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What kind of bug is this MONSTER??

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One that should be grateful that he's in your house and not mine. It would have been difficult to identify him if he'd been here- he'd have been flattened within seconds.


I've never seen anything like this, thankfully.


HOW would you flatten something that's big enough to saddle up and ride???



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Nope, squishy. Take one pair of large, well built shoes, place on feet, do Mexican Hat Dance on Harry.




Or, you could drop a heavy, hard cover book on top of Harry, but shoes can be hosed off...books, not so much.


A book??? :svengo:




:lol: Looks like a Jerusalem cricket.


EWWWW I think that's it!!! Just this one has a bigger head :eek:


Yes, that has to be it.. EWWW... gotta go see if its poisonous

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Cricket! Look at the back legs.


And I have to say, he is a cutie! I've never seen one of those. If there was a way for you to send him over to me and my bug-lovin' daughter, I'd make it happen...


By the way, any time you need answers, there's a huge database at whatsthatbug.com. You can also write in requesting bug ID, although they can't get to them all.

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Cricket! Look at the back legs.


And I have to say, he is a cutie! I've never seen one of those. If there was a way for you to send him over to me and my bug-lovin' daughter, I'd make it happen...


By the way, any time you need answers, there's a huge database at whatsthatbug.com. You can also write in requesting bug ID, although they can't get to them all.

You want to adopt him? :tongue_smilie::lol:

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HOW would you flatten something that's big enough to saddle up and ride???



Exactly!!! This thing has its own zip code :blink:



OMG - that does look like it, doesn't it. HORRIBLE.


DON'T click on the closeup photo on that website...you will never sleep again!!!!


:blink: Thanks for the warning- I don't know that I can sleep knowing this thing was in my house








Yes!!! Dh thought something happened to one of the kids when I first called. He is out of town right now :glare: I have NEVER seen anything like this before and NEVER want to!!!



Is anyone else feeling suddenly itchy and keep checking to make certain that one of those things aren't on or around them right now?



YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ack2::leaving:

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Yep Jerusalem Cricket AKA Potato Bug.


Ugly "little" things. I found one on my back step earlier this year and had to go to FB for an answer!


Potato bugs are freaky. SO GLAD we don't have them in NH. I still have nightmares over those monsters. I saw an episode of Night Gallery once where an earwig entered a man's ear during his sleep. It laid eggs in his brain, and mom and babies ate the man's brain and he went insane in the process. :scared:


Have you ever seen a dead potato bug with a HORSE HAIR crawling out of it??? :svengo::svengo::svengo:



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Okay, seriously :lol: seeing "what meat for tacos" thread right above this one...


We moved to the county when we first moved to PA. My kids brought me a "catepillar" from our landlady's garden (farm country!). I started to take the cup from them when I realised the thing was green, bigger than my middle finger, had a horn, and was trying to crawl out of the cup. I screamed, dropped it, and told to take it back over there and FIND OUT WHAT THAT THING WAS! Tabacco Worm...cutest ugly worm-monster I ever did see.

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Cricket! Look at the back legs.


And I have to say, he is a cutie! I've never seen one of those. If there was a way for you to send him over to me and my bug-lovin' daughter, I'd make it happen...


By the way, any time you need answers, there's a huge database at whatsthatbug.com. You can also write in requesting bug ID, although they can't get to them all.


you get out of here. Don't come back. There's something wrong with you.






(sorry, but if I have one fear - it's BUGS!!! I've worked on it. I like some, and I appreciate some. I try to let all out of the house and not kill them. BUT THREE INCHES??!!!)



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Awwwwww. This one is much more photogenic. Looks like a puppy with his oversized head.


:blink: I don't think I will ever eat grapes again


Cricket! Look at the back legs.


And I have to say, he is a cutie! I've never seen one of those. If there was a way for you to send him over to me and my bug-lovin' daughter, I'd make it happen...


By the way, any time you need answers, there's a huge database at whatsthatbug.com. You can also write in requesting bug ID, although they can't get to them all.


Whats your address????? He is YOURS


I think I just vomited in my mouth.


What state do you live in? Wyoming? I can never live there. I can never visit.


I'm scarred forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Yes and I want to go back to MICHIGAN!!!! We didn't have mutant bugs over there :confused:


[shudder] Now why in the world did I open this thread? I'd probably take a swig if someone said, "Gross! Taste this!"




I saw an episode of Night Gallery once where an earwig entered a man's ear during his sleep. It laid eggs in his brain, and mom and babies ate the man's brain and he went insane in the process. :scared:



:001_huh: :crying: I don't need to ever sleep again right? I am sure you just made sure of it. :blink:

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Yep Jerusalem Cricket AKA Potato Bug.


Ugly "little" things. I found one on my back step earlier this year and had to go to FB for an answer!


That's what we call them too. I haven't seen one in years but use to often as a child.


When my aunt was a child she saw a leaf 'walking', she picked it up and ouch! There was a Potato Bug under the leaf and it bit her. She said it hurt like heck and her finger swelled pretty big:eek:.

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I saw an episode of Night Gallery once where an earwig entered a man's ear during his sleep. It laid eggs in his brain, and mom and babies ate the man's brain and he went insane in the process. :scared:


You know, this is why I hated the second Star Trek movie. And my stepdad played it EVERY DAY when I was seven! Nightmares!

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