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If you've got curly-haired kids...

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Any suggestions for keeping the knots at bay?


I usually give DD a bath every other night, and her hair gets conditioned then, and the knots combed out. In the mornings, I wet her hair down again, using lots of detangler, and then comb it out. But it is so knotty! Even if it was conditioned and combed out the night before, she's got tons of tangles in the morning, especially in the back, and they are tough to get out. It can be difficult to get her to sit patiently long enough to get her hair all combed out.


Right now her hair isn't long enough to put into a bun or braid at night, which is what I do with my own hair to keep it from getting really tangled and knotty.


Is the only option just wetting down and combing out her hair each morning, or are there ways to keep short curly hair from getting tangled at night that I'm not thinking of?

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I use a bit of Mane n' Tail detangler (sounds like a horse product for it marketed for humans too. I have a friend who gets it from Target). Works a treat! I've found that if ds goes to bed with wet hair it is a horribly tangled mess in the morning so the days I do his hair I do it as early as possible so it can be dry by bedtime. I hope I'm making sense here.

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I put dd's hair in a pony tail high up top of head at night. This makes it less tangly in the am. We do the detangler & combing thing every am but this makes it easier. Also, I finally discovered a leave in conditioner that works well at http://www.mixedchicks.net I prefer the adult formula for dd6. We aussie brand detangler because it works, is cheaper & we go thru a lot but I splurge on the mixed chicks 3 product set of shampoo, deep conditioner & leave-in because it works so much better than anything else I've tried. I think I got the pony-tail idea from their website.

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Satin pillowcases seem to help some. Also, my youngest sleeps in one of those silky sleep caps.




I do wet my DD's hair down every morning and then I comb it out with a wide toothed comb, put some detangler in and comb it through again. I'm 28 with curly hair(my hair is straightened in my profile pic) and I still can't do anything with my hair (besides throw it up in a ponytail or a clip) unless I wet it down first.


During naps, I put this on my DD's head so that I won't have to wet her whole head down twice a day :


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I wet and combed out DDs hair every morning when it was long enough to tangle. A hairdresser friend recommended using regular conditioner and not rinsing it out and that made a huge difference. The regular conditioner works so much better than the spray detanglers.

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Satin pillowcases seem to help some.


This is what my niece has--except my sister didn't want to spend the $$$ for a real satin pillowcase, so she just got her a much cheaper satin pillow cover (like a dust mite cover with a zipper on it). I have been on a lookout for these for my girls who have rats nests in their hair every morning.


Get the book Curly Girl. Changed entirely the way I work w/DD's hair. She has beautiful curls, and this book (and web site) has lots of great ideas.


:iagree: Conditioner only, no shampoo. I first condition the crown of my girls' hair, rinse. And then condition the rest and I finger comb all the snarls out and rinse only after all the knots are out. Works wonderfully on my girls' hair. If I tried to comb the knots out, they'd be in tears. But it's really easy to work them out when their hair is full of conditioner.

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Knots are something I have learned to accept. They start soon after my hair is dry and more depending on what I wear (turtlenecks, purse strap, coat, etc) makes it worse. Working out makes it worse. Just moving causes my hair to tangle. It's rather long. People always tell me to not wash it daily (my hair dresser even said wetting it dries it out), but nope -- I will wet and condition daily, comb out, and start over.


I think you can get by without doing this daily if you have short, curly hair, but not long.

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Yes, apply conditioner (I then put a shower cap on while I wash my face and body). Then comb from the bottom, gently combing out knots. Work your way up to the top, and then comb from top to bottom to test whether all knots are out.


This is what my niece has--except my sister didn't want to spend the $$$ for a real satin pillowcase, so she just got her a much cheaper satin pillow cover (like a dust mite cover with a zipper on it). I have been on a lookout for these for my girls who have rats nests in their hair every morning.




:iagree: Conditioner only, no shampoo. I first condition the crown of my girls' hair, rinse. And then condition the rest and I finger comb all the snarls out and rinse only after all the knots are out. Works wonderfully on my girls' hair. If I tried to comb the knots out, they'd be in tears. But it's really easy to work them out when their hair is full of conditioner.

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:iagree: This is exactly what we did until it was long enough to braid at night.


I use a satin cap too! This doesn't work for ds who moves around a lot. Recently I found that a few drops of chamomile essential oil helps work out the tangles and calms down frizz. Chamomile oil is very mild and is used in baby lotions for its soothing properties (it doesn't change hair colour BTW).

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