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What kind of bug is this MONSTER??

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I think you all have been operating under a false assumption referring to this creature as "he". Did anyone notice how large the abdomen is in comparison with the Bug Finder picture? My guess is that Harry is really Harriet and that she has a belly full of eggs (either that or she just ate her mate).

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I think you all have been operating under a false assumption referring to this creature as "he". Did anyone notice how large the abdomen is in comparison with the Bug Finder picture? My guess is that Harry is really Harriet and that she has a belly full of eggs (either that or she just ate her mate).



:svengo: Stop talking. Everyone. These things do not exist. Nope.

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:lol: Looks like a Jerusalem cricket.



I agree, I grew up with those living in California. HATED... HATED those things. They are harmless but they are oh so gross and creepy.


Word to the wise. If you have them in your home make sure yo use a flashlight or turn on a light at night. You DO NOT want to step on one in the middle of the night. Ask me how I know :blink::eek::ack2:

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I agree, I grew up with those living in California. HATED... HATED those things. They are harmless but they are oh so gross and creepy.


Word to the wise. If you have them in your home make sure yo use a flashlight or turn on a light at night. You DO NOT want to step on one in the middle of the night. Ask me how I know :blink::eek::ack2:

Gives a whole new perspective on 'toe jam'.

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I think you all have been operating under a false assumption referring to this creature as "he". Did anyone notice how large the abdomen is in comparison with the Bug Finder picture? My guess is that Harry is really Harriet and that she has a belly full of eggs (either that or she just ate her mate).


:svengo: Stop talking. Everyone. These things do not exist. Nope.


EDIT THESE POSTS OUT!!! REMOVE THEM!!!! Wy hasn't seen them yet!!! This will FREAK her out!!!


If she's ok. I wish she'd just let us know she's ok. I hope the alien bug didn't take her in the night. :crying:

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Are you still home? If so' date=' what in the world are you thinking?!!!


Remember these words? "Get out of the house!" They apply in this situation. :gnorsi:



Here's some "interesting" info from Wikipedia:


"As is true for other large arthropods (e.g. solfugids), there are a number of folk tales regarding Jerusalem crickets which are untrue; first and foremost, they are not venomous. However, they can emit a foul smell and are capable of inflicting a painful bite - but neither is lethal, as some of the tales would suggest. They also do not cry like children, nor do they rub their legs together to make sounds.."


the thing that's crying like a child is Wy, and her legs are rubbing together to make noise as she's RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNING away!!!

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This is what I get for checking the boards to see what's going on at 2am.:tongue_smilie:


Guess I'll go make something to eat and find a good book - no sleeping tonight. You know, I'm thinking this is why ladies in colonial times wore those cute nightcaps with the little ear flappy things to tie over their ears.


I want those hates back!!! And I want them NOW!


I'm telling all the Jerusalem crickets in Washington that they should leave now and go rescue their friend at your house. (psssst...that means they are not welcome here).



Do you really hate me that much?!?! :001_huh: :blink: :crying:

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I bet they DO cry. I bet that's how they get attention and draw their victims out before biting them and bringing them back to the mother ship.


Next thing you know, we're going to have Jerusalem cricket zombies walking around




I think you all have been operating under a false assumption referring to this creature as "he". Did anyone notice how large the abdomen is in comparison with the Bug Finder picture? My guess is that Harry is really Harriet and that she has a belly full of eggs (either that or she just ate her mate).


:001_huh: eggs :001_huh:


Word to the wise. If you have them in your home make sure yo use a flashlight or turn on a light at night. You DO NOT want to step on one in the middle of the night. Ask me how I know


THEM?? There could be more than 1 in here :blink:


I think it might just be a juvenile cricket. I can't see the back legs too well, but those look like cricket/grasshopper legs.


Juvenile?? As in it gets BIGGER????? Its not a mutantly big one already?? :blink:


And yes, mutantly is a word because I used it ;)


EDIT THESE POSTS OUT!!! REMOVE THEM!!!! Wy hasn't seen them yet!!! This will FREAK her out!!!


If she's ok. I wish she'd just let us know she's ok. I hope the alien bug didn't take her in the night. :crying:


I am still here. It ate my left arm, right leg and both ears though :angelsad2:


the thing that's crying like a child is Wy, and her legs are rubbing together to make noise as she's RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNING away!!!




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Before you do anything, flip him over & check his belly for a "Made in China" stamp. (Hats off to Bike, Book, Bread) ;)


This was the first thing I thought of when I read the title. I was sure it was just a plastic bug. To assuage my fears, I am going to consider this a plastic bug. It is a plastic bug, it is a plastic bug, it is a plastic bug....:D

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:001_huh: You keep reminding me how big this thing is and your typing keeps getting bigger like that monster in my house that my kids now have in a gallon zip lock bag in a jar under a bowl with 2 dictionaries on top :lol:




Yes, they bite but it says they are not venomous and apparently that gigantic pointy thing out of its butt doesn't sting either :001_huh: so it says.


Oh yes, they are in Nebraska too says this article and I quote:


NORTH AMERICAN REACH: Washington; Idaho; Montana; Oregon; California; Arizona; New Mexico; Nebraska; Kansas; Wyoming; Oklahoma; Texas; Colorado; Washington




Sorry- but if I can't sleep I need company!


:hurray: They don't live in Missouri!!!!! Thank you LORD!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with IMP, it's a squishy bug, at least after I freeze it with the extra hold hairspray. And find the flyswatter. And only if dh isn't home, because that CLEARLY is a dh bug.

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I think this thing has strange powers and has lulled you into a false sense of security. It has legs. It's not necessarily where you last saw it anymore. You need to vacate the premises immediately!!!!!!!!! :scared:





This was the first thing I thought of when I read the title. I was sure it was just a plastic bug. To assuage my fears' date=' I am going to consider this a plastic bug. It is a plastic bug, it is a plastic bug, it is a plastic bug....:D[/quote']



I wish it was a plastic bug!!



2 years ago we found this wolf spider in our house. Ds's had a pack of toy spiders that ranged from 1 in- 6 inches so I went to pick up the spider and throw it in the toy box and it STARTED MOVING :blink: I am sure you all remember because I am sure you heard an earth shattering scream and wondered where it came from. This thing was EASILY 5 in (brought it to the weed and pest place to get it identified and they said it was barely over 5) It was grey, and HAIRY. It looked FAKE.


When we lived in Michigan we did not have mutant monster bugs that looked fake. They were all normal bugs.

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I wish it was a plastic bug!!



2 years ago we found this wolf spider in our house. Ds's had a pack of toy spiders that ranged from 1 in- 6 inches so I went to pick up the spider and throw it in the toy box and it STARTED MOVING :blink: I am sure you all remember because I am sure you heard an earth shattering scream and wondered where it came from. This thing was EASILY 5 in (brought it to the weed and pest place to get it identified and they said it was barely over 5) It was grey, and HAIRY. It looked FAKE.


When we lived in Michigan we did not have mutant monster bugs that looked fake. They were all normal bugs.

Wolf spiders are like tanks...they will hunt and gun you down! Yes, I've had a run in with one. It took a sneak attack from behind by my husband to get it to stop chasing me!

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I wish it was a plastic bug!!



2 years ago we found this wolf spider in our house. Ds's had a pack of toy spiders that ranged from 1 in- 6 inches so I went to pick up the spider and throw it in the toy box and it STARTED MOVING :blink: I am sure you all remember because I am sure you heard an earth shattering scream and wondered where it came from. This thing was EASILY 5 in (brought it to the weed and pest place to get it identified and they said it was barely over 5) It was grey, and HAIRY. It looked FAKE.


When we lived in Michigan we did not have mutant monster bugs that looked fake. They were all normal bugs.



Ya know, you didn't have to bring up wolf spiders. That was just dirty. Barf. Now I have the chills.

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Wolf spiders are like tanks...they will hunt and gun you down! Yes, I've had a run in with one. It took a sneak attack from behind by my husband to get it to stop chasing me!


I brought one home from camp with me. When it failed to move away from me in the proper fashion, it had a meeting with a hammer. (I had to do it, no way could I sleep in the same house as that thing!)

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A wolf spider once trapped me in my bathroom, up on the back of the toilet. Every time I thought I'd get down and run past it, it'd move toward me. I was stuck there till my then boyfriend/now dh arrived and rescued me. That might have been the moment I knew he was the one. :lol:


I have just read this whole disturbing thread. I have been terrified, nauseated, and just skeeved. I am starting to understand why we never seem to take off with nature study around here. :D


(Sooooo glad there are no Potato Bugs in NC!)

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