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Just got back from trick-or-treating in a small town...

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We live out in the boonies-- the nearest town is SMALL-- but it is a 'tourist town' with lots and lots of small shops.


Since we really do not have 'neighborhoods' the town merchants pass out candy. The weather this afternoon was PERFECT-- right around 70F! It seemed like the whole town came out-- it was so much fun to catch up everyone!


The best part was saved for last- the local nursing home hosts trick-or-treating too-- the residents pass out candy that the community donates... we had stopped on the square for a burger (small town joint with one waitress, one cook and 30 guests!) then drove to the nursing home... usually we are in the first 'mob'--but tonight we were later than usual and we had time to stop and visit with the residents-- it was special! DD is 9 yrs old-- I remember walking the halls with her at age 2... she was dressed as a puppy and she hopped up on any lap she could and snuggled!


We would not usually 'do' Halloween--but this is a big part of our community--and it was a BLAST!


Here is a picture of dd (the Indian princess) walking out of one of the many small shops on our town square. She choose her costume to celebrate her heritage (we are 'mixed' but mostly Indian/Native American).




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What a great night!


We just got home from Trick-or-Treating, too. Also, a beautiful, crisp night; just right for a light jacket.


For the first time in 4 years, we saw more than one other trick-or-treater. Also, more houses than usual were lit up and welcoming. (Usually only a handful in our whole neighborhood host; there are a lot of busy grad students here). We also had our first Trick-or-Treater come to our house for the first time in 4 years.


I love Halloween when it is like this! We can connect with neighbors we haven't seen for awhile, and meet new ones as we go door-to-door.


Happy Halloween!!!

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The best part was saved for last- the local nursing home hosts trick-or-treating too-- the residents pass out candy that the community donates... we had stopped on the square for a burger (small town joint with one waitress, one cook and 30 guests!) then drove to the nursing home... usually we are in the first 'mob'--but tonight we were later than usual and we had time to stop and visit with the residents-- it was special! DD is 9 yrs old-- I remember walking the halls with her at age 2... she was dressed as a puppy and she hopped up on any lap she could and snuggled!


We would not usually 'do' Halloween--but this is a big part of our community--and it was a BLAST!


Here is a picture of dd (the Indian princess) walking out of one of the many small shops on our town square. She choose her costume to celebrate her heritage (we are 'mixed' but mostly Indian/Native American).



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Our neighborhood is a Trick-or-Treaters dream. We were so busy! Unfortunately while trick-or-treating ourselves, my 12yod said to me, "Mom, I think I'm over Halloween. It's just not as fun as it used to be." Hearing that made me feel a little like I did on her first day of school. My baby is not a baby anymore. :crying: She used to love, and I mean LOVE trick-or-treating.

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A friend of mine in NJ said her town postponed trick or treating until next weekend.


Much of northern NJ - Morris, Essex, Passaic Counties have postponed until Friday because most of the downed wires and trees haven't been cleaned up and a lot of people are still without power.


My oldest's school is closed for the second day due to no power tomorrow.

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West coast here...about 6:30 and it's really picking up now. We live in a great neighborhood for trick-or-treating, but we're not on the main path so we'll get around 100 I think. My kids are out with dh while my 14 yo and my cat and I pass out candy. Actually it's just me passing out candy--the 14 yo and the cat stay sitting in warm blankets listening to Diana Krall. It's a great night here after some rain this afternoon. We were wondering what is going on in the snowy east and guessing that there probably wouldn't be trick or treating in some places.

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We had our first Halloween as residents of a small town. We didn't go out, but dh had so much fun handing out candy. I'm sick, so I sequestered myself in the bedroom, and ds watched. Dh was like a little kid. We ran out of candy and had to shut off the light by 7:30.


It was a nice change from our previous town.

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Our neighborhood was insane. HUNDREDS of people everywhere... 2 houses had haunted garages you could go through- one even had a giant tent set up in front with a guy on stilts welcoming you and it was just quite the production!


Kids got loads of candy, we had fun, I'm done! :)


This was my girls' first Halloween in the US since they were 2 & 3 so it was quite fun for them. They got to learn all about different American candies they have never eaten and we had a little "tasting bar" at home afterwards where I cut the candy bars that were "new" to them into slivers and they could try them.


And now I'm wiped!!!

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We live 25 miles from a "big" town that really goes all out for ToTing. And we've enjoyed it but it's exhausting for my kids because it's so packed and the kids get scared looking for me coming back from the houses.


So this year, we stayed local at our two tiny towns and had an utter blast. And we got homemade Rice Krispie treats and the people really appreciated every single kid and took time to talk to us. It felt more like what Hallows Eve is supposed to feel like. :)


Also, one family set their garage up as a haunted maze and I cannot believe how much time they must have spent decorating that garage. It was FANTASTIC. This was the first year my kids had fun getting spooked a bit.


We were out for over 3 hours and then hit a bunch of really rural houses on the way home. Lots of lights out this year but the houses that were lit up REALLY came through.

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I love the idea of setting up something at the senior center!!!


We have a really busy neighborhood for trick or treaters since we are one the the only neighborhoods in our rural area.


My 12 year old wasn't sure he was going so he dressed up to hand out candy, but about half way through decided to walk around with some friends. I don't mind older kids as long as they dress up, but we always have a few that just come with a bag and some of them look old enough to drive. :confused:


We are the spooky house on the street, and my daughter went all out this year since she is our master decorator. She and the boys made a huge teepee structure, lined it with branches that turned brown over the last week and hung lights inside. They mounted pumpkins on stakes leading up to it. Of course we had tons of spiderwebs, a black light and the spooky music. My brothers dress up while their wives walk the littles around. We also had a couple of the older neighborhood kids help out so they climbed trees and shook them as people came closer.


For little kids we had one person on the driveway side where it wasn't scary, but for the older kids they went to the teepee. Beside it were two stuffed scarecrows and inside was a live one that stayed still until they reached for the candy. Then the other "scarecrow" would reach for the candy too. The best part were the in between ages. They wanted to look at the scary stuff, but we didn't do anything that was scary, and they didn't want to leave the house because they were having so much fun checking everything out. One litte girl started dancing with my brother after checking him out for the longest time. He was a court jester so he danced a jig, and the next thing we know she was dancing with him. Her Mom and Dad took tons of pictures.


A really fun night for everyone.

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We went out with our friends all in a group -- 10 kids ranging from the oldest at 5 and the youngest (my baby) at almost 3 months. 8 adults. And we still managed to lose 2 kids at various times! The three in strollers didn't TorT beyond the first couple of houses. (well, I didn't get anything for my little one. They got a couple pieces of candy for the 11 month old and the almost 2 year old) Do you mind strollers in general -- or just the ones using the baby to try and get a candy? I had to take my baby out for my son to be able to trick or treat. His dad is in school so could not stay back home with the baby.

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We went out with our friends all in a group -- 10 kids ranging from the oldest at 5 and the youngest (my baby) at almost 3 months. 8 adults. And we still managed to lose 2 kids at various times! The three in strollers didn't TorT beyond the first couple of houses. (well, I didn't get anything for my little one. They got a couple pieces of candy for the 11 month old and the almost 2 year old) Do you mind strollers in general -- or just the ones using the baby to try and get a candy? I had to take my baby out for my son to be able to trick or treat. His dad is in school so could not stay back home with the baby.



Strollers never bother me! Sometimes I wonder why the parents have a trick or treat bag for them since they can't eat candy, but I just figure Mom needs chocolate too!


My only pet peeve is older kids without costumes, and I find it bizarre that people bring their sensitive little people to my house and get upset when they freak out. It isn't like there isn't plenty of warning that our house is the "scary" one. The music and blacklight should be a tip off, but invariably one person will bring their terrified, screaming toddler down the driveway. There over a hundred other houses in our neighborhood, you really need the candy from this one?

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Strollers never bother me! Sometimes I wonder why the parents have a trick or treat bag for them since they can't eat candy, but I just figure Mom needs chocolate too!


I had no trick or treat bag for the baby (though sometimes my 4 year old did have me hold his bag while he played around). The other two were old enough they were aware of what was going on and wanted to be like their older siblings. So they each had a container like their sibling.

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Strollers never bother me! Sometimes I wonder why the parents have a trick or treat bag for them since they can't eat candy, but I just figure Mom needs chocolate too!


My only pet peeve is older kids without costumes, and I find it bizarre that people bring their sensitive little people to my house and get upset when they freak out. It isn't like there isn't plenty of warning that our house is the "scary" one. The music and blacklight should be a tip off, but invariably one person will bring their terrified, screaming toddler down the driveway. There over a hundred other houses in our neighborhood, you really need the candy from this one?



I don't understand the haunted house thing either. This was the first year my kids went up to the "scary" houses. We've always had to skip them. But I did see parents DRAGGING their terrified kids up to the door. I kept thinking, "People! It's just a 'fun sized' Snickers bar!"


This year, the kids finally "got it." A man jumped out at DD at a scary house and I figured Halloween was all over but when her heart got back to normal, she laughed. And then we had to hit all the scary houses. :D

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