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Exercise thread 11/20-11/26

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Happy Thanksgiving (for those in the US)!



I'm sure some of us have a short work out week ahead of us. :)


We are not going anywhere for Thanksgiving, nor am I cooking a big dinner. I plan a normal work out week.


Started this morning with a short run. I'm happy to say that this time I was able to outrun my 10 yr old.


I really like my Nike Free Run shoes. Makes my Asics feel like 50 ton blocks on my feet.

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7 mile run this morning. :) I hope to only miss Friday, as far as workouts go this week (unless you count Black Friday shopping as a workout :D ). We aren't going anywhere for Thanksgiving, but I *am* cooking a big meal just for my fam. Being up early will probably still be necessary, so I might as well get my workout in too. :)

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Sunday: 6 mile trail run.


Yummy. I love to run. The main thing I dislike about Insanity is it takes time and energy away from running. However, I know it's doing great things for my strength, and so I am going to stick with it. Week 4 begins tomorrow.


Thursday: 10k Turkey Trot run & 2 hours ice skating.


My first official 10k, met my goal of sub-1 hour with a 57:30 time. Very happy.


*Other than those two runs, I am taking this entire week off of scheduled exercise. I was getting burned out on Insanity, and I had 1001 things I have been neglecting that I couldn't continue to neglect, so it's a clean-the-house and work-a-lot week. I will resume next week.

Edited by StephanieZ
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How do you like JM's 6 pack DVD?

I really enjoy level 1. Level 2 is a bit awkward for me still though. Lots more jumping and moves where I feel like not much is being accomplished. It's been a while since I've done it though, those are just the impressions I remember from the last time I did it.

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Bar Method: Fat Free - really like this. The 3rd ballet-based DVD I've tried. Just getting started with this whole new world of ballet workouts and loving it. :)


I expect full reviews from you so I can decide which to buy.



Bob Harper's Cardio Rev this morning. Dripping sweat barely 15 minutes into it, and it's an hour long.


Don't you mean glistening with glitter? :D




I did level 6 of TA and then ran for 30 min.

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Monday - Cardio kickboxing. Today is our "drill sergeant" instructor. I like her.


I know you had a lot of health problems. Now that you are up to cardio kickboxing, does this mean you are on the mend?




I totally skipped two days. My butt just hurt so much. Back on the wagon - kids are doing Cardio X, I am about to hit Max Plyo!

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Don't you mean glistening with glitter? :D



Probably :lol:


Sunday I ran. I am up to 13 min runs/2 min walks 2x. Two more weeks and I go to a full 30 min run!


Yesterday I did Bob's Super Strength. I have a love hate relationship with that DVD. Great upper body workout to complement running though.

Me too!!! All the ab work at the very end just about kills me.

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I know you had a lot of health problems. Now that you are up to cardio kickboxing, does this mean you are on the mend?



On the mend, yes. But the first time I walked into cardio kickboxing the instructors looked quite worried because I'm old, squat and graying. After class they came up to me and said "We're amazed at how much you can do!" My kicks are not that high up off the ground and some of the cardio stuff at the end - oy - I can't make my body do that! But I do my best.

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Different moves - weights, stretches, etc.


I expect full reviews from you so I can decide which to buy.

I can either give them to you bit by bit, or, if you have the patience, give me a few weeks or a month if you want a full and more detailed review. :)


Tip from the Zen Habits site:

You can do a lot of things wrong when you're trying to form a new habit - just jumping into it without a plan, not having public accountability, not having the right support, etc. But there's just one thing you can do wrong that will cause the habit change to absolutely fail.

The One Deadly Sin of Habit Change?

Not doing the habit.

If you don't do it, it won't become a habit. As obvious as that may sound, too many people fail at this one thing. They start the exercise habit (or flossing habit, or filing their papers habit, or waking early habit) and they do it with enthusiasm for a week or two, and then they stop. For whatever reason - work, or family problems, or other interests taking over.

Life gets in the way, right? Well sure, but if you're not doing the habit, the habit will never form. If you want to form the habit, you have to do it regularly.




Happy Wednesday everyone! :D

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Level 3 of 30DS today. First time in a long time I've only done a 30 minute workout. Feels strange. :lol: I had every intention of doing 2 levels when I got started, the more I started thinking about all the food I'll be eating today, I finally decided it would be an exercise in futility (pardon the pun :p ) as it really wouldn't make much of a dent in my final calorie count for the day. :D

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Sunday - off

Monday - BBL Bum Bum and High & Tight

Tuesday - Jackie Warner's Power Circuit Training

Wednesday - BBL Bum Bum and High & Tight


Currently eating a high-fiber English muffin smeared with low-fat peanut butter.

Yum! :D


Dang. I hate it when y'all make me look bad. I had a carne asada burrito, frozen yogurt, and salt/vinegar potato chips.


I am behind in my schedule. I encountered a wall of laziness. Sunday/Monday was nada. Tuesday was Insanity and then BJJ. Wednesday was P90X. Today ... definitely some hot and heavy Insanity before making some LOVELY bread rolls. :tongue_smilie:

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Why have I never noticed this thread???


I've never been good at doing tapes, or exercising alone, so I do lots of classes. Add me to the small group of dance exercise girls on here. I'm a bellydancer. I had two shows over the weekend, so LAST week was spent gearing up for those.


THIS week was spent trying to recover :D instead of teaching 5 classes, I taught one two-hour holiday review class on Tuesday where I combined all of the students who were still in town. It was more exercise for them than me. I left that class and went to a two hour workshop where I was forced to sweat . . .A LOT . . .ewwwwww. I was seriously gross.


In the workshop I was again reminded that my turns need serious work. I can hang with the lifelong dancers until we do serious turns and then it becomes obvious that I did NOT grow up in a ballet studio. :glare: Do those ballet workout videos drill turns?


Bottom line: I usually dance 8-9 hours a week. Last week it was closer to 11. This week I'll phone it in with only 4 hours of class.

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Why have I never noticed this thread???


I've never been good at doing tapes, or exercising alone, so I do lots of classes. Add me to the small group of dance exercise girls on here. I'm a bellydancer. I had two shows over the weekend, so LAST week was spent gearing up for those.


THIS week was spent trying to recover :D instead of teaching 5 classes, I taught one two-hour holiday review class on Tuesday where I combined all of the students who were still in town. It was more exercise for them than me. I left that class and went to a two hour workshop where I was forced to sweat . . .A LOT . . .ewwwwww. I was seriously gross.


In the workshop I was again reminded that my turns need serious work. I can hang with the lifelong dancers until we do serious turns and then it becomes obvious that I did NOT grow up in a ballet studio. :glare: Do those ballet workout videos drill turns?


Bottom line: I usually dance 8-9 hours a week. Last week it was closer to 11. This week I'll phone it in with only 4 hours of class.


I LOVE belly dancing. Do YOU have any video recommendations? No classes around here.

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Dang. I hate it when y'all make me look bad. I had a carne asada burrito, frozen yogurt, and salt/vinegar potato chips.


I am behind in my schedule. I encountered a wall of laziness. Sunday/Monday was nada. Tuesday was Insanity and then BJJ. Wednesday was P90X. Today ... definitely some hot and heavy Insanity before making some LOVELY bread rolls. :tongue_smilie:


I'm quite sure what I ate today negated the Sculpt I did this morning as well as every other thing I have done this week!!!

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I was about to ask the same thing! I *am* taking a class (just 1 hour a week) but would love some good at-home instructional DVD recommendations. :)


Have you explored Bhuz.com?


Here is a thread that discusses some YouTube tutorials and mentions some videos. http://www.bhuz.com/student-center/65761-youtube-instruction.html#post932420


Bhuz is great. You may even be able to find a class in your area that you didn't know was there. I'm sending you there because I've never had the best luck with videos. (I dont exercise without witnesses.) Some of my most useful DVDs only made real sense to me after years of classes. I'm sure there ARE great beginner DVDs, but since I didn't find them back then I can't make a decent recommendation. Also, you have to decide if you want technique, workout, or choreography DVDs.

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After doing cardio kickboxing on Monday, I felt the tell-tale chest pain of pericarditis. So no exercise Tuesday through Thursday. Friday my blood pressure was going up, up, up so we walked 2 miles at the mall. I'll be walking for now until I get an all-clear from the Dr. This is a bummer because I miss my kickboxing, zumba and swimming.

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After doing cardio kickboxing on Monday, I felt the tell-tale chest pain of pericarditis. So no exercise Tuesday through Thursday. Friday my blood pressure was going up, up, up so we walked 2 miles at the mall. I'll be walking for now until I get an all-clear from the Dr. This is a bummer because I miss my kickboxing, zumba and swimming.


I'm sorry. It's very frustrating when exercise has to be put on hold due to health problems.

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Zumba this morning.


The scale is not my friend right now. I waaaaay over did it at Thanksgiving. :( I may start doing two workouts a day (morning and evening) for the next bit to try and bring it back down. (in addition to getting back on track with my eating, of course)

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