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Book suggestions for Dh?

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DH suggests: Godel, Escher Bach by Douglas Hofstadter. It's nonfiction about math and theology.


He also suggests the Golden Compass set even though they are written for children. He is very well read, always has a book next to him, and he thoroughly enjoyed them.


The Witches of Karres, science fiction fantasy. There are more in the series if he likes the first one.


I think my DH is feeling challenged to come up with book titles. This might be on his mind all day! :D

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He might enjoy the Mars triligy by Kim Stanley Robinson.


I like the pp enjoyed the Golden Compass books though they are very heterodox for anyone who is close to Chesterton and Lewis theologically - it is in a real way a take on the story of the Fall that is completely opposite a Christian perspective.


Arthur C Clarke might appeal to him as well, maybe the Rama series.

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My daughter introduced my dh to Terry Pratchett. (aka: discworld. werewovles, witches, vampires, theives guild, death -a great character, Miss Susan - death's granddaughter, etc.) he's in love. Must read me quotes. (and they are funny.)


He has a fine sense of satire and irony in his "discworld". If I had time, I'd read them . . . . (I have too many other things I have to read.)


eta: my daughter loves tolkein (majored in classics partly because of her exposure to him.), and really likes pratchett. I really enjoyed some of OS Card too.

Edited by gardenmom5
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DH and I caught Brian Greene on NPR discussing his new book. I picked it up for him for Christmas.




Fresh Air interview here (has a summary of the book that may be helpful)


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I recommend 'Unbroken' by Laura Hillenbrand to just about anyone these days. It's especially good for males. Non-fiction about one man's adventures and trials during WWII. Excellent book.


My dh enjoyed this book so much he's loaned it out to friends, who have also enjoyed it. He's currently reading John Adams by David McCullough and has also enjoyed his 1776. I think he wants to finish Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas next, which he started awhile back but didn't finish.

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DH and I caught Brian Greene on NPR discussing his new book. I picked it up for him for Christmas.




Fresh Air interview here (has a summary of the book that may be helpful)



All of Brian Greene's books are fantastic! I highly recommend his books and the NOVA series he narrates.

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I recommend 'Unbroken' by Laura Hillenbrand to just about anyone these days. It's especially good for males. Non-fiction about one man's adventures and trials during WWII. Excellent book.


I think DH read that (actually, I think he might have listened to the audio verson) recently and liked it.


DH likes history (particularly military) and has enjoyed several of David McCullough's books. He also likes Bill Bryson a lot. He's currently reading A History of the World in 100 Objects, by Neil MacGregor and seems to be enjoying it.

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If your dh likes math and theology he'll love Mathematics: Is God Silent? by James Nickel. My dh is not a reader - he's a computer geek at heart - but he loves, loves, loves this book and has bought several copies to give as gifts. Btw, James Nickel is a Potter's School instructor.


I may get this for myself - dh can "borrow" it from me :D.

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