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Tell me the truth, do you need to clean out your fridge?

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I really need to clean out my fridge.

I need to do it sooo badly that I'm actually willing to do it on a lazy Sunday afternoon, but only if I'm able to share the misery.

Anyone want to clean out their fridge right now? I'll get up and do it if you will! :tongue_smilie:

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You have teenage boys. You shouldn't have to clean out the fridge. ;)


I *know!!* What's up with that?!

Actually, I think it's so bad that everybody else is afraid to tackle it.

There's a spilled bottle of syrup on the middle shelf, and everybody here is trying to ignore it--that's why.

I'n not doin' it though, unless someone here shares a bit of motivation with me (stomping foot repeatedly)...

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I really need to clean out my fridge.

I need to do it sooo badly that I'm actually willing to do it on a lazy Sunday afternoon, but only if I'm able to share the misery.

Anyone want to clean out their fridge right now? I'll get up and do it if you will! :tongue_smilie:


Not "old food"-wise, but crud-wise I don't like how it is right now.


But it's not my job anymore! LOL


(Though I suspect it's my job if I want it to actually get done. :tongue_smilie:)

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The smelly piece of meat is out of my fridge, double bagged and waiting for the trash man to take it away tomorrow. See, I wasn't *really* procrastinating, I just didn't want that stinky meat in the garbage too long when it's almost 100 here.....




That was my plan all along.

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I really need to clean out my fridge.

I need to do it sooo badly that I'm actually willing to do it on a lazy Sunday afternoon, but only if I'm able to share the misery.

Anyone want to clean out their fridge right now? I'll get up and do it if you will! :tongue_smilie:


OK I am game if you are. Of course it is Monday morning now and you may have already tackled the frig. So.....I have a storage container with saurerkraut in it that has been in there for awhile(at least a month).

Of course Captain James Cook (who we are presently studying) did take saurerkraut with him on his voyages thus I assume it keeps for awhile :tongue_smilie: There may also be some fruit in the bottom bin that would make great science experiments. At last count we had 4 different types of mustard, who needs that many types of mustard.

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I hope you got yours clean, but my fridge is the impetus for our entire kitchen re-do. We have all our plans and are awaiting the home-eq loan (should be TODAYYYYYY) to get started.


As part of the entire kitchen re-do we will empty and discard my GE fridge, purchased new in 1980. NOT A TYPO - my fridge is older than some of YOU.


It has busted shelves, busted drawers, cruddy everything, and I am NEVER EVER go to clean THAT fridge EVER again.


Harumph. So there.

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I usually wait until my dh is so annoyed he will clean it. I do go through and find all the "goodies" when we run out of storage containers.


I told dh yesterday, as he was pulling the dead green onions out of the crisper, that our next frig will have clear drawers. If it is out of sight, it's out of my mind.


I do a deep clean about twice a year. It's about that time. I suppose I'll have to do it now. :glare:


Does anyone want a 2 year old frozen dinner? I have one, maybe I could safely throw it away now.

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NO!! I don't need to clean out my fridge?! Why would you say something like that?! There is no old spilled maple syrup stuck to the shelf in the back that has been there for months. There are no peas going bad in the veggie drawer! Why would you even suggest such a thing!!

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Do you know how good it makes me feel to know that I'm not the only one who allows things to grow in the fridge? My dh is the worlds best at making sure nothing gets gross. I NEVER clean out the fridge....then he goes and leaves for months at a time. Last time he was gone for a month, he came home and the leftovers from the night before he left were still on the shelf. He was horrified. NOW, I can tell him it's a homeschool thing. Maybe not exactly true, but it sure does feel like justification to me!

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