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:grouphug: I know it's hard! Is there any way to give her a coupon for a ride or two? Also, I think your location means you are in Murfreesboro (we're in Spring Hill)...you may want to check at therapeutic riding places like "Saddle Up" and see what their volunteer requirements are. They might let her volunteer and then I think volunteers get to ride some for free.

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:grouphug: I know it's hard! Is there any way to give her a coupon for a ride or two? Also, I think your location means you are in Murfreesboro (we're in Spring Hill)...you may want to check at therapeutic riding places like "Saddle Up" and see what their volunteer requirements are. They might let her volunteer and then I think volunteers get to ride some for free.


I'll check into that...I didn't even know it existed! I thought about just doing a lesson once in awhile but got the impression from past discussions with people that Hunter's Court really prefers regular students, not to mention that even for one 30 minute lesson at HC it's ridiculously expensive (It just sits wrong with me to spend that much for 30 minutes). I don't know of any other barns in the area so I did put a post on the Rutherford County Homeschoolers board asking if anyone had any info about other barns that would offer less expensive "once in awhile" lessons.

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Maybe various family members could pitch in and offer money for a month or two worth of lessons?


I've actually suggested that to family before and they've always declined stating that they'd rather give her Christmas and birthday gifts that will last. They don't get how much she values time spent with a horse. I've tried to explain it enough times that if they don't get it now they never will. Now that dd is getting older though they have started thinking of just giving her money in place of an actual gift so then she could spend it on lessons if she saved up for a while.


Jenncslp - I checked into Saddle Up!. Wow, what an amazing program! They apparently have tons of volunteers (close to 300) but they require those under 16 to be supervised by a parent while there. I don't know if I could make that time commitment but I will look into it more and see what exactly would be required. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I've actually suggested that to family before and they've always declined stating that they'd rather give her Christmas and birthday gifts that will last. They don't get how much she values time spent with a horse. I've tried to explain it enough times that if they don't get it now they never will. Now that dd is getting older though they have started thinking of just giving her money in place of an actual gift so then she could spend it on lessons if she saved up for a while.


Jenncslp - I checked into Saddle Up!. Wow, what an amazing program! They apparently have tons of volunteers (close to 300) but they require those under 16 to be supervised by a parent while there. I don't know if I could make that time commitment but I will look into it more and see what exactly would be required. Thanks for the suggestion.


You are welcome. Glad it might be something she would love in the future! My dd goes there for therapeutic riding (though we are taking the next little while off due to the new baby, etc.) Sorry it is hard right now. Big hugs!:grouphug:

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Okay, I think we may have found an option!!!! Actually, through the local homeschooling forum I mentioned I had 3 people contact me! One is very close, VERY inexpensive, and Shannon said she was very nice and had flexible hours.


You know I've googled horse riding lesson for my area before but I only ever got results of more $ barns. I'm so glad I've found some other options. :D

Edited by 5LittleMonkeys
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My niece actually helps out with a neighbor's horses in exchange for being able to ride them. I'm not sure how much teaching is going on. It may just be informal for now, but if she just wants to be around horses that may be a way of getting some riding time.


I'd love to find this type of arrangement...maybe my inquiries will produce some new options.:001_smile:

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Does it have to be riding time or would just being around horses work. How old does she have to be to work in the barn?


She loves to just be around them, but I think never being able to ride them would be frustrating. I know it would be for me! She did volunteer at the barn we used to use it was just strictly -come and hang out and work if you like but you don't get any "services" in return- type of thing.

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I've actually suggested that to family before and they've always declined stating that they'd rather give her Christmas and birthday gifts that will last. .


:grouphug: So sorry. The irony is that material things often don't last and certainly kids' interest in them doesn't.


On the other hand, I think it does actually contribute to a child's development to long for something out of reach. That happened to my dad and seemed to motivate him in life. (OTOH, my mom had almost nothing and was embarrassed at her poverty. That was not helpful to her.) Anyway, kids who experience adversity when they are young are often more resilient adults. So even if you can't think of a way to make it happen, it may be less of a negative thing in the end that it feels in your heart now.

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Okay, I think we may have found an option!!!! Actually, through the local homeschooling forum I mentioned I had 3 people contact me! One is very close, VERY inexpensive, and Shannon said she was very nice and had flexible hours.


You know I've googled horse riding lesson for my area before but I only ever got results of more $ barns. I'm so glad I've found some other options. :D


Yay! My dd took lessons from a friend, and now my dd just goes to their house to ride with her friend (the daughter). It works out nicely. My dd has no interest in competitions, she just wants to ride, so it works great.

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When I was a kid horseback riding lessons were super expensive - my friends and I used to muck stalls, groom and feed to ride free at the local stable we rode out of. Is there an option like that? Work for Riding time?


:iagree: At her age, she could easily be a working student & work at the barn to pay for her lessons.

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Okay, I think we may have found an option!!!! Actually, through the local homeschooling forum I mentioned I had 3 people contact me! One is very close, VERY inexpensive, and Shannon said she was very nice and had flexible hours.


You know I've googled horse riding lesson for my area before but I only ever got results of more $ barns. I'm so glad I've found some other options. :D


I really hope that works out for you. It's very sad to think of all the little girls who love horses and can't afford to ride. :( It's such an expensive obsession -- I mean, hobby.

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