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Some people are such jerks!

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Actually I've another word in my head besides "jerks."


Here I am doing these people a favor and someone on the periphery shows up and wants to be an @$$.


Then I look closer and another on can't walk 10 extra feet without putting himself out so he has put me out. Stupid jerk!




The house next to me has a foundation that collapsed after the thaw this past winter. The owner has this week decided to get that fixed. In order not to have the neighbor have to cut down trees and bushes for the excavator to get to the area to dig out the old foundation, they are using my driveway.


It is a double drive. I'm okay with parking my car close to the left side so they can access the neighbors yard and house. I've had dump trucks pulling in and out all day long. At this point I can see inside my neighbors basement from my kitchen window.


Then along comes the jerk. Parks his big red (yes, you know it is bright red. This type likes to be noticed) duel wheel truck right in the middle of my driveway. No, he isn't working as part of the crew. He just came to talk to someone. He could have parked on the street. He could have parked in front of my neighbor's house. He could have parked in my neighbor's driveway and walked around the freakin' house. Lazy jerk!


So I went over there and asked him to move his truck. He is all jerkish and insincere in his apology, but he gets in his truck and leaves. Or so I though. He pulled out of my drive way then within 60 seconds he pulled back in. What an @$$! Right in the middle of driveway again.


By the time I'm not seeing red and feel like I can go out there and find out what his problem is he leaves. I don't have enough curse words for guy. But the freakin' plumber has parked at the end of my driveway by now! I'll have to drive on my grass to get out (and so will anyone else) if I need to. Why in the name of all that is holy could the plumber not park 10 fee forward of where he did? Yet another blankety blank blank blank jerk!

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:grouphug: Dh and I see stuff like this all the time. People don't think. They do not for one second observe what is happening around them, and adjust their actions accordingly.


In my town it's the five car knot at the supermarket parkinglot. You know, the jerk who is in such a rush to get around someone else that they try to pass, but didn't see the other car coming the opposite way and now have a car behind them, a turning car in front of them, and two on the otherside making a huge, freakin knot. All because someone had to rush all of one minute to get out.


He deserves a jerk ticket.

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Lazy people - that's what it sounds like. I would be majorly bugged too. Just like I hate when someone pops into a handicapped spot just to run in to the store. You were in the right to go out & ask him to move. Maybe his rudeness was a cover-up for embarassment - or maybe he's just plain rude...I'm guessing he's probably just rude. :glare:

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Parrothead;Then along comes the jerk. Parks his big red (yes, you know it is bright red. This type likes to be noticed) duel wheel truck right in the middle of my driveway. No, he isn't working as part of the crew. He just came to talk to someone. He could have parked on the street. He could have parked in front of my neighbor's house. He could have parked in my neighbor's driveway and walked around the freakin' house. Lazy jerk!


So I went over there and asked him to move his truck. He is all jerkish and insincere in his apology, but he gets in his truck and leaves. Or so I though. He pulled out of my drive way then within 60 seconds he pulled back in. What an @$$! Right in the middle of driveway again.


Oh,**** no! I'd be right out there in my driveway placing an orange cone about now.


I'd warn him to park on the street or you will have him towed. He cannot block you in even while working on the neighbor's house.


Tomorrow in the morning, put something in the way so they can't pull in.

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Sounds like his truck is trespassing on your driveway...call the cops.

I've considered it. I've considered telling the cops that it is just dd and I here alone during the day and I'm now afraid of him (red truck jerk) retaliating in some way. Of course I'm not, but I could make it work to my advantage. I just hate to pull that card though.


Dh should be home before close of business today (someone will probably still be working next door).


I'll have him go over there and speak to the site boss. And I'll have him find a reason to come home a time or two tomorrow and Monday. If he can get out of the office he will be driving the work truck.


I just hate it that I have no where to go today. If I did I'd be in and out of the house all afternoon and make an annoying pest of my vehicle and myself.

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I concur. Rude!




A thought to consider.


Is this a case of give an inch to be nice and get taken a mile? Is it possible your neighbor has given the impression this is okay? I'd go tell the neighbor that if your kind offer of part of your driveway is going require the loss of all of it, being blocked in, and driving over your grass - then the offer is rescinded and to heck with his trees.


Otherwise he is hiring these people and should tell them where to park. I would.

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I concur. Rude!




A thought to consider.


Is this a case of give an inch to be nice and get taken a mile? Is it possible your neighbor has given the impression this is okay? I'd go tell the neighbor that if your kind offer of part of your driveway is going require the loss of all of it, being blocked in, and driving over your grass - then the offer is rescinded and to heck with his trees.


Otherwise he is hiring these people and should tell them where to park. I would.

It may be a case such as you described.


As much as it galls me to do so, I'm waiting for dh to handle it.





*Then there was a knock at the door.*



I was asked to move my car. Not by Red Truck Jerk, but some other minion. I asked him were he would like me to park it. He indicated my front yard. I told him no, he went to get the boss. '(the registration ran out on the 30th of September. I can't but it in the street.)


I gave the boss an earful. Probably both ears. He was an older gentleman and I am sorry I felt the need to. He apologized for Red Truck Jerk, said I didn't need to move my car (well why the h-e-double hockey sticks did you send your minion over to bother me?) and apologized again.


I put my car at the end of the drive. The dump truck can get out but, dh can't get in when he gets home in a hour. I'd call him and ask him to come home but it is his first day at a new assignment.


Lord! My poll induced headache has come back. I suppose it is now a jerk induced headache.

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My DH and I have a little saying that we say to each other when we see a jacked up, obnoxious truck like that..."Nice truck!" which means 'nice truck, sorry about your {little part in your pants}' So, the next time you think about that jerk, think of how hard he is trying to compensate for his little part! :lol:

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The whole situation wouldn't bother me at all. I wouldn't mind the red truck in my drive way. I wouldn't even think of asking the guy to move his truck if I wasn't going somewhere. If I had to go out and could drive through my yard I would do that so I wouldn't even need to ask the guy to move his truck. Am I missing something? Is you neighbor the neighborhood jerk or something? I just don't get why you and all of the other posters would be bothered at all about this?:confused:

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The whole situation wouldn't bother me at all. I wouldn't mind the red truck in my drive way. I wouldn't even think of asking the guy to move his truck if I wasn't going somewhere. If I had to go out and could drive through my yard I would do that so I wouldn't even need to ask the guy to move his truck. Am I missing something? Is you neighbor the neighborhood jerk or something? I just don't get why you and all of the other posters would be bothered at all about this?:confused:

No, my neighbor is in his 70s. I've only met him once.


It rained Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm not putting a vehicle on sodden grass and leaving ruts in my yard. I put a lot of work into my grass. And besides it is the principal of the thing.


What if I've got some kind of emergency. I don't want to have to go hunt some idiot up and have him move his vehicle while my kid or my dog is injured or some other kind of emergency. It is simply rude to block someone it - especially in their own driveway.


That man had absolutely no reason to park in my driveway other than he didn't want to have to walk from the street.

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My DH and I have a little saying that we say to each other when we see a jacked up, obnoxious truck like that..."Nice truck!" which means 'nice truck, sorry about your {little part in your pants}' So, the next time you think about that jerk, think of how hard he is trying to compensate for his little part! :lol:

Yeah, he had that whole "I'm so cool I can hardly stand myself" thing going on.


He probably is trying to compensate.

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The whole situation wouldn't bother me at all. I wouldn't mind the red truck in my drive way. I wouldn't even think of asking the guy to move his truck if I wasn't going somewhere. If I had to go out and could drive through my yard I would do that so I wouldn't even need to ask the guy to move his truck. Am I missing something? Is you neighbor the neighborhood jerk or something? I just don't get why you and all of the other posters would be bothered at all about this?:confused:


Around here we call it a "Don't mess with our nest!" reaction.


Basically, OP kindly offered to let neighbor temporarily use a portion of her nest for a specific bit of work and OP is now understandably ticked bc, instead of sticking to the agreement, her nest is now surrounded and encroached upon. Thus her feathers are understandably ruffled.


Cluck cluck.:D

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But did he have the dangling testicles? You know, the kind guys like that hang from the backs of their trucks?




Oh ick. I always want to shout to guys driving those trucks, "No woman is going to touch any part of you that looks like that! It is NOT flattering to your manhood. If it is an accurate representation, please seek medical assistance."


What are they thinking?:confused: It's the equal to a woman hanging two pancakes with strawberries in the middle from her bumper and thinking it is a sexy statement about womanhood.

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Around here we call it a "Don't mess with our nest!" reaction.


Basically, OP kindly offered to let neighbor temporarily use a portion of her nest for a specific bit of work and OP is now understandably ticked bc, instead of sticking to the agreement, her nest is now surrounded and encroached upon. Thus her feathers are understandably ruffled.


Cluck cluck.:D

:iagree: Exactly. I couldn't have cared less about Red Truck Jerk being parked in the drive if he had had consideration for the possibility that I might have needed to go somewhere. Instead he blocked me in and was rude about it and had the unmitigated gall to come back and do it again.


They all left within moments of dh coming home. When I told him what happened he said, "There is not supposed to be anything in the driveway except a dump truck and an excavator!"


He is off tomorrow and Monday. Both our vehicles will be in the drive in the morning. It will be interesting to see what happens when they come knocking in the morning.

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