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Political Poll: Who thinks Hillary will be out of the race after today?

Will Hillary be out of the race?  

  1. 1. Will Hillary be out of the race?

    • Yes, and it is a shame.
    • yes, and it is high time.
    • No, and I wish she would just throw in the towel.
    • No, and more power to her.

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There's a rumor that there's an "explosive" tape of Michelle Obama making some typeof racially charged comment. Hillary maybe hanging around to see how badly damaged Obama is from it. Or, her camp could be the ones spreading the rumor, who knows. They're politicians, after all.:001_huh:
There's no shortage of rumours.


I voted "Yes, and it's a shame," not because she is my candidate of choice (she isn't), but rather because I'm appalled at the mainstream media coverage of her campaign with its not so subtle sexism.

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Really? That's horrifying. Do you really think there are people plotting this? What makes you think so?


I have to agree with Beansprouts. Why? First, his opponent is a Clinton...I think that's 'nuff said. Second, he's not white. While there is evidence in a lot of forms that racism is down in our country, there are still MANY people who do not want a black president. While my sis was out campaigning for Obama, she said that a guy drove by honking and yelling, "How about a white president!" And this was said in a very diverse area. I don't want Obama to win (has nothing to do with his ethnicity) but I am curious to see what will happen if he is the candidate for the dems. I have a suspicion that he won't make it to the white house *because* of his race.


Please don't take this as racism on my part...these are just observations made from living in this country.

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I voted: Yes, it is a shame. Not because she is my candidate of choice, not even because I haven't had the thought, "Why doesn't she just call it quits", but because she is a hard competitor. I would not have voted for her or him, because I'm more conservative, but I do respect the way she has held on.





I keep expecting to see news that Obama has been assassinated...




This thought has gone through my mind, too. I just keep pushing it out and pray for protection for him and his family.

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Yeah, I suppose she'll probably bow out now ~ although I accidentally voted for the last option. I haven't been a strong backer of any candidate and have been concerned of late that neither Clinton nor Obama can summon enough backing to win it all in November. I do think Clinton would have had a greater chance of beating McCain, so I'm sorry to see her go in that respect.

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First, his opponent is a Clinton...I think that's 'nuff said.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying, could you elaborate?
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I have to agree with Beansprouts. Why? First, his opponent is a Clinton...I think that's 'nuff said. Second, he's not white. While there is evidence in a lot of forms that racism is down in our country, there are still MANY people who do not want a black president.


I said that because his opponent is a Clinton.


I haven't experienced much racism, and I thought as a culture we had grown past it. I guess not :(

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I said that because his opponent is a Clinton.




Is it because you think the Clintons would have someone kill him, or because a Clinton supporter would have him killed?


Either way, that's a rather shocking thought that would never have occurred to me.

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It was probably a dumb thing to say, and I am sorry.


Here's the thing: Senator Clinton made a similar comment herself just last week. I mean, how are we to take her remark about Bobby Kennedy's assassination?

So yeah, Cindy, you will probably take a beating over that post...but I don't think it was totally uncalled for.


The truth is that there are people in this country who would be bitterly opposed to seeing a person of color in the White House. Most of them would probably just keep their bigotry to themselves and gripe about it to their friends. But all you need is one hotheaded bigot with nothing to lose and you can have a very unfortunate situation on your hands. It's not as though this scenario is unprecedented.


Oh, and I am not necessarily an Obama supporter. I am a registered Republican, but guess what? I don't love any of these candidates. I just told a friend last week that someone is going to have to really work for my vote.


Last week Keith Olbermann had a really good commentary on Hillary Clinton's unfortunate choice of words. I don't usually watch him, but someone sent me this link.

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It was probably a dumb thing to say, and I am sorry.


Don't apologize. I'm not sure how I came across (not in the way I intend to here lately) but I was just truly surprised that people honestly believe that about the Clintons. And obviously you aren't the only one who has thought that. I usually don't even discuss politics (beyond a philosophical level) or politicians, but that statement just surprised me. I mean, I have my opinions about Bill and Hillary, but murder isn't something I would have connected with them. I was just curious about whether you suspected them, or their supporters.

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reflect my sentiments. No, I don't think she will exit the race today; my feelings are more of amusement with a little confusion thrown in. In fact this whole election cycle is turning out to be so surreal that I feel as if I'm looking in on it from another world. As a libertarian I don't really support any of the candidates. Bleh.


How's this for a proposal: Let's have the primaries in all states all on the same day! Then, we can be spared this agony (groan).

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Don't apologize. I'm not sure how I came across (not in the way I intend to here lately) but I was just truly surprised that people honestly believe that about the Clintons. And obviously you aren't the only one who has thought that. I usually don't even discuss politics (beyond a philosophical level) or politicians, but that statement just surprised me. I mean, I have my opinions about Bill and Hillary, but murder isn't something I would have connected with them. I was just curious about whether you suspected them, or their supporters.


I think some of us remember Whitewater and people close to the Clintons suddenly and mysteriously dying or committing suicide during all that. I have no recollection of details, it's all rather vague, but I am just trying to explain where comments linking the Clintons to murder would have come in.

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Here's the thing:

The truth is that there are people in this country who would be bitterly opposed to seeing a person of color in the White House. Most of them would probably just keep their bigotry to themselves and gripe about it to their friends. But all you need is one hotheaded bigot with nothing to lose and you can have a very unfortunate situation on your hands. It's not as though this scenario is unprecedented.



Yes, this is so true.

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Here's the thing: Senator Clinton made a similar comment herself just last week. I mean, how are we to take her remark about Bobby Kennedy's assassination?

So yeah, Cindy, you will probably take a beating over that post...but I don't think it was totally uncalled for.


See what a political nincompoop I am? I didn't even know about that brouhaha. :blushing: I will go back to quietly lurking on these kinds of threads. :leaving:



No beating here, beansprouts!

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See what a political nincompoop I am? I didn't even know about that brouhaha. :blushing: I will go back to quietly lurking on these kinds of threads. :leaving:



You're not a political nincompoop. I wonder if maybe a lot of other people missed out on that too because no one commented here. :)

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I think some of us remember Whitewater and people close to the Clintons suddenly and mysteriously dying or committing suicide during all that. I have no recollection of details, it's all rather vague, but I am just trying to explain where comments linking the Clintons to murder would have come in.


Is this what you're talking about? It (or a version of it) was passed around via email for a long time.

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It was probably a dumb thing to say, and I am sorry.


I don't think it was a dumb thing to say at all; Senator Clinton is the one who raised the issue.


The 40th anniversary of Robert Kennedy's assassination is in 2 days. There are a lot of crazy people in this country; if I was Obama, I would certainly lie low on that day.

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Here's the thing: Senator Clinton made a similar comment herself just last week. I mean, how are we to take her remark about Bobby Kennedy's assassination?
I think at best she was insensitive and at worst she was playing into the idea that he's likely to get killed because of his race. It's sickening to think of, but assassination is a possibility. However, I don't think that he's more likely to be assassinated because his opponent is a Clinton. No matter the case, it's sad that politics and journalism have become little more than showcases for rumour and innuendo.
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Is this what you're talking about? It (or a version of it) was passed around via email for a long time.


One, I think you have to realize that people die every day. If you are the president who has a wide range of acquaintances, people who have worked for you, people you have had meetings with-some of those people are going to die. That doesn't mean you caused it.


For example it claims Ron Brown died in a mysterious plane crash and lists Charles Meissner (although it's spelled Meisner on the link above) as dying in another plane crash. However, they both died in the crash of an Air Force plane in Croatia. It was fully investigated by the Air Force-



That's just one example but there are more:



I think Clinton should have dropped out of the race when it became clear she wasn't going to win from a mathematical standpoint.

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One, I think you have to realize that people die every day. If you are the president who has a wide range of acquaintances, people who have worked for you, people you have had meetings with-some of those people are going to die. That doesn't mean you caused it.


For example it claims Ron Brown died in a mysterious plane crash and lists Charles Meissner (although it's spelled Meisner on the link above) as dying in another plane crash. However, they both died in the crash of an Air Force plane in Croatia. It was fully investigated by the Air Force-



That's just one example but there are more:



I think Clinton should have dropped out of the race when it became clear she wasn't going to win from a mathematical standpoint.


AMEN TO THAT!!! SNOPES.com people....save yourselves from the embarassment of passing along absurd propaganda to your friends....

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He's clinched the nomination, numbers-wise. She doesn't have any leverage left. That's why she should have been negotiating sooner.



I thought that although superdelegates are claiming to be for one or the other, it doesn't really matter until they actually cast the vote.

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