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EASIEST (knit or crochet) pattern you know of for quick afghan!

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I can do very, very basic crochet and knitting. I am looking for a simple pattern that works up quickly, so I can feel a sense of accomplishment :001_smile:.


Crochet generally goes faster than knitting, and taller stitches go faster than shorter ones. So look for a crochet pattern with at least double crochet for a quick afghan. You could even just do rows of double crochet for a simple afghan.


Do you have a Ravelry.com membership? They have a lot of nice patterns.

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I have been wanting to learn to knit or crochet for years but alas no one ever seemed to want to teach a lefty. I tried books and videos but no luck. But yay on thursday a friend is going to finally teach me. She is going to show me how to crochet and also how to use a knifty knitter. I am so excited and this seemed like a good thread to share my excitement. Not sure if I'll ever be able to make an afghan though but I really hope someday I can.

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OMG *IS* there any such thing as a QUICK afghan?! :001_smile:


I'm a very prolific knitter and I"ve never done a blanket or afghan. They always seem like such a huge undertaking! (well that, and the fact that in my house it would end up on the floor and covered with Corgi hair!)



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I have been wanting to learn to knit or crochet for years but alas no one ever seemed to want to teach a lefty. I tried books and videos but no luck. But yay on thursday a friend is going to finally teach me. She is going to show me how to crochet and also how to use a knifty knitter. I am so excited and this seemed like a good thread to share my excitement. Not sure if I'll ever be able to make an afghan though but I really hope someday I can.



That's wonderful!!! Have you looked on youtube for lefty videos? There are a ton of knitting videos parked there.


I taught a lefty once. She just did what I did, and learned to knit righty. Since she didn't know how to knit at all, it really didn't matter to her which action she did with her dominant hand. Plus, in the long run, it's really easier to learn to knit right-handed if you want to take other classes, learn new techniques, etc.


Maybe give it a try righty?


In any case, good luck and have fun! Oh, and don't forget to join Ravelry!!! I'm sure you'll find lefty-support there!



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If you're willing to use FAT needles, Lion Brand has a "6 hour afghan" - you use 4 strands of yarn held together and size 50 needles (25mm).


I wouldn't want to knit with needles that big, but I also like knitting socks :)


If I were going to do that, I might use TWO strands and a US 17 (13mm), and cast on double the number of stitches (so 68 rather than 34). It could be a twelve hour afghan instead, but the needles would be easier on my hands.


A guideline when choosing a needle when you're working with multiple yarns is to add the recommended needle size for the yarn and then looking for a needle with that size. Homespun (in that blanket) recommends a 6mm needle. 6x4=24, hence the 25mm needle for the original pattern. 6x2= 12, so I'd pick a 13mm needle if I did it double stranded.

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I have been wanting to learn to knit or crochet for years but alas no one ever seemed to want to teach a lefty. I tried books and videos but no luck. But yay on thursday a friend is going to finally teach me. She is going to show me how to crochet and also how to use a knifty knitter. I am so excited and this seemed like a good thread to share my excitement. Not sure if I'll ever be able to make an afghan though but I really hope someday I can.


It took me years to learn! Youtube was a godsend. I could watch it over and over (and over and over and over :D).


The Knifty Knitter is fun! My very non-crafty son is actually making himself a scarf with the KK right now.


Have fun!


OMG *IS* there any such thing as a QUICK afghan?! :001_smile:


I'm a very prolific knitter and I"ve never done a blanket or afghan. They always seem like such a huge undertaking! (well that, and the fact that in my house it would end up on the floor and covered with Corgi hair!)




:lol: I know. *Someone* must be doing it, though! Heaven knows there are enough afghans in the world. You see them everywhere!


I'm fixated on the afghan idea because we're being gifted a leather couch from a friend that is moving. It's screaming for a lovely afghan to make it cozy. I'm also in fall nesting mode :001_smile:.


Thanks so much, everyone, for all the ideas! Keep 'em coming, if you have them, and I'll choose something. I should be held accountable for my choice and post pictures.

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I started a granny square blanket once. I liked doing it but then I got a little grumbly about having to sew all those squares together and stopped. Here is a pattern that I love and is super easy!! http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/90317.html?noImages=

It works up quickly and its cute. Its fun to see what kind of color combinations you can come up with. Have fun! :001_smile:

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OMG *IS* there any such thing as a QUICK afghan?! :001_smile:


I'm a very prolific knitter and I"ve never done a blanket or afghan. They always seem like such a huge undertaking! (well that, and the fact that in my house it would end up on the floor and covered with Corgi hair!)





Um, I just finished an afghan on Saturday (crochet). It took me 4 weeks. That is a "quick" afghan to me. It was a ripple afghan, and it had 42 rows, so I averaged 10 rows a week. I didn't time anything, but the earlier rows, while I was learning the pattern, took around 2 hours, but the later rows were more in the 1-1.5 hour range.


I hadn't crocheted in about 7 or 8 years, but back then I made a bunch of afghans, and the average was about two months to complete one, but those were of the non-quick variety.


This was the first time I made a ripple afghan, but it did seem to go by quickly (after the initial few rows which seemed to take forever). Others that seemed faster were the mile-a-minute kind, and of course any afghan that uses more than one strand of yarn at a time.


I started another afghan on Sunday night, but this one is going to take a lot longer; it certainly requires a lot more yarn. Four squares down, 59 to go!

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8 hour afghan.


Use 3 stands of yarn and a Q hook (big blue one)


Make the chain as long as you want the afghan, then single or double crochet till it is a wide as you want it.


Then make fringe for the sides.


I think used 12 skeins....It has been too long..


If you want I'll dig mine out and tell exact measurements.

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I hate Granny Squares - like like the look, just hate crocheting them and sewing them together. I've made 2 afghans in my life. Both use the big knitting needles and 3 strands of yarn. I knitted every row- so the edges don't roll. I usually use 2 colors and 2 textures - navy and marroon, normal texture and fuzzy.

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I have been wanting to learn to knit or crochet for years but alas no one ever seemed to want to teach a lefty. I tried books and videos but no luck. But yay on thursday a friend is going to finally teach me. She is going to show me how to crochet and also how to use a knifty knitter. I am so excited and this seemed like a good thread to share my excitement. Not sure if I'll ever be able to make an afghan though but I really hope someday I can.


I'm a lefty and just knit right-handed. Granted, I'm not the most dominant lefty there is. :)

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I hate Granny Squares - like like the look, just hate crocheting them and sewing them together. I've made 2 afghans in my life. Both use the big knitting needles and 3 strands of yarn. I knitted every row- so the edges don't roll. I usually use 2 colors and 2 textures - navy and marroon, normal texture and fuzzy.


Oh, but isn't it tempting to learn 365 different Granny Squares and put them together?




She's on square #77 :svengo:.


Her whole blog is adorable AND she started a "Crochet School" on 10/1. DD and I are brushing up on our skills.

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I really like this one:





I'm just worried I'll make half the squares and never finish :glare:. Maybe after spending all that money on yarn, I'd feel too guilty not to finish! Gosh, I had no idea how many skeins went into an afghan :svengo:.


Check out the Red Heart yarns like Super Saver and Comfort. They have HUGE balls of it for cheap. It gets a bad rap for being scratchy but the fact is that once you give it a trip through the washer and dryer it softens up considerably.

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