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Big families: how do you deal with all the swimsuits and wet towels?

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We joined a pool club for the summer. We are ALL having a blast. However, with one bathroom to rinse out/hang the stuff for 5 dc . . .


What should I be doing differently? What do you do during pool season to keep up with the added laundry?


I put my 7 yo son in charge of making sure everyone's suit is hanging. My 9 yo dd is responsible for putting the towels in the dryer when we get home. When we had a deck, she would hang them out there.

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We too hang our towels and suits outside on a rack that I bought with separate hooks on it. It gets full sun all day so they get dry pretty quick. However, you have to be careful of the suits b/c they can fade sitting in the sun all day to dry. After a few days I take the towels and chunk them in the wash for a fresh smell. My kids swim here at home off and on throughout the day and night so the towels can definitely add up!

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We have one competitive swimmer who swims 5-6 days a week. His towels have been at the pool, and so those must go into the laundry immediately. We wash towels every other day so even if it is damp when it goes in, it will be washed within 24hours so I don't worry.


Swimming pool floors are covered in viral warts, fungal spores, any many other nasty skin conditions. I won't let them reuse a towel that had even a moment on those floors. People may be clean when they come out of a pool but they are not clean when the go in!


We have a sprinkler system, no pets and soft grass so we are the neighborhood wet spot in the summer. Because of this we often have a pile of towels by the end of the day. Since the kids are hot, sweaty, and covered in sun screen, I won't let them reuse those towels either, so again they all go directly into the wash.


For suits:


We have the Whirlpool Duet washer and drier. They are stacked and I have strong magnetic clips that attach to the sides. Since they are vertical there is a lot of space to hang things. The clips are used whenever I need to air dry something or for suits that need to dry.

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We joined a pool club for the summer. We are ALL having a blast. However, with one bathroom to rinse out/hang the stuff for 5 dc . . .


What should I be doing differently? What do you do during pool season to keep up with the added laundry?


We have a basket. . .Everytime we go to the pool, and then return, all suits and towels hit the basket and go straight into the wash, get dried, and then returned, neatly, to the basket. The basket is then placed back by the door. (Also, helpful, as when next we go, I don't have to hear, "I can't find. . .")


And, yes, I do wash every time (even if we go daily).

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