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It is possible that I lost my mind today...

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I put a deposit down on an 11 day old yorkie. I found a wonderful, highly recommended breeder, and we went out there today to see the puppies. The girls chose the tiniest little one, the runt. It's a little boy, and my girls are thinking of naming him Edmond (from the Chronicles of Narnia, we already have a cat named Peter, lol). I say we still need to think about other names. He will come home right before Christmas. I cannot believe I'm going to have such a tiny puppy and he will only be around 4-5 lbs when fully grown. I am actually really excited!! His mom and dad are really precious and so friendly! We were there over an hour and Emma's allergies didn't bother her at all the whole time. YAY!!


Any recommendations for really cool yorkie names? The girls say it has to be a very "dignified" name. :D I like the name Edmond, but I'm open to trying to find something else.


It's been a long time since we've had a puppy, and we've never had such a tiny little fluffy one. I need to know what supplies I need! Thanks!

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Well you definitely need a leopard print carry bag. :D





Hmmm...that is pretty stinking adorable! Emma would love the leopard print, but I'm thinking since it's a boy, we might have to go for something more...bad*ss! Patrick has already said "No bows in his hair!" :lol::lol::lol:

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A more manly choice:




seriously, though. I would consider a sweater and how you are going to deal with his outdoor business in the cold. Yorkies have little ability to hold body heat and depending on your weather you may want to consider puppy pads for a while. My dog was born in December. We brought her home in February, which is an awful to do potty training in the midwest.


I would check up on nutrition, especially for toy breeds. They have some unique feeding challenges because of their size, so you need to make sure they are getting adequate nutrition.


Rules about where to step, seriously. I've always had big dogs and I have a fear of tripping over little dogs.


I would consider something like a playpen as he gets used to your house and the girls get used to him.


eta: also if you do name him Edmund, find him a stuffed white witch to sleep with. :D

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I have Pet Plan pet insurance (http://www.gopetplan.com) for all my furry kids.


My mischievous puppy ate a sock and needed surgery to have it removed. I got reimbursed within 2 weeks of filing the claim ($2000).


You can also ask your vet who they recommend.


I am a huge fan of pet insurance.


Thank you for telling us about this! We adopted our rescue dog 6 months ago, and I was thinking about this, but thought it was MUCH more money. It's affordable! I will convince DH on this this week and will have peace of mind.

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Thank you all!!



A more manly choice:




seriously, though. I would consider a sweater and how you are going to deal with his outdoor business in the cold. Yorkies have little ability to hold body heat and depending on your weather you may want to consider puppy pads for a while. My dog was born in December. We brought her home in February, which is an awful to do potty training in the midwest.


I would check up on nutrition, especially for toy breeds. They have some unique feeding challenges because of their size, so you need to make sure they are getting adequate nutrition.


Rules about where to step, seriously. I've always had big dogs and I have a fear of tripping over little dogs.


I would consider something like a playpen as he gets used to your house and the girls get used to him.


eta: also if you do name him Edmund, find him a stuffed white witch to sleep with. :D


A playpen!! Perfect!


That carrier is more like it! :lol: I'll be on the lookout for that white witch. :D Do you think he'll like Turkish Delight?

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oh my gosh, Nakia, he sounds SO cute. If you don't post pictures, I'm going to drive down to your house to see him in person. If you force me to do this, I'm taking him home with me. I will. I promise.




Well, personally, I think you should drive on down here now anyway!

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everyone is really going to have to be careful. He will get under everyone's feet. You'll learn how to work around it but as a puppy, you're just really going to have to be careful. With three girls I'm sure he's not going to have a lot of time to get in the way.;)


Does it snow by you? If so, you may have to consider house training him to use puppy pads or something when it's snowing. We can't let our little dogs out until we've shoveled an area for them to be able to stand in.


For the cold temps, he WILL need a jacket to keep him warm. You can get them pretty much anywhere.




I certainly hope you'll get him this for Christmas:




For events where he needs to look dapper:






dog tag:




to wear with the guard dog sweater:




A Harley coat, had, goggles.


Oh, I'd have SO much fun with him.:tongue_smilie: I mean you and the girls will have SO much fun with him.:lol:

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How we love our little Yorkie! He is 7 lbs. but he behaves like he is 90 lbs. He's a big dog in disguise. The breeder would not let her pups leave her home until they were 12 weeks old, and when he finally came home, he took about 15 minutes to let our 21lb dog know that he was the new boss. He was so playful and so mischievious (sp?) that we named him after the baby in The Incredibles, Jack-jack Attack.


The one thing I would caution is that they are prone to knee injuries and defects. Buy that insurance. And never ever let them get in the habit of jumping up and down off couches. Teach them to wait for a pickup. Otherwise ACL surgery might be in your future. : (

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We have been looking at doggie clothes and accessories all evening! It is going to be sooooo much fun!!!! He must have a Christmas outfit and coat.


And it does snow here. In fact, we've had record snowfall the last two winters. I don't really know how to train them to puppy pads. I've always had medium to big dogs, and they go outside. I'll have to read up on that.


I was planning to sell Cora's toy grocery cart, but now we're going to keep it. :D


Thanks for the info about their knees. I will remember that!

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Since he's SO tiny, I'd be tempted to call him Aslan, just to be ironic. :D




He looks like a Zeus to me. ;)


ETA: Speaking of irony, I have a German Shepherd here I still occasionally call "Poopsie". He was a cute lil fluffball when we brought him home--six months ago. :tongue_smilie:

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I think you made a great choice! We have 2 Yorkies, a 2yo and a 4yo. We got them both as puppies. They run around and play and are so cute. They are easy to bell train (which helps train the kids too) and lay on pillows under our kitchen table while we do school.


I'd love more info about bell training please. Thanks!

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I used VPI pet insurance.....never had any problems except my last plan I had with them didn't cover "routine" things.....oh that doggie sounds precious! we've been thinking about getting another one but wonder if Tinkie (min-pin) would be jealous....so we're still debating....it'll happen one of these years LOL

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