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Managing your home while home educating

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After reading a few comments in the all day schooling thread, I thought it might be nice to generate some ideas on how we can stay on top of the housework at the same time as educating our children (and, for some, working for pay as well!).


Do you have a set routine/method?

Do you use tools like Flylady etc?

How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner?

Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday?

Do you do housework in between educational activities?

Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends?

What are your best tips?

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For me, it works better if the whole family is involved and we do a little at a time.


I try to tidy our bedroom, do a quick clean of the bathroom and toilet room, and chuck in the first load of laundry pretty early in the morning. The kids help clear up the dining room, wash up and tidy the kitchen straight after breakfast. Then we have a couple of quick cleaning up sessions in between whatever else we're doing that day. I'll usually hang out the washing and put the second load in the washing machine while the kids have their outside play time (two loads per day keeps it under control for us). We have a roster for cooking dinner.


So we really just aim to keep on top of laundry, washing up and basic clean and tidy each day. If we're having a good day we might vacuum as well, but other things like dusting, window cleaning and so on get done on a very ad hoc basis.


Home maintenance tasks we make a bit more fun by having lucky dip buckets where the kids get to pull out jobs for me and their dad to do, and help us with them if applicable.



ETA: we are also having some success with really pushing the idea of completing a task by cleaning up after ourselves. The kids are very prone to finishing an activity and leaving a mess, and unfortunately dh and I are sometimes guilty too, so we're all working on this and it helps a lot with keeping the house less trashed-looking.

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SO need this thread! Lately, I rely A LOT on dh. However, I do need/want to get more done during the week because it takes such a chunk out of the weekend.


A few things we are working on that have been helpful.

10 minute pick up before school in the morning (all kids pick up toys/clothes etc) I straighten our room/bathroom and put in a load of laundry.


breakfast/Bible time. The last 5-7 minutes the kids listen to their memory verses on CD and finish their Bible coloring page, and I take this time to clean up b-fast dishes and straighten the Kitchen.


I usually switch that one load of laundry in the afternoon when I put the baby down for her nap. (laundry room is upstairs with the bedroom which is helpful, just not when I need laundry to be a quick when I have a sec thing) :glare:


10 minute pick up before dinner (all help).


This helps "maintain" but does nothing for the deep cleaning. We do this on Fri evening or sat.

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Here's what I try to do:


Right after I wake up, I start a load of laundry and do what needs to be done to the dishwasher (either unload from the night before or begin loading it, and start it).


During short breaks during school time, I'll switch laundry loads.


I keep cleaning supplies under the bathroom sink (if I didn't do this, the bathroom would never get cleaned). When I go in there to use the bathroom, I'll run a Lysol wipe over the counters, sink, and toilet. I'll grab the toilet wand and use it. I'll run a Windex wipe over the mirrors. I do this a few times a week. It literally only takes 3 minutes to do all of this.


After dinner, I immediately clean the dishes. Usually I'm the first one finished eating and I begin washing the dishes before everyone else is done. I'm still right there in the kitchen with them and we still chat while I do it.


At night, before the kids to go bed, I have them clean up all toys from that day.


Before I go to bed, I do what I call a "clean sweep." I put away everything that's out of place. I hate clutter. That way, I can wake up and start the morning with a clean slate.


My main issues are finding time to do more "deep cleaning." I have trouble finding time to vacuum and mop. I need to have my 7 year old start running the cordless vacuum again. While not perfect, at least it's something. I also have trouble finding time to dust, but that really only needs to be done once a month. I used to do it every two weeks, but I found that was overboard because there was nothing there to dust.

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After reading a few comments in the all day schooling thread, I thought it might be nice to generate some ideas on how we can stay on top of the housework at the same time as educating our children (and, for some, working for pay as well!).


Do you have a set routine/method?


no. I do whatever I can squeeze in as I pass it


Do you use tools like Flylady etc?

pffft no.


How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner?


everyone chips in but Dad-well, that's kinda a lie, he does the garbage, the recyclables, cleans the pool and the pool area, walks the dog and does doggie doodie duty if he has to.


ALL of the kids help.


Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lady?


pffft. no


Do you do housework in between educational activities?


yes, but nothing big. Throw a load in, take one out, fold it later. Dishes in, dishes out.


No big time vacuuming or such while school is on. Sat is when I do that stuff. BUT, I enjoy puttering and relaxing that way.


Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends?


when I can. Some during the day, mostly in the afternoons after school and on weekends. BUT I will toss it all for a few hours of fishing, like we did today.


What are your best tips?


If you teach them how to pick up after themselves (and put things away in the right place), the battle is 99 percent won.



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My main issues are finding time to do more "deep cleaning."


I'm the same way. I can keep the house looking mostly presentable, but I rarely mop and change sheets every 2 months or so. I dust every other week and vacuum as needed, at least weekly.


The only thing that works for me is to constantly invite people to my house. I try to have someone visit once a week or so. It's amazing incentive to know that you have guests coming on Friday. All week long, I keep up with things because I know the guests will be coming on Friday and I HAVE to keep up, or I'll be embarrassed.


ETA: I've found that if I go thru the house each morning straightening it before school, it gets done. (Straightening means: toys away, papers in a neat pile, dishes away, laundry started, bed made.) If I wait until after school, it doesn't. School ends up taking longer and we're dong school later, but if I don't have the house somewhat presentable before school, I can't concentrate to teach.

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I do and don't keep up. I do one room a day. Mondays is the 3-load laundry day because I'm home all day.

But in general I kept up with a load of laundry every day and if I'm home I'll do two or 3, but I can only do that on Mon, Wed, or Fri. Then I try to do one bathroom one day, one another day, but I'll dust on one day and vacuum another. So I lack terribly.


But I don't go by a weekly schedule, but more of a rotating schedule. Once I finish the rotation of cleaning rooms, I start again.

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After reading a few comments in the all day schooling thread, I thought it might be nice to generate some ideas on how we can stay on top of the housework at the same time as educating our children (and, for some, working for pay as well!).


Do you have a set routine/method?

Do you use tools like Flylady etc?

How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner?

Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday?

Do you do housework in between educational activities?

Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends?

What are your best tips?

:bigear: for tips! I need them!


I don't have much of a routine and really need to get into one.


ETA: I did get some stuff from The Clean Team. I love the Sh-Mop for my floors. Someone crafty could make washable covers for them easily. And while I could make cleaners, I do get their red and blue cleaners. Still keep them out of the kids' reach, but they can use them and not get knocked out by fumes.


No outside help, no maids. My husband helps a lot -- we share cooking and he does most outdoor work, helps with taking care of the kids, and grocery shopping.

Edited by CaladwenEleniel
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After reading a few comments in the all day schooling thread, I thought it might be nice to generate some ideas on how we can stay on top of the housework at the same time as educating our children (and, for some, working for pay as well!).


Do you have a set routine/method?

Do you use tools like Flylady etc?

How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner?

Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday?

Do you do housework in between educational activities?

Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends?

What are your best tips?


I do not have a set routine or method, but I'm on the neat-freak side, so it's always on my radar screen what needs to be done. Also, I have mental general routines as far as what to do weekly, what less often, etc.


I use no particular tools, although a lot of my original ideas came from Don Aslet's books.


My children have a few daily jobs and 5-7 weekly jobs. My dh does not typically do the main housecleaning, though he may clean up the kitchen after dinner or something similar.


I have no outside help.


I do intersperse laundry and sometimes a few other tasks between school tasks. I have a Roomba which I sometimes set up between school tasks. I do some tasks when I happen to be where the problem is, i.e., cleaning a bathroom mirror while ds takes a bath, etc. The majority is done on the weekends and in short little maintenance bursts in the morning.


Best tip? Train the little boogers to help. :D Get a Roomba. Don't have too much clutter; it slows the process down. Train the little boogers to help! Use good products and supplies. (I still agree with Don Aslet's views on using only a few types of cleaners and using spray bottles with terry cloth cloths, not "rags" or paper towels.)

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I've found reading through the flylady site helpful to get ideas. I never signed up because I heard that the emails were annoying. Right now DH does the bigger jobs like cleaning the fridge etc. And he does basic things if I need him to like wiping down the kitchen if I'm too tired to. In the past each day had a room assigned to do deep cleaning. Monday was kitchen, Tuesday the bathroom etc. Eventually we'll try to get back to that.


I'm also trying to include my kids when doing routine tasks. They help me with laundry, dishes and vacuuming. My goal is to get them used to it while it seems like a fun game to them. :) I got more serious about them picking up their clothes and toys. For several months I had to help them a lot. Now I can tell them it's time to clean up and just check when they're done for the most part.


We don't have outside help and usually we clean after school is done for the day since it doesn't take us long with only a 1st grader.

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Do you have a set routine/method? Not really. I do what needs to be done when I see that it needs to be done. I mostly spot clean throughout the week and spend a few hours on Saturday or Sunday going room to room to deep clean.

Do you use tools like Flylady etc? No. I tried but didn't care for Flylady.


How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner? My children pitch in a good bit. They are responsible for cleaning the kitchen after meals, taking out the trash, cleaning their own bedrooms and bathrooms, and straightening the living and dining rooms each night before bed. They do yard work. They take care of the dog.

My dh does whatever I ask on the weekends. He folds laundry, does yard work, routine household maintenance, etc. if I ask him to.


Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday? No.


Do you do housework in between educational activities? No. When I sit down to do school with the kids I do not quit until school is complete for the day.


Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends? Later in the day and on weekends.


What are your best tips? Teach your children to help! I don't like clutter and cleaning around a bunch of stuff. I take things to Goodwill all the time. It's so much easier to keep a relatively clean home when you don't have a bunch of junk piled everywhere, spilling out of closets, stuffed in drawers, etc. Get a super-capacity washing machine and dryer!



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The only 2 things that have ever worked for me are: daily & weekly routines (for everyone in the house, but mostly me) and DECLUTTERING ruthessly and regularly. If I do the chores every day, before I get on the computer :D nothing is ever out of control and is therefore dealt with quickly.


Now, in the spirit of honesty, I should admit that my house is scarily messy :001_huh: now, due to the fact that we are on term break and have all been sick. But I guess that just reinforces the point that chores need to be done consistently and thoroughly :)

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After reading a few comments in the all day schooling thread, I thought it might be nice to generate some ideas on how we can stay on top of the housework at the same time as educating our children (and, for some, working for pay as well!).


Do you have a set routine/method?

My routine is pretty much the same every day...I get up before the kids, have my coffee and computer time, take dry clothes from the dryer, fold, unload dishwasher.

Do you use tools like Flylady etc?

Yes I have a motivated moms app on my phone and use that daily. I have added some tasks to it though.

How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner?

Dh does not do much house work. He will load or unload the dishwasher if I ask. Dd6 and dd3 do quite a bit for their ages. They put their folded laundry away every day, feed the dogs, wipe the bathroom counters and sink, vacuum bedrooms and bathrooms, steam mop bathrooms, switch laundry from washer to dryer, dust bookshelves and living room, make their bed and ours.

Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday?

No outside help.

Do you do housework in between educational activities?

Yes. We do school at the kitchen table, so I can usually load the dishwasher or wipe counters while they finish penmanship or read aloud to me. I try not to leave the room or I lose them...:lol:

Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends?

I do try to get a lot done before they get up or while they are getting ready for the day. However, I feel it's very important that they be involved with all the chores, because it's something I never learned.

What are your best tips?

As annoying and ssslllooowww it is to have your kids help, encourage/require them to do so. I used to have a hard time letting mine help because it's not really "help" iykwim. Now that I've let go of my expectations of the job being done perfectly, and allowed them to do more, they are much more aware of the messes they make, more considerate, and they are starting to really do a good job on their chores!

The other thing that has helped me so much is the MM app. I don't have to think, I just check off the list during the day, and the house stays relatively clean and tidy! Like I said earlier, I had to add a few things, like vacuuming has to happen daily, and mopping every other day, because we have dogs and lots of tile. However, the app is customizable, and it reminds me to do things I normally wouldn't have thought to do, like clean light fixtures or the dryer hose. :001_huh:

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Oops, hit submit before I was finished...


We do a bunch of chores in the morning before school. I do more between schoolwork tasks, a few more before dinner and then we all do another bunch after dinner. We also spend a few hours on Saturdays doing jobs.

My boys are older, so they do quite a lot: dishes 4 nights a week, bringing laundry in, cleaning windows etc... Between them and Dad they also do all the outside jobs. I agree with teaching your kids to help when they're young and putting the responsability for the job on them once they're old enough. Once they get that they are actually helping the family with their jobs they take it more seriously.

I don't have outside help.

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I struggle with maintaining my house. I have a hard time "seeing" some of the smaller messes. I hate clutter but I have a hard time staying on top of it every day.

My dh makes dinner every night and the girls rotate dish duty every week (although neither one of them are good at washing ALL of the dishes...I tend to have to go in after and wipe down counters, stove, fridge, etc) I try to sweep daily (we have mostly hard floors throughout). Laundry is my nemesis. It tends to pile up quickly. I do two loads a day to keep on top of it....but there is always a pile of clothes (ready to be folded) on my dining room table :(

My newest approach to the overall upkeep of the house is to focus on being consistent on a few rooms. Right now, I'm working on keeping clean towels in the bathrooms (the pretty ones ;) ) and no clutter on the counters. I'm also working on keeping our bedroom totally clutter free! No stacks of laundry allowed! Once I can keep those going, I'll add another room. Seems to be working so far :tongue_smilie:

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I recently implemented a half hour cleaning time in the morning. So the kids and I do the things like windows, vacuuming, toilets, bathroom etc over the week so that everything is done at least once a week. Vacuuming is done each day in the main areas mainly because the littlest chap in the house creates havoc and mess wherever he goes.


I try to get them to tidy up as they go. In the evenings, we are meant to split up so the dishes and kitchen get tidied while others are folding and putting away washing. Our biggest downfall is ignoring the washing so it mounts up.


We currently are having two weeks of holidays so I am trying my best to do some sorting of shelves etc to get us into a tidier home and show everyone that everything in the house has a place. Always a work in progress. I have decided to start on one thing at a time.

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Do you have a set routine/method?

yep chore list, 4 kids and we get 'er done

Do you use tools like Flylady etc?

did her long ago, kinda incorporate it now

bed made (same with kids), sink clean and set days for bills, errands and deep clean

How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner?

my kids and I tear apart the house every monday, takes about 1 1/2 hours, loud music thumping and the house is cleaned deep! my hubby is a joy to me, and has coffee ready for me when I awake, and takes me out to dinner when I am insane

Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday?

just me and 4 kids

Do you do housework in between educational activities?

We have morning chores and after dinner chores

and each child has their day for laundy.

they wash, hang, fold and put away! woot

key: buy enough undies and socks for 7 days! lol

Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends?

Early morning, monday we wake earlier than usual, cause it is full chore day. We do basic school that day...no science or history. Our weekends, just regular morning chores and after dinner chores are done...it is real relaxed and full with church things and hanging with DAD!♥

What are your best tips?

Start training kids ASAP

I started at 4, and now they are 15, 14, and twins12, they can do all the chores to the degree I do (my son probably better) each can make dinner from start to finish (at least 10 things) and work together to help the others when they need it. It is a team effort, I work with them on the deep clean day, but other than that, I do no house work or lawn work now.

We laugh through chores and it isn't an all day thing, we are a well oiled machine!

Edited by anneofalamo
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After reading a few comments in the all day schooling thread, I thought it might be nice to generate some ideas on how we can stay on top of the housework at the same time as educating our children (and, for some, working for pay as well!).


Do you have a set routine/method?

Do you use tools like Flylady etc?

How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner?

Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday?

Do you do housework in between educational activities?

Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends?

What are your best tips?


I have a chore chart that is a rotating 3 week schedule for me. The kids chores stay the same each week. Some of my chores are weekly and others are bi or tri weekly.


We have a 30 minute chore time scheduled into each morning. This is when we each do our main daily chore. I also spend about 30 minutes or so cleaning up every afternoon before dinner. This is the time when the kids and I make sure all school stuff is put up, the laundry is placed where it goes, etc.


For daily maintenance we all help to clean up after each meal and I regularly remind the kids to straighten up after themselves. They are also required to clean their rooms every morning before breakfast.


I handle the bulk of the laundry with the kids pitching in whenever I ask them to or am busy with something else. I do the laundry throughout the day when I get a chance. I also do other chores whenever the kids are busy with independent work.


I try to scrub the tubs and sweep and mop thoroughly every weekend.


I don't have any outside help with housework. I have read the Flylady's stuff and really like it. I've gleaned a lot from her and worked it into my routine.


My husband and son keep up with yard work and my husband helps with the dishes sometimes and picks up after himself.


I've gone back and forth with this post trying to make sure I didn't forget anything and it seems rather repetitive and disjointed as a result. :001_smile:


As for tips:


Teach your children to help when they are little and you will reap the rewards as they get older. With all 3 of us doing a big chore each day, the housework goes by fast.


Declutter and reorganize regularly. Schedule a time for this and it will make things much easier to keep clean.


Don't buy anything unless you already have a place for it or get rid of 1 thing for each thing you buy.


Cleaning my tubs and doing my major sweeping and mopping on Saturdays has really helped me to get them done. I used to try to do them on weekdays but they take too long and didn't get done as routinely as they should.

Edited by Melanie32
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After reading a few comments in the all day schooling thread, I thought it might be nice to generate some ideas on how we can stay on top of the housework at the same time as educating our children (and, for some, working for pay as well!).


Do you have a set routine/method?

Do you use tools like Flylady etc?

How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner?

Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday?

Do you do housework in between educational activities?

Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends?

What are your best tips?


Set routine? Vacumming done on weekends, that is ds's job. We're fairly neat people anyway.


Tools? teen boys are great


My boys do a lot of the work. Dh is inherently neater and pickier than me. He will do his own laundry, he has the most.


Outside help? No.


During school? No. Unless someone needs an emergency load of laundry, like if he's going out of town, no. I did this years ago with dh. I can either teach school or keep house, but I can't do both at the same time. He decided school was more important.


Time of day? We pick up before bed. I try to make sure dishes are all done right after dinner. We generally have a place for everything, so messes are not really an issue. In the morning, I make the bed, fold blankets, and open curtains. I do not enter ds's room.


Tips? I told dh the other day I was just fine when he lowered his expectations. :lol: I was meaning specifically about cooking, but the same could be applied to housework.


Ds is a big help, he does trash, vacumming, dishwasher on a regular basis. Dh actually does a lot, but he's been only working part time for a while. But the thing is, school is my priority during the day. I work from home, work being the operative word. Just because I'm in the house doesn't mean I have time to clean while I'm here. I expect lunch dishes to be put in the dishwasher, I expect you to pick up after yourself during the day. I would expect that behavior if I worked in an office. My focus is on schooling, I don't switch gears easily and if I try to maintain both at once, everything suffers.


Ds only has about five more years at home. I'd rather spend time with him than dusting, kwim.

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I find if I let the clutter build it is harder to get control. Maintaining a clean house is easier then cleaning a messy house. I do maintenance each day. Passing a vacuum over the family areas daily, doing laundry as soon as we have a full basket, and passing a Clorox wipe over the bathroom sinks each morning helps. Dirty dishes are placed in the dishwasher when used keeps the kitchen clean. Then over the week I will do the toilets and dusting when I have a few minutes during school breaks. Deep cleaning and sheets changing happens the first weekend of each month. Tubs get cleaned once a week by a child during one of their showers...for some reason they enjoy this job, maybe because they can spend longer in the shower and mom does not fuss. Yard work is done when I am outside watching dd play.


I do make my children clean their own rooms weekly.


I do not make all dinners from scratch and choose easy meals.

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In addition to Flylady, I use routines to keep my house somewhat presentable. I am always tweaking them and have a hard time getting everything done that I want done. I just recently printed lists for each of my kids for independent work for school, and it includes chores. They race each other to see who can finish first. I have no outside help and my DH works a lot (he's working every single day in the month of October-12 hour days). He does the garbage and recycling, cuts the grass (along with DS), trims bushes, etc. My kids get roped into everything I do as we are together almost 100% of the time.


I am trying to get them to clean up after themselves. It's difficult.

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I have a cleaning lady who comes every other week. :blushing: We hired her when I started working weekends. I work every weekend, DH works during the week. We have 1-2 evenings a week when our schedules overlap and I don't want to have to do chores while we are all home. Lousy schedule, but it is what it is. Having someone clean makes life a lot nicer around here, and it's nice to know that every 2 weeks things are getting a thorough deep clean.


I still have to keep the house picked up and do some cleaning in between. I try to do 1-2 loads of laundry per day. Kids help with pcking up and vacuuming. I keep the kitchen clean. DH helps and he's responsible for keeping the house picked up on the weekends.

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Laundry is done on Friday night/Saturday morning.


Before bed each night, DS and I do a 15-30 minutes 'sweep' of the house. Everything gets put back in the right place and disinfectant wipes are used in the kitchen, bathroom, etc. Toilets are cleaned each night. I have an Ergorapido Cordless Vacuum that I also run on our tile while we are putting things away. Just that light cleaning seems to keep things pretty straight and clean enough that I can have students over that I tutor in the afternoons and evenings.


I was fortunate enough to find an online discount offering for housecleaning. It was a fantastic deal (3 hours of cleaning for $25). They came for the first time today and I have the cleanest house in town. I bought several of these coupons so I don't have to worry about deep cleaning until late spring. :party:So worth cutting in other places in our budget to afford this.

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I try to observe the natural flow of the day. So for ex, I never think about dinner before 4:30, & I never start doing anything about it before 5:30. If I really want us to eat at 6, that creates a perpetual emergency.


When dinner's finally done, we tend to leave everything. Dh will put leftovers away, but other than that, we wake up to a mess.


Then we tend to hang out in the kitchen in the mornings until 9 or 10, & I feel guilty about not starting school earlier.


I can remedy all of these problems by using that morning time to get the kitchen cleaned up & dinner started. I actually *prefer* to clean up in the mornings, & if it's *planned* that way, then I don't feel guilty about it.


I try to follow the same pattern of observing our habits & adapting those to fit a good routine. Instead of struggling to do school before & after lunch & feeling guilty that I never get around to outside play time, I realize that the littles aren't going to be very cooperative for school between 12 & 2 anyway, so that's outside play/lunch time.


If I leave the table much during school time, the bigs won't get their work done efficiently because of goofing off or bickering, & cleaning isn't as efficient because I end up doing the jobs I would have given the kids. So I might fold laundry while I sit w/ them or maybe switch loads or clip coupons or grade papers, but in general, I try to stay w/ them.


Ack! Screaming toddler. Gotta go.

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Do you have a set routine/method? Yes. It's a flexible routine. It flows cause my dh is at home late in the a.m. and doesn't leave the house on Th and Fri. He's home after 9p.m. 3 nights a week so we flow around that. Our school routine is here.

Do you use tools like Flylady etc? No. Though I've read most of the home management books;). I'm kind of a perculator. Pour in lots of info and I'll develop my own evil plan.

How much housework do your children do? Your husband/partner? Everybody does a lot. We are involved in a house re-build from a fire. Everyone over 11 switches laundry around. Everyone over 15 can do the cooking. Everyone helps with kitchen clean up. Everyone also has assigned jobs.

Do you have outside help, like a cleaning lday? Sadly, no.

Do you do housework in between educational activities? Often. We have developed a lifestyle of learning, so, although academics are done (normally) at certain times of day, learning takes place through out the day/week.

Or do you tackle it early mornings / later in the day / during the weekends? Certain things in the a.m., certain things later in the day.


What are your best tips? Manage your laundry or it will manage you! Meal and budget plan. Teach your kids to work. Work alongside them until they have the maturity to work independently. Train them to be diligent.

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oh geez. i am going to read this thread tonight when i can focus. i SO can use this advice. i was wondering the same thing as i took a break from HSing today to go to the bathroom and had to tip toe over clothes, toys, mess, trash, etc. etc. how on EARTH can we stay on top of it all? must i go from 6 am to 10 pm without stopping for a second to get it all done? and adding healthy meals on top of it...yes, i will be reading this thread later today...



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oh geez. i am going to read this thread tonight when i can focus. i SO can use this advice. i was wondering the same thing as i took a break from HSing today to go to the bathroom and had to tip toe over clothes, toys, mess, trash, etc. etc. how on EARTH can we stay on top of it all? must i go from 6 am to 10 pm without stopping for a second to get it all done? and adding healthy meals on top of it...yes, i will be reading this thread later today...




You need to make it daily to keep toys, mess, clothes and trash at bay. I don't know your children's ages, but if they are old enough to toddle, they are old enough to put clothes in hampers, trash in trash cans and toys where toys belong. It really does need to be a continual effort on the part of all or most family members; one person cannot be responsible for the mess, clothing, toys and trash of several other people and still accomplish any other goals in life! :001_smile:

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