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Are the more expensive kitchen faucets better than the lower priced ones?

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I married free labor, so I tend to get nicer equipment. To date, however, hubby has gotten the Moen level of faucets. They aren't "great" and tend to start getting wiggly or drippy in a few years, as well as have harder to work switches on the sprayers.


The faucet I'm looking at is a Kohler Simplice, but no one has it in stock, and I have to order it sight unseen. It has the kind of sprayer that isn't a handle, but just the head, and you pull it out of the faucet body.


Does anyone have this style (the pull out the head kind), or a Kohler faucet? Are they nice and neat? Did it last?


(I cannot get my cut and paste to cut and paste any links ... don't know why this happens to me about every week, but it does)



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I've had those styles in the last 2 houses. They've been the "good" brands, too. They've all dripped, and one leaked at the base. I've developed a habit to screw the loose part back in when I pull it out---I don't even know how to describe it---when you pull out the sprayer, there's a little piece that connects it to the metal hose. It gets loose over time, and I just automatically check it and tighten now.


Currently, ours are 4 years old, and nothing is leaking, so that's good. We have 2 in that style. I'll go check the brands and re-post...

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I've had those styles in the last 2 houses. They've been the "good" brands, too. They've all dripped, and one leaked at the base. I've developed a habit to screw the loose part back in when I pull it out---I don't even know how to describe it---when you pull out the sprayer, there's a little piece that connects it to the metal hose. It gets loose over time, and I just automatically check it and tighten now.


Currently, ours are 4 years old, and nothing is leaking, so that's good. We have 2 in that style. I'll go check the brands and re-post...


:iagree: Similar experience here. I don't remember the brand, but I remember it was expensive. Leaking is a constant issue.

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Okay, ours are Deltas. One was around $275, the other was less. It was the bronze finish that increased the cost. It doesn't function any better than the other one. ;) I really like the pull-out design, fwiw.


Have you looked at the gardenweb.com website? There are tons of forums over there about everything home-related.



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We have the faucets that have a life-time warranty (Moen) and the company has really been great about that. We had them in our old house for 13 years and had parts replaced (hard water build-up) and total faucet replacement over the years. We just call and they send out what we need with no questions asked. We are in the process of putting them in all the sinks in the house we are in now.

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they were all terrible and so were Home Depots. When we redid our kitchen 2 years ago, I insisted on a wonderful faucet - we paid maybe $450. Has made all the difference in the world. IT is a pull out variety and it is still tight, no leaks and awesome. We bought it from a higher end kitchen/bathroom specialty place (really small store). The price was fair, as my sister bought this same faucet a few states away for the same price.

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Our rental house has one. It has been fine except for when the head actually came off in my hand and then the intense spray went everywhere within a ten foot radius :glare: The handyman fixed it and it's been fine since, but I think because it's constantly pulled on, it puts stress on that area and it has potential for breaking.


I have no idea what brand it is, since we didn't buy it.

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We just installed a new faucet. We bought it at Lowes. I asked an employee what the difference was in a faucet that is $50 and one that is $250. He said it is only the finishes that add cost. He said whatever is in style right now will cost more. We went with a lower cost faucet with a side mounted squirter (not sure what to call it). It has been great, no problems.


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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We have a Hansgrohe faucet for our kitchen sink that we bought from Costco. It has the pull down feature. We have had it for over 2 years now and so far we really like it.


On Amazon they are showing in the mid $200 range, but Costco has them on their site for $150.





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We did a remodel on our kitchen (I should say I did it, I was the contractor and stained my floors, did the tile work, purchased all the materials)...I really wanted a nice faucet. But, was not willing to pay full price! I used www.gardenweb.com quite a bit and while on the kitchen remodel page I mentioned how I wanted tips on faucets....this one lady who was doing a much more expensive remodel (talking major $$) had bought two faucets b/c she did not know which one she wanted..(both were over $600!!) She said I could have the one she did not use for $200...SOLD!! :) It is amazing!!! Love it, easy to use while cooking and probably my best purchase!! :)


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We love Moen fixtures here. The problem is that parts will wear out or get loose and require replacing or tightening over the years. The pull-outs especially seem to become loose in spots.

We also buy ours from various places on the 'net and then install them ourselves. It's a lot cheaper, and we like doing that sort of thing.

Kohler probably makes good fixtures, too. You might be able to learn more over at the Fine Homebuilding website. We get their magazine and have found the site and free how-to videos to be helpful.


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Dh recently bought a Moen, nicer than what we've had in the past. Like you, free labor, and a new faucet is not unusual. It's the only faucet, bathroom or kitchen, we've EVER had that broke. It was similar in looks to what comes up when I google "kohler simplice." Just the head pulled out, and it cracked within two months. Actually, I was quite happy, because although it looked really nice, I hated it from the beginning.


He replaced it with a Kohler. Instead of just the head pulling out, about 8" of the entire faucet head pulls out (similar to a shower head).


Moen. I was not impressed and would be hesitant to purchase in the future. We've usually bought Kohler (several houses, several remodels) and we've never had any issues even after several years of use.

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We just installed a new faucet. We bought it at Lowes. I asked an employee what the difference was in a faucet that is $50 and one that is $250. He said it is only the finishes that add cost. He said whatever is in style right now will cost more. We went with a lower cost faucet with a side mounted squirter (not sure what to call it). It has been great, no problems.


That salesman was just WRONG. There are many times (not always) huge differences in materials between a $50 faucet and a $250 faucet. Finishes are a $10-$30 difference on the same model. You will pay more for Oil Rubbed Bronze right now. But, in a few years, it may be that you are paying more for Chrome.


This is not to say that you can't get a good $50 faucet...


We have a Moen kitchen faucet (pull out head) and an aqua-source pull out head (bar faucet). So far, no leaks with the Moen :D But, we know how to adjust the faucet too, so I'm not too worried. Our bar faucet I got as a clearance item. It was a $125 faucet I paid $30 for. The Aquasource seems like a pretty decent faucet (we also have two aqua source in the kids' bathroom, and they appear to be pretty good as well). The remainder of the faucets in the house are all Moen. Compared to the cheap Deltas we're coming from, they are very nice...


IME, higher-end faucets (regardless of brand) are usually worth the extra money.


If you have time to wait on things, Lowe's typically does their bath re-sets from August through December. You can get clearance/floor model close outs at really great bargains. From what I saw, they did faucets, then sinks...then appliances... should be doing some vanities soon too. Oh, and if you get to know your sales people, they will keep your name on a list for when things are being closed out, or go on sale. My salesperson at Sears, and a couple at our local Lowe's will call me to give me a heads-up.

Edited by LisaK in VA
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I have the Kohler Simplice in my kitchen and do like it. It replaced a facet that I hated! It was pricey, but I think worth it - the head of the facet comes out of the facet, so you can spray the sides of the sink(s) or whatever you're washing....the facet head also twists to change from a steady stream spray to a shower spray, which I also like.

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Fewer plastic parts is what makes them more expensive and last longer


My friend, who does kitchen remodels, mentioned that the faucet manufactured for the box stores are made with plastic parts. She said the faucets manufactured for plumbing supply store are made with brass or stainless steel parts.


Oue faucet needs replacing and I was thinking about a Kraus faucet like this:



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You didn't ask for opinions, but it may be helpful to someone else. This is the same style as the Moen faucet we had (the one that broke within two months). I hated the faucet because I had to consciously think about how to turn on hot and cold water. It looked great; every time I used it, I had to take that extra step, which gave me one more opportunity to loathe it. I also did not appreciate that every time I turned off the water, my wet hands would drip water on the counter space behind the sink, and I'd have to wipe it up yet again. I'm tall (5'8"), and the top of the faucet neck was level with my breastbone. The water would spray out when it hit the sink bottom because it was such a long drop.


It was a happy day when it broke. I'd been hoping for that since the second day we had it.


Oh my goodness, I sound so horribly grumpy. I had issues with the faucet beyond those listed. Dh liked the way it looked and refused to change it, even though I'm the one that uses it 75% of the time. That played a big part of my unhappiness, honestly, so take my opinion with a grain of salt!

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I married free labor, so I tend to get nicer equipment. To date, however, hubby has gotten the Moen level of faucets. They aren't "great" and tend to start getting wiggly or drippy in a few years, as well as have harder to work switches on the sprayers.


The faucet I'm looking at is a Kohler Simplice, but no one has it in stock, and I have to order it sight unseen. It has the kind of sprayer that isn't a handle, but just the head, and you pull it out of the faucet body.


Does anyone have this style (the pull out the head kind), or a Kohler faucet? Are they nice and neat? Did it last?


(I cannot get my cut and paste to cut and paste any links ... don't know why this happens to me about every week, but it does)





We've had two different Grohe pull-out faucets. I LOVE them. LOVE. :hurray: I have tried many other pull-out faucets at other people's houses, and I can't stand them. They're hard to pull out; they leak; they just don't work well. The Grohes have both been absolutely fabulous, though. We've never (15+ years) had a problem with leaks from the faucets, and the faucet pulls out smoothly and easily (unless the hose below the sink gets tangled on something, but even that rarely happens--and it is just as likely to happen to the separate sprayers. On the Grohes, the hose below is relatively stiff and seems unlikely to tangle; it's probably only caught on something five or six times in 15+ years--and under our kitchen sink is pretty crammed full of stuff.


I love our Grohe faucets so much that I would never go back to a regular faucet and separate sprayer, and I wouldn't use a brand like Kohler or Moen.

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We did a remodel on our kitchen (I should say I did it, I was the contractor and stained my floors, did the tile work, purchased all the materials)...I really wanted a nice faucet. But, was not willing to pay full price! I used www.gardenweb.com quite a bit and while on the kitchen remodel page I mentioned how I wanted tips on faucets....this one lady who was doing a much more expensive remodel (talking major $$) had bought two faucets b/c she did not know which one she wanted..(both were over $600!!) She said I could have the one she did not use for $200...SOLD!! :) It is amazing!!! Love it, easy to use while cooking and probably my best purchase!! :)




:lol: I see I'm not the only who loves the Grohe faucets!

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