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Smoothie & Milkshake Recipes, Please!

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I just bought a smoothie maker yesterday and I was really disappointed that it didn't include even a small recipe book.


Do you have any smoothie or milkshake recipes that you can share with me? Or, anything else that might taste good in a smoothie maker!


Thanks in advance!:001_smile:

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We like to do green smoothies. A favorite is:


one apple, cored but not peeled

a large handful of either frozen mango or frozen pineapple

a handful of kale leaves


First you blend the fruit. Then, once it is well-blended add the kale and blend until green and smooth. It looks like a swamp in a glass, but it tastes sweet and is really good for you.

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I like all fruit and fruit juice smoothies.


For my 16yo and I, I put in two quarters of a frozen banana, 10-15 frozen cherries, and then fill the blender up to the 3 cup mark with frozen mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries). Then I fill it to the 3.5 cup mark with orange juice and blend it. This makes enough for 2 servings.


If I was making it for just myself, I'd put in 1/4 of a banana, 5-7 frozen cherries, and then fill to the 1.5 cup mark with frozen mixed berries. Put in enough juice to cover and then just a tad more.


My youngest likes her smoothies pretty sweet. She doesn't like them big either, so I use a 1 cup blender jar for her. I fill the blender cup with cherries, add 1tbsp sugar, and then cover with apple juice.


ETA: milkshake recipe

I forgot my milkshake recipe. I adapted this from hillbilly housewife. It makes 2 large or 3 small milkshakes.

3 cups of ice, 1 cup dry milk powder (Sanalac is the best), 1/4 cup sugar, 1 cup whole milk, 1/2 tbs vanilla extract

Put it all in the blender and blend. It makes a very nice milkshake.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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We make smoothies daily here. We don't follow recipes but have a few standard items that we add.


Fruit: (I pick and freeze most of my own, but here are the places I buy frozen or hints/tricks)

Banana (peel, break in half and freeze whatever you have left when a bunch is too ripe to eat)

Strawberry (best price I have found is Costco)

Raspberry (I pick them fresh, put through a sieve to remove seeds, then freeze in muffin tins to make little pucks that are seed free)

Mango (Trader Joes)

Pineapple (Trader Joes has frozen, you can use fresh or canned w/o syrup)

Blueberry (Costco)

Cherry (Trader Joes)

Peaches (I buy fresh peaches that are 2nds. I blanch, peel, and blend the peaches with a bit of apple juice) I make pucks or freeze in small zipper bags to keep small quanities available for a cheap price)



Coconut milk from the can (I buy Trader Joes brand)


Juice for the liquid part:



Mixed fruit



I usually start with frozen fruit, so we don't use ice.

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I don't really have a smoothie recipe. I just throw in a bunch of stuff and turn on the blender. I like to put in:


  • Frozen fruit. (Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, peaches, cherries, blackberries--I pick all of these in the summer to stock up.)
  • Juice, milk or plain yogurt so it will blend easily.
    And add one or more if these, if the fancy strikes....
  • Apple and/or banana.
  • A small handful of kale or spinach.
  • A little honey if it needs to be sweetened.
  • A squeeze of lemon juice if it's too sweet.



I also like pumpkin-blueberry smoothies made with fresh pumpkin puree. Pumpkin, vanilla yogurt, frozen blueberries, nutmeg, cinnamon.



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I just make smoothies in my blender. I have no recipe but generally this is what I do:

start with 1 fairly ripe banana. Makes a good base and sweetener.

Add frozen fruit - berries work the best, I do use frozen peaches, though, too. I've also frozen Hyachia (the soft persimmon) persimmon pulp and used that in smoothies. That's good for sweetening and flavor, too. I prefer frozen fruit to ice cubes.

I add about 1/2 c fat-free plain yogurt

A couple of scoops of Stevia

Milk to get the right consistency.


And then I blend. My smoothies taste different every time. I would say our favorites are just plain banana-strawberry smoothies.

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Thank You. Those all sound great. I made some before our soccer games yesterday and did frozen strawberries, a banana, apple juice and yogurt but I had to keep adding to it to get the consistency that I wanted. I will try the other combo's this week.


I love the idea of making milkshakes. I would have thought you needed ice cream!

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i have 3 that i love! i'm not sure of measurements, but i'll list the ingredients.


strawberry/banana smoothie

frozen strawberries

frozen banana


raw milk

orange juice




peanut butter smoothie

raw milk

spoonful of peanut butter

crushed ice


frozen banana


peaches & cream

frozen peaches

frozen banana



apple juice

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Orange Glorious (like Orange Julius)



1 cup milk

3/4 cup cold water

1 6-oz. can frozen orange juice concentrate

12 ice cubes

1/4 tsp. vanilla extract OR 1-2 tbls. Torani sugar-free vanilla syrup

1/8 cup white sugar




In a blender combine milk, water, orange juice concentrate, ice cubes, vanilla and sugar. Blend until smooth. Pour into tall glasses. Makes 3 servings.


California Smoothie


1/2 cup frozen sliced strawberries, partially thawed

1 container lemon or key lime yogurt, 8 oz

1/2 cup orange juice

Ice cubes, optional




Place all ingredients in blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and serve.


Makes 1 smoothie.

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This is what I have for breakfast and night-time snack every day:


Preparation: Buy a container of chocolate protein powder. Mix in a tablespoon of pure Stevia (not the granulated kind that measures like sugar, but the powdered kind that's super sweet). Mix in a tablespoon of spirulina. Shake that up and store it until breakfast. Buy a bunch of bananas, peel them, cut them in half, and freeze them. Buy a bag of ground flaxseed. Store this in the freezer to keep it fresh.


Now, for breakfast:


Two cups of coconut milk (the kind from the refrigerator section, not the canned stuff).

Two scoops of the protein powder, prepared above with Stevia and spirulina.

1 tbsp of ground flaxseed

1 frozen banana


Whip this in the blender until it's smooth. Pour half into a glass and drink it for breakfast.


Pour half into a shaker container and save it for your late-night snack.

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My son drinks one of these most mornings:


1 cup calcium-fortified orange juice

1/2 frozen banana

1/2 non-frozen banana

1 cup frozen strawberries

1 scoop protein powder

couple of teaspoons of sugar


I put the OJ, sugar and protein powder in the blender, then add the frozen banana and give it a few pulses. Then I add the berries and the non-frozen banana and blend until it's smooth.


My husband and I like them, too, but my son would drink one every morning and another one later in the day, if I were willing to keep making them.

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We have smoothies all the time. I usually just throw in stuff.


For tomorrow morning I made:



vanilla greek yogurt

ground flax seed


chocolate syrup






kiwi (peeled)


fresh basil



here's another:


cut up peach and plum

plain yogurt


vanilla almond milk

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If you like pumpkin, this one is really good. I found it on a baby food website, and my baby does like it, but so does the whole family so we all have it when I make it. Sometimes we add a little agave nectar, dh and the older kids like it a tad sweeter. (We use plain Greek yogurt).


Baby Smoothie Recipe - Autumn Smoothie


1/2 cup plain, vanilla or banana yogurt

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup canned pumpkin

1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

dash of ginger

1 frozen banana



Combine all ingredients together in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

Serves one grown-up and one baby.

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If you like pumpkin, this one is really good. I found it on a baby food website, and my baby does like it, but so does the whole family so we all have it when I make it. Sometimes we add a little agave nectar, dh and the older kids like it a tad sweeter. (We use plain Greek yogurt).


Baby Smoothie Recipe - Autumn Smoothie


1/2 cup plain, vanilla or banana yogurt

1/2 cup milk

1/4 cup canned pumpkin

1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

dash of ginger

1 frozen banana



Combine all ingredients together in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve immediately.

Serves one grown-up and one baby.



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