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Now here's a holiday letter we can all relate too

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Or at least I can. :D Warning: There is some foul language especially on the Elf post below.




And here's a funny post about Elf on the Shelf. To clarify, I have NOTHING against moms who have an Elf. I just think this is hilarious!




P.S. Please forgive my grammatical error in the thread title.

Edited by Nakia
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Or at least I can. :D Warning: There is some foul language especially on the Elf post below.




And here's a funny post about Elf on the Shelf. To clarify, I have NOTHING against moms who have an Elf. I just think this is hilarious!




I saw these yesterday and almost peed my pants laughing.

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My niece and her dh are obsessed with their elf. They even parked her little VW bug all sideways in the garage and had him on the steering wheel. Every night she has pics of him on her FB doing his naughty things.


Maybe I don't grasp the elf thing, but if he is "watching" to make sure the kids are good, why is he such a holy terror?!?

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I really liked the Elf one. I was talking with a sales clerk about the Elf on the Shelf and what the story was about. The clerk told me I don't know much about the story but the Elf is supposed to be watching you and you are supposed to be good. Without thinking, I said, "That sounds creepy. Kind of reminds me of Big brother". He got a kick out of that.


I am sure it doesn't have to be creepy. However, I can guarantee that if I had and Elf it would be moved from shelf, if remembered. These elaborate schemes of cookies miraculously being made and pillows strewn all over the living room, well, I agree with the article, all I can think is it's just more work for me.

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I was beginning to think I was alone in hating the elf on the shelf. The whole idea just creeps me out. I have a friend who sets up elaborate scenes for him everynight and takes pictures. He wrote a note to her son about going back to the North Pole until the little boy could behave. We dont own one.

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