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Rough day, anyone? (vent)

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Today started out okay. But all fell apart after I picked up a friend's daughter to take her home after one of her dual-credit college/high school courses. I ran by the grocery store on my way home. When I got home and asked my kids to do something simple I was WHINED AT :glare: for asking them to eat lunch and then do their school work. BOTH were disciplined and now wonder why they're in trouble. :confused: It's not like they don't know. with my 7yo ds it's the constant whining that I'm just fed up with! With my 13yo dd (Aspie) it's the constant grumbling and the normal teen disrespect of me as her mom/teacher.



So, if any of the rest of you are having attitudinal issues from your students, just know that you're not alone! :tongue_smilie:;)

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So, I was already stressed due to the finances, being behind on everything etc. and I emerge from my shower to find that the animals had not been taken care of, no beds had been made and the curtains hadn't even been opened because the kids were ignoring everything due to their current obsession with Garfield dvds.


I told them that there would be no more Garfield until their responsibilities were taken care of first. This triggered a tirade at me from ds14 on how I was behind on laundry etc. This was the wrong thing to say as he quickly found out.


I yelled that since I had to deal with all of that, the least they could do is to take care of their responsibilities. Ds14's response was to yell that he was packing. I told him not to bother and showed him the door. He told me he'd see me next millennium but I did notice that he made sure that the door was unlocked as he stormed out.


It turned out ok. He came back 15 min. later and slipped into the dining room where we were having devotions and were eating breakfast. We all confessed our sins and hugs. I told him that we'll have a millennial celebration later with party hats and those things you blow on and make noise.


So - the answer to your question is "Yes" but I'm glad that we can confess and move on.

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My crummy time was last night, and it involved my DH not my kids! :) I went out Sunday night with some friends and he ended up answering a math question for my daughter. So last night he starts telling me how much he dislikes the math program I'm using because he doesn't understand why everything has to involve manipulatives (DD is in MUS Beta). He wanted to know why Demme didn't just teach her how to do multiple digit subtraction(with borrowing) on paper without the manipulatives. After which he proceeds to tell me that he explained it to her in a way that she understands now, so she won't be needing the manipulatives anymore. AAAAHHHH!!! Ok, great, I'm glad that she understands now (we'll see if that's true this afternoon)...but REALLY?! I practically begged him to choose curriculum with me but everytime we sat down at the computer he ended up asleep on the floor withing 15 minutes. What really bothers me is that he didn't bother to watch the video to see how he had taught her to do it, he based his entire opinion on Ellie's attempt to regurgitate the new info. I'm very upset, I feel like he attacked my ability to teach her and now he hates the math program that I've spent a good deal of money on! He's making me question whether or not I should have gone with my second choice, saxon. Uhg! He apoligized this morning...so we're good...but the uncertainty has rooted!

Edited by azmomx3
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My crummy time was last night, and it involved my DH not my kids! :) I went out Sunday night with some friends and he ended up answering a math question for my daughter. So last night he starts telling me how much he dislikes the math program I'm using because he doesn't understand why everything has to involve manipulatives (DD is in MUS Beta). He wanted to know why Demme didn't just teach her how to do multiple digit subtraction(with borrowing) on paper without the manipulatives. After which he proceeds to tell me that he explained it to her in a way that she understands now, so she won't be needing the manipulatives anymore. AAAAHHHH!!! Ok, great, I'm glad that she understands now (we'll see if that's true this afternoon)...but REALLY?! I practically begged him to choose curriculum with me but everytime we sat down at the computer he ended up asleep on the floor withing 15 minutes. What really bothers me is that he didn't bother to watch the video to see how he had taught her to do it, he based his entire opinion on Ellie's attempt to regurgitate the new info. I'm very upset, I feel like he attacked my ability to teach her and now he hates the math program that I've spent a good deal of money on! He's making me question whether or not I should have gone with my second choice, saxon. Uhg!


:grouphug: If you possibly can, I would keep the manipulatives even if you do change at some point to another curriculum. I'm saying this as a mom who is having to go back and reteach my nine year old some basic math concepts with manipulatives because she needs those "why's" behind the standard algorithms.

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I am having a rough day also. It started with a bad headache last night at Scouts. I had a crazy busy day yesterday and then when I was chatting with another mom I began seeing stars. I was sitting and didn't know what was going on. I otherwise felt fine. Then I started having a pounding on the sides of my head and ears. I had a full blown headache by the time I drove home. Don't know if that is what a migraine feels like but it wasn't pleasant. I took 3 extra strength motrin and a benadryl and tried to sleep. I felt better when I woke up this morning but my oldest ds has a seizure right before math. He has had a lot of anxiety, irritability, and OCD today as a result of the seizures he is having. My dds noticed him being cranky and they started giving me attitude.


I'm just tired and the house is dirty and I just want to sit in the sunshine and read a good mystery right now. It's not going to happen. I have lots of running around to do this afternoon.


Thanks for starting this thread. It's good to just vent. Now off to clean the kitchen!


Elise in NC

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I am having a wretched day. My stupid bank botched my account and I couldn't check it all weekend. Needless to say, I lost about $310 out of the deal. I am irate and just an emotional wreck right now. That was my birthday/Christmas money for my kids. :crying: So I am just going to curl up on the couch and cry for a few days while I try to figure out how I can sell some stuff and make money. We were supposed to do science, history and spelling, but I don't think I can atm.

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So, I was already stressed due to the finances, being behind on everything etc. and I emerge from my shower to find that the animals had not been taken care of, no beds had been made and the curtains hadn't even been opened because the kids were ignoring everything due to their current obsession with Garfield dvds.


I told them that there would be no more Garfield until their responsibilities were taken care of first. This triggered a tirade at me from ds14 on how I was behind on laundry etc. This was the wrong thing to say as he quickly found out.


I yelled that since I had to deal with all of that, the least they could do is to take care of their responsibilities. Ds14's response was to yell that he was packing. I told him not to bother and showed him the door. He told me he'd see me next millennium but I did notice that he made sure that the door was unlocked as he stormed out.


It turned out ok. He came back 15 min. later and slipped into the dining room where we were having devotions and were eating breakfast. We all confessed our sins and hugs. I told him that we'll have a millennial celebration later with party hats and those things you blow on and make noise.


So - the answer to your question is "Yes" but I'm glad that we can confess and move on.


Sounds eerily similar to our day. My 2 have a thing about Garfield too!

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Though I have and deleted it a time or two.

Maybe a vent thread is a safe place to let it out.

The WTM homeschool I've tried to keep going for 10 years is falling apart for our oldest.


Last year, 9th grade, it took her so long to do school everyday. Sometimes til 8 or 9 at night. I would get so upset with her thinking she was just not focused. She would say that she had to read and re-read to answer the questions and that it was so hard and that by the time she finished she couldn't remember anything. Her head hurt all the time, some days she couldn't work at all and she was in pain. It was an agonizing year but she pulled off a 3.8GPA. Turns out that was pretty much a miracle.


In addition to the headaches,she began to have blackouts, vertigo and blurred vision. Her knees would swell and be so painful, I begged our Dr. to redo tests for Lyme Disease. (they had run them 4 years ago) And I began to learn about it and the more I learned the more certain I was and when the tests came back, it was positive at last. Looking back now, our Dr. shook her head and said, it's been there all along. I don't blame her, she has never given up trying to find out what's wrong with Rowan.


We'd spent six years with breathing issues, rashes, joint pain, headaches and now this new stuff. Enter in the brain fog apparently so characteristic of later Lyme. Bless her heart, it is her sheer stubbornness that keeps her going.


She is finally being treated but she is still getting worse. She looks so gorgeous it is hard to believe she is so sick. But she is. We started school September 13th. I don't think she has done a full day of academics yet.

And what she does is a struggle. Last week the vertigo made her fall down the stairs to the basement and she sprained her ankle and got a slight concussion. The medication makes her sick to her stomach and she has no appetite. The exhaustion is something I've never seen so extreme.


This is our new normal. Thanks for listening.

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Today started out okay. But all fell apart after I picked up a friend's daughter to take her home after one of her dual-credit college/high school courses. I ran by the grocery store on my way home. When I got home and asked my kids to do something simple I was WHINED AT :glare: for asking them to eat lunch and then do their school work. BOTH were disciplined and now wonder why they're in trouble. :confused: It's not like they don't know. with my 7yo ds it's the constant whining that I'm just fed up with! With my 13yo dd (Aspie) it's the constant grumbling and the normal teen disrespect of me as her mom/teacher.



So, if any of the rest of you are having attitudinal issues from your students, just know that you're not alone! :tongue_smilie:;)



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So, I was already stressed due to the finances, being behind on everything etc. and I emerge from my shower to find that the animals had not been taken care of, no beds had been made and the curtains hadn't even been opened because the kids were ignoring everything due to their current obsession with Garfield dvds.


I told them that there would be no more Garfield until their responsibilities were taken care of first. This triggered a tirade at me from ds14 on how I was behind on laundry etc. This was the wrong thing to say as he quickly found out.


I yelled that since I had to deal with all of that, the least they could do is to take care of their responsibilities. Ds14's response was to yell that he was packing. I told him not to bother and showed him the door. He told me he'd see me next millennium but I did notice that he made sure that the door was unlocked as he stormed out.


It turned out ok. He came back 15 min. later and slipped into the dining room where we were having devotions and were eating breakfast. We all confessed our sins and hugs. I told him that we'll have a millennial celebration later with party hats and those things you blow on and make noise.


So - the answer to your question is "Yes" but I'm glad that we can confess and move on.



Hang in there Jean.

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Last night, my 7yo had a melt down at dinner because my 10yo made a "mean face" at her when she blew a big spit bubble. Apparently no one understands her, and everyone thinks her spit bubbles are gross.




Bless your heart, my 11 year old is the one that behaves that one sometimes.


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I am having a rough day also. It started with a bad headache last night at Scouts. I had a crazy busy day yesterday and then when I was chatting with another mom I began seeing stars. I was sitting and didn't know what was going on. I otherwise felt fine. Then I started having a pounding on the sides of my head and ears. I had a full blown headache by the time I drove home. Don't know if that is what a migraine feels like but it wasn't pleasant. I took 3 extra strength motrin and a benadryl and tried to sleep. I felt better when I woke up this morning but my oldest ds has a seizure right before math. He has had a lot of anxiety, irritability, and OCD today as a result of the seizures he is having. My dds noticed him being cranky and they started giving me attitude.


I'm just tired and the house is dirty and I just want to sit in the sunshine and read a good mystery right now. It's not going to happen. I have lots of running around to do this afternoon.


Thanks for starting this thread. It's good to just vent. Now off to clean the kitchen!


Elise in NC


Hope your headache went away. A clean kitchen always cheers me up. :)


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Though I have and deleted it a time or two.

Maybe a vent thread is a safe place to let it out.

The WTM homeschool I've tried to keep going for 10 years is falling apart for our oldest.


Last year, 9th grade, it took her so long to do school everyday. Sometimes til 8 or 9 at night. I would get so upset with her thinking she was just not focused. She would say that she had to read and re-read to answer the questions and that it was so hard and that by the time she finished she couldn't remember anything. Her head hurt all the time, some days she couldn't work at all and she was in pain. It was an agonizing year but she pulled off a 3.8GPA. Turns out that was pretty much a miracle.


In addition to the headaches,she began to have blackouts, vertigo and blurred vision. Her knees would swell and be so painful, I begged our Dr. to redo tests for Lyme Disease. (they had run them 4 years ago) And I began to learn about it and the more I learned the more certain I was and when the tests came back, it was positive at last. Looking back now, our Dr. shook her head and said, it's been there all along. I don't blame her, she has never given up trying to find out what's wrong with Rowan.


We'd spent six years with breathing issues, rashes, joint pain, headaches and now this new stuff. Enter in the brain fog apparently so characteristic of later Lyme. Bless her heart, it is her sheer stubbornness that keeps her going.


She is finally being treated but she is still getting worse. She looks so gorgeous it is hard to believe she is so sick. But she is. We started school September 13th. I don't think she has done a full day of academics yet.

And what she does is a struggle. Last week the vertigo made her fall down the stairs to the basement and she sprained her ankle and got a slight concussion. The medication makes her sick to her stomach and she has no appetite. The exhaustion is something I've never seen so extreme.


This is our new normal. Thanks for listening.


Oh Lizzie. I'm so sorry. I hope that your new normal has changes for the better very soon.

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Though I have and deleted it a time or two.

Maybe a vent thread is a safe place to let it out.

The WTM homeschool I've tried to keep going for 10 years is falling apart for our oldest.


Last year, 9th grade, it took her so long to do school everyday. Sometimes til 8 or 9 at night. I would get so upset with her thinking she was just not focused. She would say that she had to read and re-read to answer the questions and that it was so hard and that by the time she finished she couldn't remember anything. Her head hurt all the time, some days she couldn't work at all and she was in pain. It was an agonizing year but she pulled off a 3.8GPA. Turns out that was pretty much a miracle.


In addition to the headaches,she began to have blackouts, vertigo and blurred vision. Her knees would swell and be so painful, I begged our Dr. to redo tests for Lyme Disease. (they had run them 4 years ago) And I began to learn about it and the more I learned the more certain I was and when the tests came back, it was positive at last. Looking back now, our Dr. shook her head and said, it's been there all along. I don't blame her, she has never given up trying to find out what's wrong with Rowan.


We'd spent six years with breathing issues, rashes, joint pain, headaches and now this new stuff. Enter in the brain fog apparently so characteristic of later Lyme. Bless her heart, it is her sheer stubbornness that keeps her going.


She is finally being treated but she is still getting worse. She looks so gorgeous it is hard to believe she is so sick. But she is. We started school September 13th. I don't think she has done a full day of academics yet.

And what she does is a struggle. Last week the vertigo made her fall down the stairs to the basement and she sprained her ankle and got a slight concussion. The medication makes her sick to her stomach and she has no appetite. The exhaustion is something I've never seen so extreme.


This is our new normal. Thanks for listening.


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:grouphug: for everyone. Can I have a place to vent, too?


It's been . . . . tough lately. On top of dh's un- and under-employment, we've got. . .


After two weeks of medical insanity, dd19 FINALLY got her gallbladder removed last Friday. She's home from college classes, and thought she'd feel better by now, but is still fighting dizziness. So she's a little stressed about the whole, "How-am-I-gonna-make-up-all-this-work" thing.


Her health insurance ran out last Friday, so now she's without coverage. We can get her some through school, but not sure where we're going to find the $700 or so to pay for it.


She can, however, watch movies - it keeps her mind off her dizziness. Which means that ALL the younger people think they can watch movies, too! (Which also means that I want to ditch my work, and watch movies as well! Persuasion is on right now. . . . )


Yesterday, found out that our septic system needs two new field lines, to the tune of 2K. :glare:


Today, found out that the pedi is concerned about our youngest's growth; even though her blood tests are normal, her bone growth is quite behind (how behind, I never found out). She has to go for a sweat test to rule out Cystic Fibrosis (really??? Cystic Fibrosis at age 7, with no previous symptoms? :001_huh:) and then to an endocrinologist. So now, I've got another kid to worry about.


My aunt (about 8 hrs. north of here) has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, probably advanced.


I'm afraid to look at our bank account.


My dh is a stress case - he's working manual labor, and teaching at the same time. He's got an audience with a college dean tomorrow to present a proposal, and he's not had enough time to prep for it. (there's more to that story, but i'm too lazy to write it)


I'm behind on grading papers, and my 11yo had a MELTDOWN today because I said, no, you can't organize your earring collection, you have to do science. Mama's back on duty after two weeks off with medical issues for dd19, and she's not happy that she's being called on the carpet about her - ahem - lack of work ethic.


And - I really want to put on my jammies, but I have to go out in about 45 minutes and pick up ds15 from robotics.


Whine over. Thanks for listening. Virtual Mike's and chocolate gladly accepted.

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:grouphug: for everyone. Can I have a place to vent, too?


It's been . . . . tough lately. On top of dh's un- and under-employment, we've got. . .


After two weeks of medical insanity, dd19 FINALLY got her gallbladder removed last Friday. She's home from college classes, and thought she'd feel better by now, but is still fighting dizziness. So she's a little stressed about the whole, "How-am-I-gonna-make-up-all-this-work" thing.


Her health insurance ran out last Friday, so now she's without coverage. We can get her some through school, but not sure where we're going to find the $700 or so to pay for it.


She can, however, watch movies - it keeps her mind off her dizziness. Which means that ALL the younger people think they can watch movies, too! (Which also means that I want to ditch my work, and watch movies as well! Persuasion is on right now. . . . )


Yesterday, found out that our septic system needs two new field lines, to the tune of 2K. :glare:


Today, found out that the pedi is concerned about our youngest's growth; even though her blood tests are normal, her bone growth is quite behind (how behind, I never found out). She has to go for a sweat test to rule out Cystic Fibrosis (really??? Cystic Fibrosis at age 7, with no previous symptoms? :001_huh:) and then to an endocrinologist. So now, I've got another kid to worry about.


My aunt (about 8 hrs. north of here) has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, probably advanced.


I'm afraid to look at our bank account.


My dh is a stress case - he's working manual labor, and teaching at the same time. He's got an audience with a college dean tomorrow to present a proposal, and he's not had enough time to prep for it. (there's more to that story, but i'm too lazy to write it)


I'm behind on grading papers, and my 11yo had a MELTDOWN today because I said, no, you can't organize your earring collection, you have to do science. Mama's back on duty after two weeks off with medical issues for dd19, and she's not happy that she's being called on the carpet about her - ahem - lack of work ethic.


And - I really want to put on my jammies, but I have to go out in about 45 minutes and pick up ds15 from robotics.


Whine over. Thanks for listening. Virtual Mike's and chocolate gladly accepted.


Here's the best I can do. :grouphug: :cheers2:

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Though I have and deleted it a time or two.

Maybe a vent thread is a safe place to let it out.

The WTM homeschool I've tried to keep going for 10 years is falling apart for our oldest.


Last year, 9th grade, it took her so long to do school everyday. Sometimes til 8 or 9 at night. I would get so upset with her thinking she was just not focused. She would say that she had to read and re-read to answer the questions and that it was so hard and that by the time she finished she couldn't remember anything. Her head hurt all the time, some days she couldn't work at all and she was in pain. It was an agonizing year but she pulled off a 3.8GPA. Turns out that was pretty much a miracle.


In addition to the headaches,she began to have blackouts, vertigo and blurred vision. Her knees would swell and be so painful, I begged our Dr. to redo tests for Lyme Disease. (they had run them 4 years ago) And I began to learn about it and the more I learned the more certain I was and when the tests came back, it was positive at last. Looking back now, our Dr. shook her head and said, it's been there all along. I don't blame her, she has never given up trying to find out what's wrong with Rowan.


We'd spent six years with breathing issues, rashes, joint pain, headaches and now this new stuff. Enter in the brain fog apparently so characteristic of later Lyme. Bless her heart, it is her sheer stubbornness that keeps her going.


She is finally being treated but she is still getting worse. She looks so gorgeous it is hard to believe she is so sick. But she is. We started school September 13th. I don't think she has done a full day of academics yet.

And what she does is a struggle. Last week the vertigo made her fall down the stairs to the basement and she sprained her ankle and got a slight concussion. The medication makes her sick to her stomach and she has no appetite. The exhaustion is something I've never seen so extreme.


This is our new normal. Thanks for listening.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


I'm so sorry she's going through this (and you too). Many hugs and prayers.

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:grouphug: for everyone. Can I have a place to vent, too?


It's been . . . . tough lately. On top of dh's un- and under-employment, we've got. . .


After two weeks of medical insanity, dd19 FINALLY got her gallbladder removed last Friday. She's home from college classes, and thought she'd feel better by now, but is still fighting dizziness. So she's a little stressed about the whole, "How-am-I-gonna-make-up-all-this-work" thing.


Her health insurance ran out last Friday, so now she's without coverage. We can get her some through school, but not sure where we're going to find the $700 or so to pay for it.


She can, however, watch movies - it keeps her mind off her dizziness. Which means that ALL the younger people think they can watch movies, too! (Which also means that I want to ditch my work, and watch movies as well! Persuasion is on right now. . . . )


Yesterday, found out that our septic system needs two new field lines, to the tune of 2K. :glare:


Today, found out that the pedi is concerned about our youngest's growth; even though her blood tests are normal, her bone growth is quite behind (how behind, I never found out). She has to go for a sweat test to rule out Cystic Fibrosis (really??? Cystic Fibrosis at age 7, with no previous symptoms? :001_huh:) and then to an endocrinologist. So now, I've got another kid to worry about.


My aunt (about 8 hrs. north of here) has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, probably advanced.


I'm afraid to look at our bank account.


My dh is a stress case - he's working manual labor, and teaching at the same time. He's got an audience with a college dean tomorrow to present a proposal, and he's not had enough time to prep for it. (there's more to that story, but i'm too lazy to write it)


I'm behind on grading papers, and my 11yo had a MELTDOWN today because I said, no, you can't organize your earring collection, you have to do science. Mama's back on duty after two weeks off with medical issues for dd19, and she's not happy that she's being called on the carpet about her - ahem - lack of work ethic.


And - I really want to put on my jammies, but I have to go out in about 45 minutes and pick up ds15 from robotics.


Whine over. Thanks for listening. Virtual Mike's and chocolate gladly accepted.


Gosh, hugs and prayers for you too. :grouphug: :grouphug: (Can you get a 2nd opinion on the CF thing before you do the test?)

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I had a long day. Not terrible, but long. I took Ds5 to storytime at the library which interrupted school for the others. We stopped at the park on the way home to play since it was so nice. The kids had a hot lunch today. So I thought it was a little over the top for him to be sobbing while doing his math. The math wasn't too hard. He hadn't spent too much time on it. He was weeping big tears because this was the third lesson in which the shortest (line, tower, train) was supposed to be colored blue, his favorite color.:glare: Darling son, the longest is always red. The shortest is always blue. It is just one of those things we have to learn to deal with in life.

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Though I have and deleted it a time or two.

Maybe a vent thread is a safe place to let it out.

The WTM homeschool I've tried to keep going for 10 years is falling apart for our oldest.


Last year, 9th grade, it took her so long to do school everyday. Sometimes til 8 or 9 at night. I would get so upset with her thinking she was just not focused. She would say that she had to read and re-read to answer the questions and that it was so hard and that by the time she finished she couldn't remember anything. Her head hurt all the time, some days she couldn't work at all and she was in pain. It was an agonizing year but she pulled off a 3.8GPA. Turns out that was pretty much a miracle.


In addition to the headaches,she began to have blackouts, vertigo and blurred vision. Her knees would swell and be so painful, I begged our Dr. to redo tests for Lyme Disease. (they had run them 4 years ago) And I began to learn about it and the more I learned the more certain I was and when the tests came back, it was positive at last. Looking back now, our Dr. shook her head and said, it's been there all along. I don't blame her, she has never given up trying to find out what's wrong with Rowan.


We'd spent six years with breathing issues, rashes, joint pain, headaches and now this new stuff. Enter in the brain fog apparently so characteristic of later Lyme. Bless her heart, it is her sheer stubbornness that keeps her going.


She is finally being treated but she is still getting worse. She looks so gorgeous it is hard to believe she is so sick. But she is. We started school September 13th. I don't think she has done a full day of academics yet.

And what she does is a struggle. Last week the vertigo made her fall down the stairs to the basement and she sprained her ankle and got a slight concussion. The medication makes her sick to her stomach and she has no appetite. The exhaustion is something I've never seen so extreme.


This is our new normal. Thanks for listening.



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After reading about everyone's week I am glad we took the week off and went to my moms. This school year has been pretty stressful for me. My oldest getting older and stressing over doing enough but not doing too much. Money has been a little tight and that's got me thinking about how I don't contribute financially to the family, and that starts the maybe I should send them to school feelings. I haven't had those feelings in years and I wish I could get my peace back.

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I babysat my nephews this afternoon. The 13 year old taught the 2 year old to call the 9 year old "Sparkle" because he had accidentally gotten glitter on himself while helping my 6 year old daughter do a craft. Naturally this upset the 9 year old, which only fueled the four other kids to ALL call him Sparkle -which in and of itself fueled the toddler who kept shouting it at the top of his lungs and pointing to the 9 year old. This all happened in the car, which was extra delightful. I wish my car stereo came with a headphone jack. I can usually crank it up loud enough to block out the kids but this time I had the eldest riding up front with me and since he was instigating it all ... ::sigh:: ...


Still not nearly bad as the day some of you all had today, though ((hugs)).


(For the record, my nephew did look pretty Sparkalicious. I probably made a mistake by saying so. The whole debacle is probably my fault. I'm no more mature than the kids are LOL. File under "Things to Think, But Not To Say" for $100, Alex.)

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:grouphug: for everyone. Can I have a place to vent, too?


It's been . . . . tough lately. On top of dh's un- and under-employment, we've got. . .


After two weeks of medical insanity, dd19 FINALLY got her gallbladder removed last Friday. She's home from college classes, and thought she'd feel better by now, but is still fighting dizziness. So she's a little stressed about the whole, "How-am-I-gonna-make-up-all-this-work" thing.


Her health insurance ran out last Friday, so now she's without coverage. We can get her some through school, but not sure where we're going to find the $700 or so to pay for it.


She can, however, watch movies - it keeps her mind off her dizziness. Which means that ALL the younger people think they can watch movies, too! (Which also means that I want to ditch my work, and watch movies as well! Persuasion is on right now. . . . )


Yesterday, found out that our septic system needs two new field lines, to the tune of 2K. :glare:


Today, found out that the pedi is concerned about our youngest's growth; even though her blood tests are normal, her bone growth is quite behind (how behind, I never found out). She has to go for a sweat test to rule out Cystic Fibrosis (really??? Cystic Fibrosis at age 7, with no previous symptoms? :001_huh:) and then to an endocrinologist. So now, I've got another kid to worry about.


My aunt (about 8 hrs. north of here) has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, probably advanced.


I'm afraid to look at our bank account.


My dh is a stress case - he's working manual labor, and teaching at the same time. He's got an audience with a college dean tomorrow to present a proposal, and he's not had enough time to prep for it. (there's more to that story, but i'm too lazy to write it)


I'm behind on grading papers, and my 11yo had a MELTDOWN today because I said, no, you can't organize your earring collection, you have to do science. Mama's back on duty after two weeks off with medical issues for dd19, and she's not happy that she's being called on the carpet about her - ahem - lack of work ethic.


And - I really want to put on my jammies, but I have to go out in about 45 minutes and pick up ds15 from robotics.


Whine over. Thanks for listening. Virtual Mike's and chocolate gladly accepted.


You dear woman, I hope you got a chance to put on your jammies at some point and have a Mike's. :grouphug::grouphug:

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