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Work out week of Oct 30-Nov 5

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I didn't get a thread posted yesterday because I was gone all day. Literally all day. Left the house at 8 and came home at 8:45 at night.


I think it'll be easier for me to start a thread on Sundays for the whole week. :001_smile:


So we can post here for the rest of the week, and I'll start a new one on Sunday.


Since I was gone all day yesterday, I didn't get a work out in. Unless you count the multiple blocks I walked with the kids while they collected candy. ;)


Today, we all slept in, and I'll try to get a work out in after lessons. I prefer mornings but that didn't work out.


My shoes came, and they are snug. I normally wear a 5.5 or 6, but I ordered a girl's size ($20 cheaper :001_smile:) in a 4.5. I just placed another order for a girl's size 5 to compare. I'll keep the pair that fits better.

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Sunday - 45 minutes, 2.75 miles at the track


Monday - 30 Day Shred; Walk Away the Pounds 3 mile workout (didn't have time to go to the track)


Tuesday - 30 Day Shred and walked 2 miles while waiting for dd in ballet


Wednesday - 30 Day Shred


Thursday - 30 Day Shred; 3.0 miles at the track


Friday - 3.0 miles at the track


Saturday -

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Sunday - 1 hour yoga, 1 hour Body Pump


Monday - 1 hour BodyStep/BodyPump. Does the two hours strolling around trick or treating count?


Tuesday - BodyStep 45min


Wednesday - rest ahhhhh


Thursday - 1 hour Body Pump, 1 hour Body Step - SJ - the new release and OWWW!! I love the new stuff.


Friday - will be teaching 1 hour pilates. Posting early 'cause I'm headed outta town right after class!! Weekend workout - running around a robotics competition.

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Sunday - BodyStep & Weights

Monday - BodyStep

Tues- BodyStep and BodyFlow

Wed - 60 min Flow Yoga & 60 min Yin Yoga

Thurs - Body Step & Weights

Fri - 60 min Body Combat and 60 min BOSU conditioning (Tabata intervals - 20 sec work 10 sec break 8 times; strength conditioning in between; 6 intervals, with a BOSU)

Sat - REST...


**You may, (or may not :tongue_smilie: ) be wondering - SJ, why recommend another WTMer switch up her workouts but you are constantly listing BodyStep, BodyStep, BodyStep for your workouts?


Well, the new BodyStep release, 85, that came out a week and a half ago is KILLER. They replaced two of the old tracks (party and speed) with a 7 1/2 minute interval track - think squat jumps, squat jumps from side to side while holding a weight, burpies... All of the instructors at my gym teach the new Les Mills releases for two weeks and then they are free to pick and choose. I'm trying to get a cramp inducing workout that gives me bootcamp flashbacks as much as I can, yes you can call me a masochist :lol:

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Sunday: 9 mile run

Monday: Insanity fit test

Tuesday: Insanity cardio plyo + 4 mile run

Wednesday: Insanity cardio power & resistance

Thursday: 9 mile heinous (but very favorite) hill loop run + Insanity Cardio Recovery + 1 hr Hot Vinyasa Yoga (will be going later tonight)

Friday: Insanity pure cardio + 4 mile walk

Saturday: Insanity cardio plyo


Totals: Week 1 Insanity + 22 miles run + 4 miles walk + 1 hr hot yoga = Kick Ass Week, tyvm


(FWIW, this is an insane week for me. Probably my heaviest ever, so, really, don't think I work out like this all the time. I have added Insanity to my life for 63 days, but I am not willing to let go of the running or yoga that I love, so that means a lot of workouts, lol.)

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My shoes came, and they are snug. I normally wear a 5.5 or 6, but I ordered a girl's size ($20 cheaper :001_smile:) in a 4.5. I just placed another order for a girl's size 5 to compare. I'll keep the pair that fits better.

Yes, I love my Nike Free Runs (not that I go running :tongue_smilie:) but they are most certainly snug. I read and I agree that it's best to order a half size bigger.


Reading all your posts, I'm so impressed at how much everyone works out. Far more than me :tongue_smilie:. I'm lucky if I get in 30 minutes and it's usually not high intensity. I used to run most days and anywhere from 2-4 miles each time. Not anymore. I used to Shred and do Billy Blanks. My knees give me trouble.

Happy to report that I have exercised every day this week. Today I did lots of different moves - weights, stretches, and some yoga moves.


Sunday: 9 mile run

Wow. :D Even at my very fittest and lightest, I was never able to go beyond 5 Miles. Good for you!

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Last week's total exercise time was 6 hours 50 minutes. My goal is 6 hours per week, so I was thrilled to pass my goal.


This week so far:


Sunday: 45 minute walk around the farm to strengthen ankles/legs. (after a long hike a couple of weeks ago I had a lot of soreness in places that I obviously need to strengthen. Trying to fix that.)


Monday: 3 mile power walk with weights with Leslie Sansone


Tuesday: 4 mile power walk with Leslie, then some yoga, then some exercise on my stability ball.


*update* Wednesday: 5 miles with Leslie, then some yoga. almost 2 hours total.

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Sunday: 9 mile run

Monday: Insanity fit test

Tuesday: Insanity cardio plyo + 4 mile run


So, what did you think of plyo???? That stupid workout is my nemesis. I do fine until that last set where you're doing level 1 drills followed by the ski abs and in and out abs. It just KILLS me!!!


And, yesterday, I got in a 2.5 mile walk in addition to the Insanity workout! Our car started smoking, so I drove it to the garage and walked home. Then, we had to walk to the kids' karate classes and back.

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Wednesday: Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance


So, what did you think of plyo???? That stupid workout is my nemesis. I do fine until that last set where you're doing level 1 drills followed by the ski abs and in and out abs. It just KILLS me!!!


And, yesterday, I got in a 2.5 mile walk in addition to the Insanity workout! Our car started smoking, so I drove it to the garage and walked home. Then, we had to walk to the kids' karate classes and back.


@Jennifer, This is my first week of Insanity, so that was the first time I did any of the workouts besides the Fit Test Monday. I thought it was really hard. Really. Hard. I can't say how it'll compare to the rest of the workouts since I just started them. :)


Today's Cardio Power & Resistance was more manageable than yesterday's Plyo, although the upper body stuff is a bit ridiculous as my upper body is so weak compared to my legs. It'll be very good for me, that is for sure! I am sure I'll see a lot of improvement in those moves.


I don't come close to matching Shawn T or the other folks on the DVD, but I kept at it the whole time, with just a few extra seconds of resting here or there. I just can't match their speed at all, doing maybe 5 reps when they do 8. Half the time I'd still be getting down to plank position and they'd be on the third pushup, or whatever. Just learning the sequence of the moves for the Heisman's, Globe Jumps, etc, etc take me some thinking/watching energy and my feet get confused still, lol.


I was really focusing on learning the moves and keeping in good form since I don't want to mess up my knees or otherwise hurt myself. I am doing this Insanity thing to fire up my running speed and to help build core and other strength to protect me from injury as I am upping distances, so the LAST thing I want to do is hurt myself with Insanity! If I am going to get hurt, I might as well spend all this time simply running only, as that is what I love.


Running has taught me that form is 90% of injury prevention, and so I am really focusing on learning good form for Insanity. I think that in a week or two, I'll be able to keep up a bit better just b/c I won't have to think about how to do a Globe Jump or whatever, I'll be able to just focus on doing it and not on learning the moves. It is a super hard workout, for sure, but so far it is manageable. I am looking forward to a longer run tomorrow since tomorrow is the Recovery workout day. I kinda' resent getting sweaty without the enjoyment of a long run. I am focusing on 63 days of Insanity as a price to pay for a great winter/spring running season. :)

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I just wanted to shout out to those of who might be intimidated by some of the exercise regimes posted here. It's okay to post here too. :) I don't want anyone to feel too embarassed because they think they don't measure up.


I sure don't keep up with some ladies here, and that's okay. :D Just jump in where you are and have fun.



My shoes came today in a size 5 and they feel much better. They are a full 2 inches too long, but the width is comfy. The other shoes were way too tight in comparison. I look forward to running in these shoes. It'll be a change because I love Asics.

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I am coming off a very stressful weekend. I am failing at my workouts. Weekend some walking, Monday walked around trick or treating with dd, Tues. 30 min walk, Wed 15min bob harper workout, 30 min walk. Bad isn't it? I have been walking/running 5 miles ever other day and 1 hour dvd workouts. I just need to get up and get going.

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I did 30 min of Tracy Anderson, and then I realized my ds had a Dr. appt. So I had to stop. I'll try to get in some cardio later.


What do you do for cardio? Run, walk, bike, dance, cardio dvd?



I also need to get up earlier. We've gotten in the habit of going to bed late and getting up late. I like getting up earlier because I feel like I can get more done in a day. The time change is going to be perfect for getting my kids adjusted to getting up earlier. :)




I'm wearing my Nike Free Run and love them. Still need to actually run in them......

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Oh, I've been wanting to ask this question.


Anyone who's had a c-section, do you feel pain in the scar area when you do plank exercises?


I do. I feel sharp stabbing jabs right where my scar is. I'm not sure if I should ignore it and keep working out, or if I'm damaging something.

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I take a 2 hour karate class twice a week, but recently decided I needed to do a bit more. So this week Doodle and I have been out every afternoon for a walk. Our puppy has been enjoying the daily outings too. Monday Doodle rode his bike. Tuesday he rode his scooter. Today I made him walk the dog so I could walk with hand weights. The weather has been very nice so I am not sure if I'll keep it up once it gets colder.


I do a plank exercise. Right now I do a one minute plank. I do not have any issues with my c section scar when doing this.

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I have been doing the Leslie Sansone walking dvd everyday this week. I am doing the 17 minute beginner 1 mile workout. Yesterday I bumped up to twice per day and today I am adding in a 15 minute bollywood exercise dvd at mid day. I have gorged on candy and pop this week and have maintained from the exercise. Ever since I posted on the forums about being fat I have lost 5 lbs thanks to the advice you guys gave, and these Leslie Sansone dvds were amongst that advice. You would think a 17 minute walking routine would be easy but it definitely gets my heartrate and breathing up and I can feel the burn in my legs.

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Today I did Cardio Recovery. I like this one! Short and sweet!


ETA - Jennifer in MI is crazy because Max Plyo is the awesomest (MIC sucks, however)


:smilielol5: honestly, I think I remember liking Max Plyo better than the first month one. And, the first time I did MIC, I started crying in the middle. It was SOOOOO hard!!! But, it was after I did a fit test. Why do they do that?


@Jennifer, This is my first week of Insanity, so that was the first time I did any of the workouts besides the Fit Test Monday. I thought it was really hard. Really. Hard. I can't say how it'll compare to the rest of the workouts since I just started them. :)


Today's Cardio Power & Resistance was more manageable than yesterday's Plyo, although the upper body stuff is a bit ridiculous as my upper body is so weak compared to my legs. It'll be very good for me, that is for sure! I am sure I'll see a lot of improvement in those moves.


I don't come close to matching Shawn T or the other folks on the DVD, but I kept at it the whole time, with just a few extra seconds of resting here or there. I just can't match their speed at all, doing maybe 5 reps when they do 8. Half the time I'd still be getting down to plank position and they'd be on the third pushup, or whatever. Just learning the sequence of the moves for the Heisman's, Globe Jumps, etc, etc take me some thinking/watching energy and my feet get confused still, lol.


I was really focusing on learning the moves and keeping in good form since I don't want to mess up my knees or otherwise hurt myself. I am doing this Insanity thing to fire up my running speed and to help build core and other strength to protect me from injury as I am upping distances, so the LAST thing I want to do is hurt myself with Insanity! If I am going to get hurt, I might as well spend all this time simply running only, as that is what I love.


Running has taught me that form is 90% of injury prevention, and so I am really focusing on learning good form for Insanity. I think that in a week or two, I'll be able to keep up a bit better just b/c I won't have to think about how to do a Globe Jump or whatever, I'll be able to just focus on doing it and not on learning the moves. It is a super hard workout, for sure, but so far it is manageable. I am looking forward to a longer run tomorrow since tomorrow is the Recovery workout day. I kinda' resent getting sweaty without the enjoyment of a long run. I am focusing on 63 days of Insanity as a price to pay for a great winter/spring running season. :)


This is my third round and I definitely don't keep up with them on Plyo during that second set. That plank work is KILLER. Starting with the level one drills. I do the same thing you do - my upper body strength is pathetic. I have to drop to my knees for a lot of the pushups. I can go much faster that way. Still not as fast as they do. And then those ski abs?! HATE them! I don't know why!


I love that Shaun keeps reminding us about form. I had to go through physical therapy last fall for my knee. It was injured from bad running form. (Well, that's the simplified version!) So, I definitely agree with you about that!


For some reason I find Cardio Power and Resistance easier. Maybe it's the order of the exercises? My weaker muscles get more of a break and I can keep up more easily. I guess deep down, I'm just lazy!!! :001_smile:


I just wanted to shout out to those of who might be intimidated by some of the exercise regimes posted here. It's okay to post here too. :) I don't want anyone to feel too embarassed because they think they don't measure up.


I sure don't keep up with some ladies here, and that's okay. :D Just jump in where you are and have fun.



My shoes came today in a size 5 and they feel much better. They are a full 2 inches too long, but the width is comfy. The other shoes were way too tight in comparison. I look forward to running in these shoes. It'll be a change because I love Asics.


I agree!!! Some of us are simply insane, but I don't want anyone to feel they can't post if they aren't doing that type of workout. ANY workout that works for you should be posted!!!


Thanks for the info on the shoes. I didn't order mine yet. I think I'm going to wait until after Christmas. I'm not planning on running much between now and then anyway. I can't wait to hear how you like running in them!


Have any of you Beachbody people done the Fit Kids dvds? I just ordered it this morning for my younger set.

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Today I did Cardio Recovery. I like this one! Short and sweet!


I did that one for the first time today. It was nice, but I am afraid that doing it an hour after a 9 mile HEINOUS (but my very favorite in the world) hill run was a bit of a challenge. I somehow think I'd have kept up better if I hadn't just run nearly 2 miles of 10%+ hills, lol. (My favorite hill is over a mile long, 10% grade!)


Next week when I do that workout, I won't have time for that long a run, so I bet I'll do a lot better. Nonetheless, I thought it was a nice workout, and I did fine, worked hard, got stronger.


I, too, did PT last year for knee problem due to poor running form! I found a great PT who is also a serious runner, and he taught me SO MUCH, and I feel like I am in much better form to grow as a runner now with a better foundation of good form. People really need to be taught to run. I mean, no one would decide to compete in a tennis tournament after just grabbing a raquet and batting at a ball for a few months, but we all run 10ks or HMs, etc w/o a single lesson in how to use our bodies properly. Those lessons seem to come in the form of PAIN and unfortunately, so many people quit then b/c they don't realize that you can run w/o pain if you do it right. UGH. A good PT is worth their weight in gold. :)

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Gosh, let's see if I can even remember what I've done so far this week. :lol:


Sunday: Nuttin'. It was raining, so no long run, and I just wanted to sleep in.

Monday: Jillian Michael's Banish Fat/Boost Metabolism (Cardio) (45 min.)

Tuesday: Treadmill at the gym, ~ 4 miles at a pace of 5.4 - 5.7 MPH at random elevations. (45 min. total)

Wednesday: Bob Harper Cardio in the morning, Zumba in the evening. 1 hr. + 1 hr. for 2 hr. total workout time)

Thursday: Jillian Michael's 6-Week 6-Pack Level 1 + JM's Killer Buns and Thighs Level 2 (30 min. + 36 min. for 1 hr. 6 min. total workout time)


So just over 4 and a half hours total workout time this week so far. :)

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Have any of you Beachbody people done the Fit Kids dvds? I just ordered it this morning for my younger set.


It looks like dancing. Zumba was a bust over here. I don't know that Hip Hop would any better. They do like Kenpo X so I think if I up the ante, I will get the Kenpo X of P90X+ for them.


I am curious to know about Fit Kids, maybe my 5yo will take to it. I have to order new green bands and two yoga blocks anyway.

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Thursday - Zumba. My feet hurt. My knees hurt. My thighs hurt. Zumba can be high intensity if you have a high intensity instructor.


I have a Zumba class that I am starting next Wednesday. I'll let you know what I think when it is done.:D


I've watched Zumba classes before and I could see how it would be a good workout. However, I can see it being a "bust" if you are used to P90X and other insane workouts.:tongue_smilie:

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I have a Zumba class that I am starting next Wednesday. I'll let you know what I think when it is done.:D


I've watched Zumba classes before and I could see how it would be a good workout. However, I can see it being a "bust" if you are used to P90X and other insane workouts.:tongue_smilie:


Yes, I can see that too! But I prefer to like my exercise!:D

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I have a Zumba class that I am starting next Wednesday. I'll let you know what I think when it is done.:D


I've watched Zumba classes before and I could see how it would be a good workout. However, I can see it being a "bust" if you are used to P90X and other insane workouts.:tongue_smilie:


I did a Zumba class with my father in law a few weeks ago. I was SWEATING like crazy at the end. It is an awesome workout!!

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I've watched Zumba classes before and I could see how it would be a good workout. However, I can see it being a "bust" if you are used to P90X and other insane workouts.:tongue_smilie:


I think anything is a bust compared to the P90X stuff. ;) Not my cuppa. At least not now. My tastes change.


The other day I challenged dh to do 30 min Tracy Anderson with me. He did! I wish I had taped him. :smilielol5: Flexible he is not. He told me his rear end was sore the next day. Yep, Tracy will do that to one's rear.



I ran for 30 min yesterday evening. I threw dinner in a pot, and then ran while it cooked. My new shoes felt good. Now, we'll see how they do with outside running this weekend.


I got up early to work out. My little one woke up exactly 11 minutes after I got up. This kid senses the second I get up! Now he sitting in my lap because he is not fully awake and needs cuddling.


What do you do with your kids to get your work out time in?

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I think anything is a bust compared to the P90X stuff. ;) Not my cuppa. At least not now. My tastes change.




What do you do with your kids to get your work out time in?


My goal is P90X, but I am a ways off from that.:D 30 Day Shred now, then Chalean Extreme (based on LG's recommendation), and then we will see.:001_huh:


As for the kids - I am up at 5:30ish every morning. I do 30 Day Shred after dh leaves at 6:15. That is when I will do Chalean Extreme as well.


I go to the track in the afternoon/evenings after dh gets home. I walk while my 7yo is in ballet (Tuesdays.) If I can't get to the track, I do the Walk Away the Pounds for now (I am hoping to find something else because even the 3 Mile Walk is not a challenge.) I want to do the circuit training/high intensity once a day and then additional cardio.


I want to get them exercising a little more. They play outside and sometimes we dance around the livingroom, but I want them doing something more. The guideline I have heard is 60 mintues of exercise a day. I don't like taking them to the track with me because it is a distraction (I need to focus and they want to talk.:tongue_smilie:)

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What you get from Zumba deffinitely has a lot to do with the kind of instructor you have. The gym I go to has two Zumba instructors, and only one of them gives me what I would call a "good work-out" (while I'm not a P90X person, I DO often do two levels of 30DS in one go, and enjoy the more higher-intensity workouts). I am *dripping* in sweat after the classes I go to with the one instructor. She really pulls it out of her class, and makes it fun! The other instructor is... dull, and her choreography is extremely tame.

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My workouts for the week were:

Sunday - Bob Harper's Super Strength

Monday - Ran/walked 30 min (I'm ramping up running but was short on time due to the holiday)

Tuesday - Bob Harper's Cardio Max

Wednesday - Ran/walked 40 min (3.2 miles)

Thursday - day off (I had worked out 7 days in a row and my body said it needed rest)

Friday - planning to run today

Saturday - my running group meets Sat morning and I try to do something else later in the day.

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What you get from Zumba deffinitely has a lot to do with the kind of instructor you have. The gym I go to has two Zumba instructors, and only one of them gives me what I would call a "good work-out" (while I'm not a P90X person, I DO often do two levels of 30DS in one go, and enjoy the more higher-intensity workouts). I am *dripping* in sweat after the classes I go to with the one instructor. She really pulls it out of her class, and makes it fun! The other instructor is... dull, and her choreography is extremely tame.


Zumba wasn't a bust because of P90X! It was a bust because of the patience required to learn the steps. My kids felt very awkward and embarrassed.


I lent my DVDs out. Later on, I will try Zumba again if only to get the dance steps down.


That's really good to know! I may be hopeless, though, as I have two left feet.:tongue_smilie: We'll see how it goes.

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That's really good to know! I may be hopeless, though, as I have two left feet.:tongue_smilie: We'll see how it goes.


Just so you know, it took me about a month to really "get" some of the moves because I'm choreographically challenged too. And then there were some moves I couldn't do because of my fitness level. I'm just now (after about 6 months) making some of those moves!

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Yes, definitely give yourself some time to figure out the moves and your instructor's style of cueing (there's no verbal cueing in Zumba). It usually takes me 2-3 classes to get a new song's choreography down, but my isntructor rarely ads more than 1 new song a week, so there are plenty of other songs with choreography I've learned over the past 18 months I've been doing Zumba, that I rarely feel completely lost in the class.

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