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A Poll Just for Parrothead

What kind of a child were you?  

  1. 1. What kind of a child were you?

    • I was my parent's problem child
    • I was born with a halo stapled to my head
    • I was so middle, that I was average on every poll
    • Other

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Wait, isn't this just for Parrothead?


LOL--yeah, my Aspie tendencies rear their interesting head--


I thought you were joking and making a poll that is just ABOUT Parrothead!!! THat's why I was laughing!


Now I see you posted it to entertain (or inform) Parrothead!


Biiiig difference....


I couldn't figure out why people were responding, but she wasn't! :D



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My parents thought I was an angel. I was sooooo not an angel. My mother seriously thought I could do no wrong.


I was drinking at 12yo, sneaking out at 12, smoking regularly at 14, partying and skipping school all through high school. I was partying 3 days a week and getting drunk regularly.



DH and I were both rowdy and when we got together at 18, part of what drew us together was that we were both over the partying! I have a lot of friends who were good teens, and the things I did from 12-18.....they did in college in their 18-22s. LOL

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I said middle. I never gave my parents any problems. I did well in school. Had untroublesome friends. Never had OTT parties. Didn't spend all my weekends partying. Never came home drunk or stoned. If I wasn't playing the piano or surfing, I was studying or reading.


But... I know my mom knew there was something wrong. I knew she worried. Sometimes I wish I could have told her, but I also knew I could never bring myself to hurt her that much. I still believe it is better that she died not knowing. What's done is done.

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I'm not really sure what I was. My sister was the one who snuck out, smoked, dabbled in drinking, had the wretched boyfriends. My brother was the one who didn't bother to turn in his homework, got bad grades, was lazy and couldn't care less. I always got good grades, I never smoked, didn't touch a drop of alcohol until I was 19, and then only a few sips. I wasn't allowed to date in high school, but I dated on the sly. I was more rebellious in that my parents would tell me to do something, I would look like I agreed with them, and then walk off and do my own thing.


So while my parents used to say that I was rebellious, I was actually a really good kid who didn't get into trouble. The only time I remember openly defying my parents was after I graduated and I rode on my friend's motorcycle even though my parents told me not to. And when I got a tattoo at 19--I did warn them, they just didn't believe me.

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Wolf asked my mother this when she was here this summer.


According to her, I was perfect until about age 10-12, and then it all went to Hades.



:lol: My mom says the same thing about me but I made it to 16. She didn't know what hit her she says it was like a bait and switch

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I was the perfect child. I am the oldest girl of my mom's, second girl of my dad's but in his "second family" because my older half siblings are 21 years older than my little brother and I. I got straight A's in private school and then in AP classes in HS. Swam competitvely year-round for 8 years, took piano, participated in everything at church, blah, blah, blah. I tried so hard being perfect that at 14 when my mom got cancer, I had a breakdown and ended up being depressed, anorexic, etc. I got pregnant shortly before I turned 18 and went back to trying to be perfect. I was the only SAHteenM I knew. I had twins with special needs, nursed 2 years, homeschooled them when they turned 5 years, cooked from scratch all natural foods, etc.


Hmmm maybe I should lighten up, reading ABOUT myself is boring! :tongue_smilie:

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