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Toddler in the home?? Hide your phones!!!!!

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Lest they be used for early morning phone calls. Sigh.


DS got up before DH today (I didn't hear him), came out to the living room and proceeded to use my phone to call my poor grandma not once, but TWICE. It was only a little after 6am.


Guess I'll be making sure my phone is out of toddler reach before bed from now on.

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Yeah, whenever I can't find my phone I always ask Sarah (3) where it is. She always has it and is playing a game on it. Then she drops it wherever she happens to be or hides it because she thinks she's going to get into trouble because she didn't ask. Once I couldn't find it for 3 days (battery was dead because she left it on a battery life sucking game) and I finally found it in the trunk of a Barbie jeep!


Incidentally, my 9 year old just brought me my phone with Sarah running behind yelling "NO! I want to PLAY on it!"

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Yesterday I had a friend over and my boys were playing a computer game that they play with Daddy. My youngest came running in. Can I have the phone? So I give it to him and look at him oddly and ask, "Who are you going to call?"


"Daddy. I want to ask him (insert computer game gibbly gook)"


"Um, NO. Daddy is at work. He is actually in a class today. He doesn't have time to answer computer game questions. You can ask him when he gets home".


If the phone was not with me I have a feeling he would have called Daddy since he was so excited about something.

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Lest they be used for early morning phone calls. Sigh.


DS got up before DH today (I didn't hear him), came out to the living room and proceeded to use my phone to call my poor grandma not once, but TWICE. It was only a little after 6am.


Guess I'll be making sure my phone is out of toddler reach before bed from now on.

There is nothing quite like having a cop show up at your door and kindly ask if you have young children in he home (uhm, yeah, most of them were right behind me when I answered the door) and then inform me that one of them was currently on the phone with 911 :001_huh: Do a quick headcount, and race towards the stairs, totally forgetting there was a cop at the door. Yep, the two year old was on the upstairs phone. The cop was smiling and very sweet about it. But I knew that it better not happen again as that area charges parents when it happens more than once or twice.

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We let the kids play with old cell phones. But they are not charged. My mil charges her old phones up for the kids to play games on. Well, imagine her surprise when she was informed by the local police that you can call 911 from an old cell phone. Aparently it is a safety feature, even cell phones with no cell service or contract can call 911.

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Lest they be used for early morning phone calls. Sigh.


DS got up before DH today (I didn't hear him), came out to the living room and proceeded to use my phone to call my poor grandma not once, but TWICE. It was only a little after 6am.


Guess I'll be making sure my phone is out of toddler reach before bed from now on.


My mom would be thrilled!

But then she's an early bird.

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Oh yes. My former coworker has received several 6:30am phone calls from my oldest. I don't know why he calls her, since I never call her and it's not near the top of the address book. Fortunately, she's a dispatcher and works early shifts. And I walked out into the living room one day and found him talking to my mom on the phone, but that was sweet because he missed his "pa". I still get butt and drunk dialed by people, so they deserve a toddler wake-up call. :tongue_smilie:


When I was dispatching, there were some little ones (oldest sounded about 4) given an old, deactivated cell phone to play with. Since it was old and not attached to a number, it kept making emergency calls over and over and we had NO idea where it was coming from. We tried joking, pleading, begging, threatening (like, "You'll be in trouble!" not physical threats, of course!)... Nothing worked except the battery finally dying. I guess the kids got tired of it not making calls. Several weeks later, mom/sitter must have charged the phone. MORE 911 calls! :banghead:

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Yeah, my SIL used to get texts from Digby (she was the first in my phonebook). Then when I got my new phone, he figured out how to get to Angry Birds and start playing. :svengo: Then, he managed to get onto Facebook and friend two people who had friend requested me, but I didn't know who they were and was ignoring them.


And once I was talking to DH when he was on his way home from work and he was saying he was going to go ahead and apply for the job. "What job?" I queried. "Remember, the one we had a big, long conversation about!" "What are you talking about?"


The conversation went something like this:

DH: There's a supervisor position opening up.

Me: Ok

DH: I think I should go ahead and apply for it.

Me: Ok

DH: I probably won't get it, but it wouldn't hurt to try.

Me: Ok


Only it wasn't me!!!! Pigby had been playing on my phone while I was napping and he was talking to Daddy. :lol: I told DH it was hilarious that he was taking career advice from a five year old.

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What timing! DH told me about a local story two days ago, and yesterday, we took our cubs to the police station and the host officer sternly warned them about not playing with old cell phones unless the battery has been removed.


DS, now 8, called my FIL long distance when he was about 2. They had caller i.d. so they knew it was him.

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We use a lock on ours (have to enter the passcode) to operate the phone.


MIL accidentally dialed 911 with her phone in her pocket once and got a royal chewing out (rightfully). Aside from the kids, we passcode ours just so it doesn't accidentally dial something in purse/pocket since we have touch screen.

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Lol. When I was 2 years old, we were visiting my Grandma who lived out of town. Early one morning, my mom walks around the corner to find me playing with Grandma's very fancy telephone. When she took the receiver from me, she was surprised to hear voices on the other end, so she put it closer to her ear and they were speaking Chinese! She very quickly hung up the phone and we walked away.


I don't know that she ever told her mom who made that very expensive phone call to China. ;)

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We use a lock on ours (have to enter the passcode) to operate the phone.


MIL accidentally dialed 911 with her phone in her pocket once and got a royal chewing out (rightfully). Aside from the kids, we passcode ours just so it doesn't accidentally dial something in purse/pocket since we have touch screen.


My brother and his friend were playing video games a few years ago in his room when three cops showed up at the door. Brother's friend was sitting on the phone, which was tangled in my brother's comforter, and apparently called 911 with his butt. They sent three cops because the sound on the other end was muffled yelling and gunfire. My mom's lucky they didn't kick in the door!

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We have had an accidental 911 call too. The funniest thing my toddler did when waking before everyone is a little different but worth telling. I went to bed with a clean house and told Dh to put kids to bed and lock up. Mistake #1. About 3:00 I got up to nurse and noticed Dh and ds wasn't in bed. When I went to living room, it was a disaster. Dh was snoring loudly on one sofa, 11 yr old ds was asleep on the other one with my 2 yr old sitting in between his legs on a pile of stuffing. Our sofa had a small hole which ds decided to explore and tear out all stuffing while throwing it around himself, on the floor, and wherever else. He also had pulled a chair over to cabinets, removed a bowl which he poured full of cherries and milk. Of course, the floor, coffee table and who knows what else must have been hungry because they got their share as well. When I entered the room, ds, age 2 looked at me and said, "good morning, Mama." I just Sat right down, shook my head, and nursed my newborn leaving Dh and ds to wonder the next morning.

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At least it was just grandma. My son once called campus security--which was programmed in--when I let him play with my phone while we were having dinner with friends (he was about 1-1/2 at the time).


I guess it happened pretty often, because the officer on the line, when I finally realized what was going on, just laughed, said he wasn't the first little kid to call, and told me not to give him the phone as a toy any more.


I was pretty embarrassed, though.

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There is nothing quite like having a cop show up at your door and kindly ask if you have young children in he home (uhm, yeah, most of them were right behind me when I answered the door) and then inform me that one of them was currently on the phone with 911 :001_huh: Do a quick headcount, and race towards the stairs, totally forgetting there was a cop at the door. Yep, the two year old was on the upstairs phone. The cop was smiling and very sweet about it. But I knew that it better not happen again as that area charges parents when it happens more than once or twice.


My 3 year old dd did the same thing last year when she was two. When the cop showed up I was pretty surprised.:001_huh: I had noticed a few minutes earlier that the phone was left on and I turned it off. I asked the kids after he left who did it and dd said I called grandma. Apparently she thought the dispatcher was grandma, and she even said hi to her.

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My friend's kids called the emergency services when they were about 5 & 3. The worst thing was that my friend realised they had been messing with the phone and unplugged it without checking who the kids had called. 15 minutes later a police car and two police officers turned up. They'd had been trying to call back to speak to her but because she had unplugged the phone they couldn't reach her.

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We have had an accidental 911 call too. The funniest thing my toddler did when waking before everyone is a little different but worth telling. I went to bed with a clean house and told Dh to put kids to bed and lock up. Mistake #1. About 3:00 I got up to nurse and noticed Dh and ds wasn't in bed. When I went to living room, it was a disaster. Dh was snoring loudly on one sofa, 11 yr old ds was asleep on the other one with my 2 yr old sitting in between his legs on a pile of stuffing. Our sofa had a small hole which ds decided to explore and tear out all stuffing while throwing it around himself, on the floor, and wherever else. He also had pulled a chair over to cabinets, removed a bowl which he poured full of cherries and milk. Of course, the floor, coffee table and who knows what else must have been hungry because they got their share as well. When I entered the room, ds, age 2 looked at me and said, "good morning, Mama." I just Sat right down, shook my head, and nursed my newborn leaving Dh and ds to wonder the next morning.


:lol::lol::lol: Oh goodness that is funny.

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