dd. She doesn't usually go for realistic fiction, although she is currently (and not too enthusiastically) reading Emily's Runaway Imagination.


I have said in a recent post that dd and I are tired of "old-fashioned" books. Any suggestions for books set in the modern day?

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Oh, moira, do tell what enrages your dd. DD8 just got

Ballet/Dance/Theatre Shoes for the holidays.

The books are wonderful, but she has taken a strong dislike to one of the girls in Ballet Shoes, the dancer Posy. I think it's because her sister started doing a number of new things (and well) over the holidays, so she's feeling very much the insecure little sister at the moment. It probably won't last long, as she's something of a dynamo.
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I will be finishing up The Wonderful Wizard of Oz tonight . The girls LOVE it. I think it is interesting and fun but would have to say I LIKE IT not love. They also loved My Father's Dragon. I LIKED that too. The only book I have not liked was Mr.Popper's Penguins. Blah.

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I will be finishing up The Wonderful Wizard of Oz tonight . The girls LOVE it. I think it is interesting and fun but would have to say I LIKE IT not love. They also loved My Father's Dragon. I LIKED that too. The only book I have not liked was Mr.Popper's Penguins. Blah.


I found that out of the first three books in the Wizard of Oz series, that they were all great. My kids preferred "The Marvelous Land of Oz" and "Ozma of Oz" more then "The Wizard of Oz".

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