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Please share your best ideas/recipes for taking a meal to someonehttp://www.welltrain

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(in all my cutting & pasting of URLs looks like I messed up the title!)


I am always paralyzed with indecision when someone needs a meal. Last week I had 2 friends with family members hospitalized, and I wanted to bless them with meals. Here's what I ended up with, which worked great, I think:

Baked Mac & Cheese

PW's Baked chicken legs (I used reg seasoning salt instead of spicy b/c of young children)

Steamed green beans

A pan of blondies


What are your favorites for this? I like to bring things that a) everyone likes!, and b)that refrigerates and/or travels well in disposable or inexpensive containers.

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The best meal anyone ever brought me when the babies were born was a big container of chicken salad and a basket of homemade rolls, a fruit salad, and a garden salad. To this day, I remember how refreshing that was because everyone else brought big, heavy meals. Now, I love a lasagne and enchiladas and roast chicken as much as anyone but it was so nice to have a break from the bigger meals and have something light. We ate that for lunch for days!


Another great one was a breakfast casserole. It would never have occurred to me to bring breakfast but the woman who brought it had 3 kids so she knew what she was doing!


These two things are now my favorites to bring to folks who need a meal.

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I just brought bruittos to a mom on bed rest with a 1 and 3 year old. SHe needed a low carb meal so I made them iwth very low carb flour tortillas and the wrapped up the meat and cheese in those and topped with enchilada sauce to bake. Then on the side I brought sour cream, cheese, black olives, lettuce, tomato, onions and guacamole. They could top each for the kids with what they would eat (or make a mini salad on the side) and the mom could add what worked best for her diet. She really liked that.

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The best meal anyone ever brought me when the babies were born was a big container of chicken salad and a basket of homemade rolls, a fruit salad, and a garden salad. To this day, I remember how refreshing that was because everyone else brought big, heavy meals. ...


I'm glad you liked that, because a couple of months ago I took a Greek pasta salad and pita chips & hummus to a family who had older kids...they said they enjoyed it, but you never really know if they're being polite. :) I think salads are a great idea for warm weather.

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In the last couple of weeks, I've brought this meal to a couple different families:


Marinated and grilled flank steak

Roasted yams and sweet potatoes

Spinach salad (one family got roasted brussells sprouts and pine nuts 'cause I knew they loved them)

blackberry dump cake


It went over *very well* with both families. I like this meal because I can prep so much ahead of time, and it is easy to prepare in large quantities. I try to really stock up when flank steak goes on sale!

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Make sure you know about any dietary restrictions or food preferences they may have. Some people change their diet when they have been sick or had a baby, and some new mothers like their food less strong than before.


Bring the entire meal. If your dish needs to be served with a salad, or rice, or fresh bread, bring that as well. Don't assume that the family has pantry basics - they might not have had a chance to shop for a while - so even bring some ketchup, butter, etc, whatever is normally served with your food, unless you're sure they have it.


If you're not working from a roster, bear in mind that they might receive more than one meal that day, and don't bring something that can't be put in the fridge until the next day if necessary.


If you are on a roster, either decide on menus in advance, or call the person who was on the previous day to make sure it doesn't end up being tuna bake three nights in a row.


Bring some fruit or other healthy snacks as well as the main meal.


Call just before you leave to check whether they might like you to pick up anything on the way (milk, diapers, etc).


As for what to take, I usually go for a one dish recipe (eg vegetarian lasagna, chicken casserole) plus a salad, then whatever else will depend on the person it's for.

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When we've been on the receiving end of this, the absolute best thing was when people were thoughtful enough to bring the meal in disposable containers. I hated having to remember to find time to return dishes to people. Or, come back and visit and pick up your dish, LOL!


Paper plates, cups, napkins, utensils would have been welcome as well, and something I'll do if ever I'm in a position for giving in this way again (it's just not really done here). Oh, to not have any dishes to do afterward!


Also I second the idea of bringing everything for the meal -- the salad, the dressing, etc.


As for what meals to take....we were grateful for just about anything, and I can't really think of stand-out dishes. A nice pot of soup in cold weather, or a great big salad or stuff to make tacos would be delightful in warmer weather. Take the taco meat, taco shells, all the toppings....that would be lovely and a nice change from lasagna/chicken & rice/tuna casserole/lasagna/chicken & rice/tuna casserole as it tended to go for us.

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In the last couple of weeks, I've brought this meal to a couple different families:


Marinated and grilled flank steak

Roasted yams and sweet potatoes

Spinach salad (one family got roasted brussells sprouts and pine nuts 'cause I knew they loved them)

blackberry dump cake


It went over *very well* with both families. I like this meal because I can prep so much ahead of time, and it is easy to prepare in large quantities. I try to really stock up when flank steak goes on sale!


Will you share your blackberry dump cake recipe? Thanks!

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Please! No more lasagne!! :lol:


A friend's husband recently had an emergency illness so we brought meals. I definitely heard there was a lot of chicken. A LOT. I like the idea of flank steak, or ham, or pork tenderloin, or even fish if you know they like it. She said there was just so much pasta and chicken. Not that she wasn't grateful, of course!


I remember someone brought be a huge bag of sandwich fixings as the meal. There was turkey and ham lunchmeat, cheeses, bread, mayo/must, chips, pickles, and cookies. It was great to restock on that stuff!

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Will you share your blackberry dump cake recipe? Thanks!


Sure! It's embarrassingly easy:


Fill a 13x9 with frozen blackberries (sometimes I use the triple berry mix from costco)


Shake on a box of yellow cake mix


Drizzle on a cup of melted butter


Bake at 350 until the cake mix has some nice browning going on.




So simple. And that is why I make it when bringing a meal! Bringing a meal can be tough on a family in our area--people are so spread out, so I might travel 25 minutes to bring a meal. And my own family needs dinner, too! That is why I've been on the search for simple lately.

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My mom had somebody bring Chicken Tetrazinni when my baby brother was born. It is our go to meal when we have to take in a meal. Once we both ended up taking it to a family. :lol:

I also do a salad, desert (crazy chocolate cake,) and a bread.


We got lots of meals with our first but not with our second or 3rd. We also ended up with lots of chicken. I think my favorite was Dominos that somebody ordered. It wasn't chicken. And it tasted good. My SIL also brought a MD's breakfast over for just me when I had my first and that was fun.


The worst meal I ever got was when I was miscarrying and we weren't telling anybody because we were still waiting to know for sure. A sweet lady brought over some ginger tea thinking I had just the flu and some canned peas, and spaghetti with some kind of cheddar chees subsitute that didn't quite ever melt on top. I know her heart was the in the right place. She later thought she had caused my miscarriage from her tea and chastised me for not disclosing my medical condition to her.

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My standards are BBQ sandwiches, shepherd's pie, chili (not spicy, made w/sausage and navy beans), or a nice soup. Add in bread, veggies, salad, (or whatever goes with it) and dessert (fruit crisp, cookies, etc.).


Depending on the situation or if there are children in the family, sometimes I'll throw in some cracker/cookie packs for easy snacks, or muffins/fruit for easy breakfast.


One thing I've always liked is a nice cold chicken and/or pasta salad that is easy to just take out of the fridge for a quick meal/snack whenever needed - no need to heat up an entire meal for only 1 or 2 servings.


Remember also that not every componant needs to be made from scratch, by you. I'll often buy a packaged salad kit or two and put the salad together in a disposable container for them. A coffee cake or cookies from the grocery store bakery will do just fine, as well.

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Sure! It's embarrassingly easy:


Fill a 13x9 with frozen blackberries (sometimes I use the triple berry mix from costco)


Shake on a box of yellow cake mix


Drizzle on a cup of melted butter


Bake at 350 until the cake mix has some nice browning going on.


Thank you! I love simple.

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Unfortunately, my most requested is the most intensive. I made it for a family in our small group, now it's kind of expected that I take it if someone has a baby. It's sweet and sour chicken, rice, and veggies. It's so good but it takes a long time to prep/cook.

I've also taken meatloaf and sides; chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and dessert; taco meat, shells, lots of toppings, and dessert.

I also just made an enchilada casserole last week that I thought would be a nice, easy meal to take to someone.

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I often do a whole roast chicken with potatoes, carrots, and onions. I bring it unbaked in a large foil roasting pan. The family can bake when they want and no clean-up. I always include a nice salad, french bread, and a dessert. Oh, and a bottle of wine. It makes it feel like a complete meal.


Lately, I have started doing BBQ dinners: pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw, mini corn-on-the-cob or greenbeans, cornbread muffins. This seems to go over well. You could pick up something similiar from Boston Market for a family if time is an issue.


One of the best things someone ever did for me as a new mom was to make me a couple batches of homemade power bars (rolled oats, peanut butter, honey, dried fruit). It gave me a protein heavy snack which I need while establishing my milk supply. Every month for the first 3 months post-partum she'd bring me another batch. So nice.

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Unfortunately, my most requested is the most intensive. I made it for a family in our small group, now it's kind of expected that I take it if someone has a baby. It's sweet and sour chicken, rice, and veggies. It's so good but it takes a long time to prep/cook.

I've also taken meatloaf and sides; chicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, rolls, and dessert; taco meat, shells, lots of toppings, and dessert.

I also just made an enchilada casserole last week that I thought would be a nice, easy meal to take to someone.



Could you just buy the sweet and sour chicken from a chinese resturant and repackage it? Nobody would ever know. :D

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Could you just buy the sweet and sour chicken from a chinese resturant and repackage it? Nobody would ever know. :D


:lol: I'm not sure the others in my small group would be too happy with me!! After taking it to one family, they raved and raved about it, so now everyone wants it!

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