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How much are movies in your neck of the woods?

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Movies by me cost $10.50 for adults and $7.50 for kids. 3D movies are around $16 for adults and $11 for kids.


My son wants to see the Lion King in 3D and there is only one showing of Dolphin Tale not in 3D.


He has already seen the Lion King thousands of times and we will wait to see Dolphin Tale on DVD.


Awfully expensive for 2 hours of entertainment. Plus I always end up falling asleep as soon as the movie starts. :D

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Prices here depend on day & time of day --


Weds. are specials: R$13 all day (~$6.50 US)

Monday, Tuesday & Thursday: R$14 before 5 p.m.; R$16 after 5 p.m. (~$7; ~$8)

Friday, Saturday, Sunday & holidays: R$18 before 5; R$20 after 5 (~$9; ~$10)


3D, Mon through Thurs: R$22 all day (~$11); Fri through Sun: R$24 (~$12)


Children 12 and under, or students with student ID are half price. Also, dh & I get our tickets half price if we each use our bank card to purchase the ticket. It still adds up, because most movies only come in English in the 3D version, especially kid movies.

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Matinees at anywhere from 4.50 to 7.50 depending on the theater. (DH and I went to the 7.50 movie theater yesterday since we wanted to see Contagion earlier so we could be sure to pick up youngest from river cleanup when she called). NOrmally we go to the 7 shows. THe 4.50 is at a theater about 25 min away so we haven't been there yet. The evening shows are 9 for regular at the two theaters close to me. THey do have 3d and one has IMAX but I really had no need to see deadly viruses in huge screen.

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