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Since it's Christmas Eve

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I can only wish... MIL's coming and even as a grown woman I can't imbibe with her around. :glare:


Isn't if funny how different each family is?


I can't have mine around without imbibing :D her son, daughter, and sister clued me in the first time I met her and they greeted me at the door with a shot, saying: "Welcome to the Club" LOL. We all love her, she's just ... easier to love when she's the only sober one!

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Two words: Pantry Drinker. Sometimes it's the only way I get through MIL's visits. I'm awaiting her arrival right now. Could be any time between 3 hours ago and 3 hours from now. No telling how long she'll stay. I'm glad she's coming, though. I'll take what I can get.


LOL. A few years ago I realized that when we visit my inlaws, my MIL needs a drink or two to get through the evening. It's not just me - we drive each other crazy equally.

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