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WWYD: Car Seat

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I can't find ours! :w00t: My best guess is that it's in a family member's garage in another state. That family member will be coming to visit 10/31. Baby is due 10/28 but will likely be here 11/1 (that's how late my others were, but I did have one come on her due date).


Assuming the carseat IS in their garage, do I risk waiting?


Fwiw, we bought it used about 3 years ago as part of a stroller travel system but were later disappointed to find out that it merely SITS in the stroller, doesn't actually lock in.


My point being...I know carseats get outdated & therefore less safe than current standards. So...maybe it would be better to get a new one now anyway? :bigear:


There are several children's consignment stores around here & sales in the paper...if we need to get one, I'd like to get that done today. It's a little aggravating, but not a huge deal. I just really don't want dh out shopping for one by himself after the baby comes. :lol:



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The hospital won't let you leave w/o a properly installed car seat for baby to ride in (unless I guess you are not leaving in a car......).


So......if there's any chance whatsoever that baby might arrive before the relative gets here......or if the one that they may or may not have in their garage is in bad shape (ie, will it be clean? easily cleanable? have all the straps and no fatigue or wear on the straps or plastic or buckle etc?)......then, yea, I'd get one before then.


Sorry. I know the pain of spending money for something you already own and shouldn't need to spend money on, but....in this case, I would err on the side of caution rather than wait it out.

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I'd buy another one as you don't know how it was stored, etc. It may have mold or other icky stuff on it. I'd also be worried about how it had been cleaned. (Submerging straps in water damages them)


Please DO NOT buy a used seat. You have no way of telling if it was in an accident or if it was properly taken care of.


The Cosco Scenera can be found at most Targets and Walmarts and runs around $50-60.


If you would like an infant carrier try to find a good deal on one that goes to 30+ lbs.


The Graco MyRide 65 is another great option (runs $140-260 depending on features) and you won't need another seat til booster time. Or the TrueFit (which I have and LOVE) runs about the same price. The major difference is the MyRide is great for kids that need the extra weight, while the TrueFit is better for those that grow more in the torso.

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If you can, I would get a new seat. Most seats expire 6 years from the date of manufacture. It's entirely possible for the seat to have sit in distribution centers/store shelves for almost a year before it was purchased new, and I'm guessing you don't know how long the previous owner had it. The seat may have a manufacture date stamped on it if your family member is willing to search it out.


Honestly though, I wouldn't use a used seat. I understand it seems wasteful, and I love buying things used, but with car seats I won't take the chance. If a seat has been in an accident, it needs to be replaced. Even if the person you bought it from seemed honest, you never really know.


I didn't want to have to buy a new seat again after my LO out grew the infant seat, so we went right to the convertible seat. We got the Graco MyRide 65 for about $160. It rear faces to 40lbs, and you can use it forward facing up to 65lbs. It will last us a long time.



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I don't know what Colorado does, but in Michigan, several car seat manufacturers have donated new car seats to the state police posts for unemployed and low income parents. All you need at our local state police post, is to bring the stub from your last unemployment check or your last pay stub. Unemployement automatically equals a new car seat. Pay stub - if they multiply it by bi-weekly, weekly, monthly...whatever pay period you have and it falls below a certain level, you get a new car seat...above that, it's a reduced price.


They handed out 65 new car seats last year in our county. Also, the fire department had a "fit your car seat" day and if you came to the Walmart parking lot, the firefighters would examine your set up, tell you if it was installed properly in your car, and examine it for damage and the make and model to make sure it met current federal safety requirements. They had 100 car seats to hand out for those individuals whose car seats didn't pass muster.


So, maybe ask around and find out if there is a similar program in your area.


At any rate, if not, I'd maybe ask the relatives if they wouldn't mind going in together to buy you a new car seat now. It's important enough that I would risk offending my relatives if I couldn't afford one myself!



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I would personally ask around in my network of friends & acquaintances to see if anyone had an infant seat I could borrow for a week or two. A lot of people probably have one in their garage/attic that they're saving for a future younger sibling. I've lent out baby gear to people in my church with visiting grandkids.

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Can you pick one out just in case? Then worst case scenario DH goes and buys it after you deliver at the hospital before he picks you up to come home. If you have it picked out at a local store, it should be quick and easy to buy if you need it, but money saved if your other one gets there in time.

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Get a new seat. You bought it used 3 years ago. Most car seats expire in 5 years. It could already be expired, depending on how long the other people had it before they sold it...or about to expire in the next couple of months. And you don't know how it's been stored - high heat affects the durability of the plastic. The Scenera is a great seat I've heard and cheap too.

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There are several children's consignment stores around here & sales in the paper...if we need to get one, I'd like to get that done today. It's a little aggravating, but not a huge deal. I just really don't want dh out shopping for one by himself after the baby comes. :lol:




If the option is a used one at a consignment store or yours stored in family's garage -- I'd wait for yours.


If the option is new from a store or the one from a garage, I would be tempted to get one new from the store and keep the receipt -- take it back if your little one does not come before the family arrives with your used car seat. (this is assuming the car seat in the family's garage was purchased new by you)


Basic rule of thumb: don't buy/borrow a car seat from someone who you would not trust your kids' life with. because that is what you are doing. (or from someone who you DO trust your kid's life, but know they don't really care about car seats so you can't trust how they treated the seat)

Edited by vonfirmath
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Guest IdahoMtnMom

I know here, if you don't have one for ANY reason (cost, baby came early, you were here on vacation, whatever) they hospital volunteer core give you a brand new Graco. If you can afford to, they ask for a donation to the hospital core in whatever amount you can spend... and if you can't, oh well! Baby is safe :-)

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