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Fashionistas ~ Quick Help Needed Please!

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Of course you can wear black. You can always wear black.


Wearing purple could be tricky, as the shoes and the pants would need to match absolutely. But if they did, you'd have the Seven of Nine thing going on, and that's probably not the look you want, lol. (Wondering how many WTMers will catch that refernce. :D )


If you could find some trouser hose that have a purple and black design, that would be a nice touch.

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Thank you all so much.


I'm by no means a fashionista. Dd is. She kept telling me black shoes are fine. But I needed a 2nd opinion. :D

Done. I ordered them :D. I got a bit tired of natural colored pants. Time for a change. Excited about purple. It's one of my favorite colors.


Black for sure (with something of a heel for bootcut pants).

Yes, heels for sure.


I'd wear black or charcoal grey.

Charcoal grey would be nice also, but I don't have them.


In my world, matching shoes are for a bridesmaid's outfit...


Dd and I laughed at this. True.


You would only wear purple shoes if the matched exactly and even then, I wouldn't. Go with the black.

And I always love your opinion on this sort of stuff. This is your area. :grouphug:


Wearing purple could be tricky, as the shoes and the pants would need to match absolutely. But if they did, you'd have the Seven of Nine thing going on, and that's probably not the look you want, lol. (Wondering how many WTMers will catch that refernce.



If you could find some trouser hose that have a purple and black design, that would be a nice touch.

Nope. Not here in the tropics. Too hot.


I like the dark charcoal because it's not such a contrast. I would probably stick with a matte black, not shiny black, but that's just me.

Yes, my shoes are a matte black.

No dark charcoal, but will keep my eyes open.


I'm a certified image consultant. Your shoes, when dressing up, should always be the same color or darker than your hemline, unless the shoes are taupe. However, with purple pants, purple shoes would be too much. Best to go with a dark navy or black. HTH!

Oh my! I love image consultants. Teach us, share with us, help us all. :lol: :grouphug:

So let me get this straight - taupe/nude shoes go with everything right? But the rule is: shoes should be the same color or darker than the hemline?

I would absolutely love a dark navy.


Thank you all once again. :)

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Black would be a nice safe choice. A dark brown would very nice, too. Or, go for a colour.


I have a dark aubergine suit (similar in colour to the pants you showed) and I have a pair of dark teal mary jane styled high heels that look awesome with it.

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I would do a dark brown or darker gray if it is something you wear during the day, but if your dressing it up with a nice blouse or for an evening out I would go with black. Definitely not purple shoes, that would be to matchy-matchy in my opinion.


A nice printed scarf with some of the same purple hues would look really nice too!

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Thank you all once again. Love reading your replies.


Yep, I would wear black, otherwise you would have to match hue and I'm no hue-matcher!

Glad you posted. I wanted to hear from you. :grouphug:


With the pants pictured, I would do a dark charcoal grey, or dark chocolate brown, as long as the color is not lighter or brighter than the pants.. I think black is overdone and I avoid it when possible. :-)

Thank you! You've just made my morning. I have dark brown. :) Yes, I try (though I don't always succeed) to not overdo black. I used to do far too much black.


Or, go for a colour.

I have a dark aubergine suit (similar in colour to the pants you showed) and I have a pair of dark teal mary jane styled high heels that look awesome with it.

That sounds so nice :D. I need to be more adventurous with color and clothes.


I was a little freaked when you said purple pants,




Purple shoes might be fun but you'd probably barely wear them and then they'd be sitting in your closet bothering you.

Yes, this was my thought also.


I was seriously questioning your sanity regarding purple pants.



I would consider wearing them myself and I am a neutral colors only kind of gal.

Me too. Very neutral. I'm getting a bit tired of it, but dd is going nuts with me wearing neutrals all the time. She was the one who insisted I get them. The other choice was olive, which was really pretty also, but I'm more into purple.

I haven't worn colored pants since the late 80s - college years and when I was a total Benetton Queen. I used to get pretty much everything from Benetton.


I would do a dark brown or darker gray if it is something you wear during the day, but if your dressing it up with a nice blouse or for an evening out I would go with black.

I love rules and structure such as this. :)


A nice printed scarf with some of the same purple hues would look really nice too!

I wish I could do scarves. I'm not very good with accessories.

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