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Which kitchen gadget/appliance did you "have to have" and never use?

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I just posted in Cin's thread in which she asked about pressure cookers.

I answered that I spent about a month desperately seeking a pressure cooker. I "had" to get one. Finally I found the perfect one. I used it every day practically for about ....hmmmm....2 weeks. Then I dropped off from using it. Now it is a huge thing that takes up a lot of space in my very, very small kitchen and I use it maybe 4 times a year.


Another thing like that was my sewing machine. It's not a kitchen gadget, but it was a "must have" for me. I played with it for awhile, then one day I jammed the bobbin and now I don't even know exactly where it is. I know we moved it to this house SEVEN years ago, but I'm not sure where we put it...waiting.gif

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Well, not exactly a kitchen gadget, but mine is my CriCut scrapbooking cutter. Yup. Had. to. have. Ummm, it *does* look very nice on the craft table though. I'm sure it would work well, if I could ever find the time to use it. But, atleast the option is always there!! ;) Right??

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Oh my WONDERFUL dehydrater.. because we're going to have dried apples during fall and dried bananas!! OH yes---the plans I had for that dehydrater that is up at the top shelf of my laundry room with a 1/2 inch of dust on it.


Oh my, yes. I forgot all about that one. It's sitting in my basement and I've never used it. Ever.:iagree:

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Sort of a kitchen gadget--my bottle sterilizer. My other babies were breastfed, but my preemie couldn't/wouldn't, so I was ultra careful, ultra sterile...for about a week. Then I stuck it in the bottom oven that I never use and it's still there, collecting dust.


Baby is now 1yo, and seems to have survived the unsterilized bottles just fine. :tongue_smilie:

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Oh my WONDERFUL dehydrater.. because we're going to have dried apples during fall and dried bananas!! OH yes---the plans I had for that dehydrater that is up at the top shelf of my laundry room with a 1/2 inch of dust on it.



Oh!!! Don't say that! Please! Don't say that! I really *want* a dehydrator!!

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Oh!!! Don't say that! Please! Don't say that! I really *want* a dehydrator!!


Hey --no worries, I know some who really use theirs! I do love mine......I just don't show it I love it by actually using it. It really does do a great job on apples.

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It wasn't a, "I have to have it" item, but my dh and I both thought it would be useful. It probably has 2 inches of dust on it. I thought I read, on this board somewhere, that it keeps yogurt at a good temp (if you are making it). I may have to try that someday.


Yes, you can use it for making yogurt.

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Expensive Kitchen Aid food processor

top-of-the-line pressure cooker

immersion blender


The main appliance I use is my crockpot I bought at the thrift store for $3! It's worked for years!


I also have that I got as gifts but rarely/never use:

waffle maker

bread machine

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My dehydrator & my salad spinner. They are both gone, but I still LOVE the idea of a dehydrator. And my kitchen aid food processor. I really need to use it more. Oh, and I have the attachments to the kitchen aid MIXER; the meat grinder, food processor, slicer dicer thingie, all those wierd things that I don't really know how to use. But by God, I've got 'em!

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Mine would be the PC Cookie squeezer-outer thingy. I thought I HAD to have that....one of my friends had it and used it a lot. But it sat for two years and I never used it. Then I gave it away.


Hmmmmm, now I think I want it again!:tongue_smilie:

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Well, not exactly a kitchen gadget, but mine is my CriCut scrapbooking cutter. Yup. Had. to. have. Ummm, it *does* look very nice on the craft table though. I'm sure it would work well, if I could ever find the time to use it. But, atleast the option is always there!! ;) Right??


Oh my goodness!!!! This sounds like me. I love that I have a cricut. I just need to find some quiet "me time" to use it. (Like that's going to happen anytime soon, lol! I can't even go to the bathroom without someone barging in!)

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I have to be the winner here lol. The Ronco Rotisserie, a baby bottle steamer, a food dehydrater, a serger that was never used lol... what else? rice steamer, a juicer...man I could go on and on.


I've wasted a lot of money of stuff I dont use.

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Only it wasn't me, it was my husband, with visions of how great this would be. I've never really gotten the point of it. Ziplocs do fine for the week or two that stuff stays in the freezer. Maybe if we had ever gotten the deep freezer I've been wanting, I'd have more incentive to put it to use. But our freezer is so small, it only holds what we'll actually be using soon and I don't have room to buy in bulk.


And the boys and I eat the dinner leftovers for lunch the next day, so no need to super seal those either. I think this is going in the yard sale next week! :glare:

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Hmmm, my dehydrator doesn't get much use either, although, I did make some fruit roll ups once or twice. I used my fancy deep fryer for about two weeks but then I forgot about it and went back to using a pan. I think I have a bread machine in the basement somewhere......


Now, my sewing machine, that's another story, I use it all the time. I can make anything from homemade diapers to reversible down vests with hidden pockets and zip off sleeves.;)

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This is one of the times that it would be so cool to all live in the same neighborhood...heck, even the same town would be good.

We could all swap the stuff that we have and don't use.

I have another thing to add. I own one of those (what's it called?) Xylon or something? It's that thing that you can use to do cold laminating. Absolutely had to have it. I used it a couple of times and now it's in the basement too.

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After our house fire we went out and bought a deep fryer. (The fire was the direct result of frozen french fries, a boca burger, a pan of hot oil, a music video and an absent minded 13 year old)


We made this big deal about it "Kids, from now on we fry in this. Never fry on the stove, okay?"


But I hated using it and went back to frying on the stove. It just sits in my cabinet, greasy and gross.

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And my kitchen aid food processor. I really need to use it more. Oh, and I have the attachments to the kitchen aid MIXER; the meat grinder, food processor, slicer dicer thingie, all those wierd things that I don't really know how to use. But by God, I've got 'em!



I use my Bosch daily, but all the fancy schmancy attachments? Nope. I have never ground meat or made pasta with the thing.


But I could!!!

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I haven't used the dehydrater in a couple of years. It made great dried tomatoes.


The sticker-maker for scrapbooking was a neat idea but it is hard to make it work and I ruined two rolls of sticker stuff trying to figure it out.


The electric skillet is never used although I did use it one time for making jam when I was trying to can something else at the same time.



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Oh my WONDERFUL dehydrater.. because we're going to have dried apples during fall and dried bananas!! OH yes---the plans I had for that dehydrater


Me too. I gave mine away to someone on this board (well, the old board). I wonder if they use it? eusathink.gif

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