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I one I have been MIA... What a fall it has been.

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Hi everybody, I know I have been MIA. Ugh what a fall. First of all, I had a kidney stone about 4 weeks ago. They did an Cat scan and found that I have five more to go. I won't go into the details, but let us just say that going on the Paleo diet, jumping into Cross Fit and not drinking enough water, coupled with an odd craving for black iced tea all summer led to the perfect storm... Enough of that.


Anyway, because of basically a lost month due to pain meds and sleeping a ton, I have fallen quite far behind teaching my second grader. How can I catch up? Ugh!!! We have only going over the bare basics... Writing with Ease, spelling workout, math, First Language Lessons and SOTW. We are about a month and a half behind.


I guess this post is more of a vent than anything...

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Don't worry - basics is fine for 2nd grade. Really. :grouphug:




And, that goes double for a five year old. We spent a year on American history last year when my son was 5, and they watched through Liberty's Kids twice for fun on their own.


When my husband gave them a pop quiz on July 4, my daughter did great but my son was only able to correctly answer that George Washington was our first President. When he was asked who we declared our independence from, he guessed, "Lafayette?"


A good friend consoled me that at least he had heard of Lafayette, that was better than most boys his age.

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We got behind in several subjects this year. I just kept plugging away, one day we did two language lessons, the next day an extra math page, then some extra science or history.


Plus, you can just extend your year a little bit, work through Christmas Break and Spring break, at least do one or two subjects a day.

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Glad you're back! Don't worry about "being behind". Do what you can. Simply spending the time one on one, or one on two, with your kids puts them way ahead of other school students. Enjoy them little while you can!


BTW, I've had a kidney stone before. No fun, I know. Do what you can when you can and rest when you need to do so!

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Oh, Stephanie, I am so sorry. Pain really sucks. Anyway, as others have said, the ages of your kids, they catch up very fast and basics is all that is really needed. You are doing SOTW so they are getting much more than the basics. My dd who goes to college remembers most of what she knows about world history from SOTW which she would listen to while her sister was read it. As it is, with just that, she knows more world history than almost all the college students around her. You are doing fine. Rest and if the girls can read, let them read. The rest will wait and you will all catch up once you are well. I am just sad that I can't help you from here. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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Nice to see you!

Hey, don't stress a bit. Believe me, if you are reading to her, having her read, and doing some sort of math (even just "family math"), you'll be fine. Do some interest-led history stories, talk about the holidays, come to Pohick and see me...(LOL)--you are in a history-rich area, so don't sweat it. As far as science, just go on some walks and collect some leaves or something. Videos and library books just strewn around are FINE. :001_smile: Second grade is easy. Second grade is easy. Second grade is easy...

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:grouphug: So good to see you! :grouphug:

How are you feeling today??

I've lost a few months myself -- we got a puppy in September and my kids have been in various stages of a horrid cough since the end of October. I'm thinking about taking from now until January off to get everyone well and some new routines in place...and to enjoy the holidays, of course.

It will all work out in the end academically, really it will! Double some lessons and skip others if you really want to end at a certain date. :)

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