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any other Awana parents feel like chatting?

momma aimee

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my boys are in Awana and last night was night 2 and both boys vere so excited to go!!


Big Brother recited all of John 3:16 and got his vest (Sparks, level Kindy) and I am so proud of him, actually I vas surprised how proud i was to valk in to pick him up and see him in his vest -- :001_huh: -- i didn't think it would be that big a deal for me, but it was.


Anyone else?

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We've been doing Awana for a while, I have a Cubbie, Spark, and T&T. The classes get better every year, as it's the same teachers and they are always improving. The class sizes are smaller this year, which thrills me (and DD8 who is shy). Anyhow, we've been working on our verses today 2 times so far, and I hope to get one in before bedtime. Three times a day should help the girls memorize it!


The thing DD8 remembered most about last night was a boy who she watched secretly eating dirt and leaves. Then he ate an eraser off his pencil, paper, and dug someone's chewed gum out of the trash and ate that too. :001_huh: :lol:

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My son loves Awana! He is in his second year of Sparks! My son especially loves game time.


Momma Aimee: I read your blog post. My son has a speech delay too. I remember worrying last year that his Awana leader wouldn't be able to understand him when he was reciting verses. But he had great leaders and he had a wonderful year.

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We love Awana club. My daughter is now attending the Jr/Sr High versions of Awana: Trek & Journey (only two churches in town offer it. Sigh, I wish my church did). My son is a TnTer.


It is so worth it to work with them when they are just little children. My kids know thousands of Scripturse and I'm proud of the young adults they are becoming.

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We started AWANAS two weeks ago (Sparks K) and then he got sick! Which stinks because I had made him a purple octopus hat for outrageous hat night and he didn't get to go :sad: Tonight is parents' night and we'll be missing that, too (still coughing.) I'm worried since he hasn't gotten to say his verse that we'll get really behind because we haven't been given the Hanglider workbook yet :willy_nilly:I REALLY hope he is well enough for next week. I bet all the other kids will already have their vests :(

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We do AWANA here too. Although, this year my younger two decided not to do it. I was a little disappointed by that decision. My older two are TnT age. My dd is the most excited. She earned both her Silver and Gold last year and still had a couple weeks to go... we don't have it at our church, but a church very near our house does. It's actually our parent church, even though we don't really have a lot to do with it anymore. Our club doesn't start until next week.

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Since my oldest is 18, I guess we've doing AWANA for 15 years now. We started last night. My 9yo is my only one left in AWANA. He's in TNT. He was SO excited yesterday and still is today. He didn't finish his book last year, so he's hoping to finish it and the next one this year. I'm the secretary for the Sparks club. Last night was wild, but it's so worth it.

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DS just started this year and has only had two evenings. After the first night, he wanted to quit. But I think it's because he was the new kid and most of the kids either go to church or school together. But after the second night (when he got his vest), he liked it much more! I'm hoping he sticks with it and really enjoys it.

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I have 2 kids in it, both in T&T. This is dd10's last year (she's turning 11, 6th gr). The church only does it up thru 6th T&T. Every year she begs me NOT to do AWANA, lol. (She doesn't like to work). Once we are in full swing, it isn't so bad for her. She memorizes her verses well and I think it is a good thing for her. She always enjoys the end of year trip for finishing her book. I think she enjoys the time with friends. She does not enjoy the work. We could do the next level after T&T independently, but I won't make her do it, and I know she won't volunteer, either, lol. Overall, I think it is a good experience for them and I count it as our Bible and memorization for the year.

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This is my 6th year of teaching AWANA. I've always been a SPARKS teacher. I have a 2 Sparks. I no longer have a cubby (right now). We enjoy the program. It's just always a challenge to get parents involved. ESPECIALLY when the family is NOT homeschoolers. It's sad. And I'm not saying all public school parents shoo me away when telling how our club meeting went. I'm just saying all MY student's parents have. :(

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I have one in Trek, three in T&T and one in Sparks this year. We are really working on making AWANA part of our school schedule this year, so that we diligently work on it.


we review his Spark's lesson each day as part of Bible time


I don't think mine (cubbie, and kindy sparks) see it as work :)


Big Brother has 1 John 4:14 down well and may be able to recite it this week

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I've got 2 cubbies & 2 TNT'ers--last year I had one in ea from Puggles thr TNT!


We've been for 4 yrs, & last night was the littlest one's first time to learn a verse. He said it to me in the car, & talk about melting me! He got his vest, too, & said, "Now I look just like [4yo]! But I'm not a girl...I'm really a boy." :lol:

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I have a Puggle, a Cubbie, and a Spark, and I am helping out as a Cubbie leader this year. The kids are loving it. All week DD2 has been going around the house singing "Puggles, Puggles." DS3 is enjoying learning his verses this year instead of just tolerating it like last year. And DD5 is planning to finish her WingRunner book next week (we started 3 weeks ago; she's just that kind of girl), but I think the chart in the last jewel will take her at least 2 weeks to finish (you have to have 5 days of several different "good attitude" behaviors, something we are struggling with).

At any rate, they are all loving it and I'm glad we decided to continue.

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I am concerned about tomorrow night. DS1 a sparky got his vest last week -- recited John 3:16. he is almost 6 and his speech is really clearing up.


DS2 is only 3 and still very speech delayed. he REALLY eyed big brother in that vest at pick up time last week.


I am really worried there are going to be tears and a lot of fustration that HE doesn't have a vest to wear tomorrow night. It is heart breaking but i just do not see him being able to recite his lines to get his Cubbie Vest.


He so so so always wants to be like big brother and i am really concerend about this.


the leaders told us the frequently have Cubbies that go the entire year and rectie nothing, and that is cool they just want the kids to want to come and have fun. that is great, but Little can't get a vest without reciting, and i just do not think he can do it with his speech and communicate delays.


:crying: I could almost cry

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I have a Spark and a TnTer, and it's our second year. The boys love AWANA! My Spark has finished all the books already (he is amazing at memorizing verses) so I am not sure what he will do this year. I loved watching my older son reading the Bible and really desiring to learn more and work through the sections in his book.


God has blessed us incredibly through this programme! I can't wait for my four year old to be a Spark next year.

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I have a 4 year old Cubbie and a 2nd grade Sparkie. My 2nd grader began in Cubbies and has worked her way up and completed the book each year. I looked at this year's book and was surprised at how long and difficult most of the verses are! I'm hoping that we'll be able to pull off finishing it up. She's set to get her big prize this year....the Sparkie plaque.

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I am concerned about tomorrow night. DS1 a sparky got his vest last week -- recited John 3:16. he is almost 6 and his speech is really clearing up.


DS2 is only 3 and still very speech delayed. he REALLY eyed big brother in that vest at pick up time last week.


I am really worried there are going to be tears and a lot of fustration that HE doesn't have a vest to wear tomorrow night. It is heart breaking but i just do not see him being able to recite his lines to get his Cubbie Vest.


He so so so always wants to be like big brother and i am really concerend about this.


the leaders told us the frequently have Cubbies that go the entire year and rectie nothing, and that is cool they just want the kids to want to come and have fun. that is great, but Little can't get a vest without reciting, and i just do not think he can do it with his speech and communicate delays.


:crying: I could almost cry


Our Cubbies do not have to recite any verses to get a vest...it's something that's just purchased at the beginning of the year. If your church won't give him one, I'd go online and purchase one myself for him.

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I am concerned about tomorrow night. DS1 a sparky got his vest last week -- recited John 3:16. he is almost 6 and his speech is really clearing up.


DS2 is only 3 and still very speech delayed. he REALLY eyed big brother in that vest at pick up time last week.


I am really worried there are going to be tears and a lot of fustration that HE doesn't have a vest to wear tomorrow night. It is heart breaking but i just do not see him being able to recite his lines to get his Cubbie Vest.


He so so so always wants to be like big brother and i am really concerend about this.


the leaders told us the frequently have Cubbies that go the entire year and rectie nothing, and that is cool they just want the kids to want to come and have fun. that is great, but Little can't get a vest without reciting, and i just do not think he can do it with his speech and communicate delays.


:crying: I could almost cry


I've never heard of the vest itself being a reward for saying verses--we just buy ours & wear them. There are stickers/patches for verses. In fact, you can, I think, directly order one from the AWANA site yourself.


Obviously that won't work if your church doesn't operate that way, but talk to someone. As I understand it, wearing the vest is part of what you get rewards for. It's hardly fair to w/hold it & then "punish" not having it! But we've only done Cubbies for a yr; Sparkies for 4. Maybe they're different? Maybe I've missed something?


:grouphug: to your little one!

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for the director's e-mail this week:


Handbook / Shirt / Vest Orders

I want to clarify how the clubbers order/receive handbooks, shirts, & vests.


We request, but do not require, clubbers to have a vest/t-shirt. We also request, but do not require, a donation for these items.


· Cubbies (Pre-school) Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Group leader Julie Ireland facilitates

o Upon completion of the Ă¢â‚¬Å“Bear HugĂ¢â‚¬ brochure, the Jumper book & vest (blue) are given to each clubber.


· Sparks (Pre-K Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 2nd)

o Upon completion of the Ă¢â‚¬Å“Flight 3:16Ă¢â‚¬ booklet, the Ă¢â‚¬Å“HangGliderĂ¢â‚¬ book is given to each clubber followed by Ă¢â‚¬Å“WingRunnerĂ¢â‚¬ & Ă¢â‚¬Å“SkyStormerĂ¢â‚¬

o Vests (red) are provided upon completion of the Ă¢â‚¬Å“Flight 3:16Ă¢â‚¬ booklet.


· T&T (3rd Ă¢â‚¬â€œ 5th)

o Upon completion of the Ă¢â‚¬Å“Start ZoneĂ¢â‚¬ booklet, the Ă¢â‚¬Å“T&T Ultimate Adventure Book 1Ă¢â‚¬ is given to each clubber followed by T&T Books 2 & 3.

o If you would like a Green t-shirt for your clubber, please talk to their grade leader and one will be ordered for you.


If you have any questions regarding this, please let me know via e-mail or Wednesday night at the front desk.



So big brother earned his vest last meeting; he recited John 3;16 (which he already knew) and he is ready ith 1 John 4:14 this week.


I have started to e-mail the leader 3 or 4 times, but I have no idea.


I just know this is going to make my little cubbie sad, and that makes me sad. there are so many ways he is "punished" for his speech, it is so sad and fustrating. I am really proud of big Brother, but my heart aches for Little and I am foreseeing hurt feeling each and every week

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for the director's e-mail this week:




So big brother earned his vest last meeting; he recited John 3;16 (which he already knew) and he is ready ith 1 John 4:14 this week.


I have started to e-mail the leader 3 or 4 times, but I have no idea.


I just know this is going to make my little cubbie sad, and that makes me sad. there are so many ways he is "punished" for his speech, it is so sad and fustrating. I am really proud of big Brother, but my heart aches for Little and I am foreseeing hurt feeling each and every week


"Completion" could mean different things to different people: I've never seen a cubbie w/out a vest.


See if you can work w/ your kid ahead of time to ensure he gets his vest on time.


Talk to the leader--she needs to know his speech issues. Hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that they're not as much of sticklers for stuff as it *looks* like from emails/handouts. I find that these are often written in much more stringent language than the writers intend.

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"Completion" could mean different things to different people: I've never seen a cubbie w/out a vest.


See if you can work w/ your kid ahead of time to ensure he gets his vest on time.


Talk to the leader--she needs to know his speech issues. Hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised to find that they're not as much of sticklers for stuff as it *looks* like from emails/handouts. I find that these are often written in much more stringent language than the writers intend.


:iagree: My Cubbie (she's 4) learns the verses each week and *could* say them to the teacher if needed, but they usually just say the verse as a class and sign off each child's book. Our church is pretty lax with the Cubbies. Hopefully yours is too.

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My daughter absolutely loves Awanas! She started as a three year old Cubbie and won the award for learning Bible verses when she was 4. They moved her up to Sparks that year. Now, she is a 9 year old TNT'er and is still excited about going. I'm thrilled that she has so much Bible knowledge at such a young age. I really believe the Bible memorization has helped her in all areas of memorization as well, including multiplication tables and poetry.

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Awana is just wonderful! At our former church my husband and I were privledged to be apart of the team that introduced it. Then I had two sparks and a tnt. I will always have fond, fond memories of those days and the wonderful blessing of seeing precious, young children come to give their lives to Jesus!

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I am concerned about tomorrow night. DS1 a sparky got his vest last week -- recited John 3:16. he is almost 6 and his speech is really clearing up.


DS2 is only 3 and still very speech delayed. he REALLY eyed big brother in that vest at pick up time last week.


I am really worried there are going to be tears and a lot of fustration that HE doesn't have a vest to wear tomorrow night. It is heart breaking but i just do not see him being able to recite his lines to get his Cubbie Vest.


He so so so always wants to be like big brother and i am really concerend about this.


the leaders told us the frequently have Cubbies that go the entire year and rectie nothing, and that is cool they just want the kids to want to come and have fun. that is great, but Little can't get a vest without reciting, and i just do not think he can do it with his speech and communicate delays.


:crying: I could almost cry


Is he able to say the verse at all? My son has verbal apraxia & it was hard for him too, but the teachers helped him learn the verse-sometimes just having him repeat word for word & they sign him off &sometimes I'd help interpret what my son was saying.

I would seriously talk to the leader & ask if they can give him some extra time with it during class. He should not be "punished" b/c he has a speech delay. He should be able to progress along w/the other kids just the same.

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Is he able to say the verse at all? My son has verbal apraxia & it was hard for him too, but the teachers helped him learn the verse-sometimes just having him repeat word for word & they sign him off &sometimes I'd help interpret what my son was saying.

I would seriously talk to the leader & ask if they can give him some extra time with it during class. He should not be "punished" b/c he has a speech delay. He should be able to progress along w/the other kids just the same.


he can repeat after me, but 75% of the words are not there, he simply can't say them. I talked to the leader and I am going to go in with him next week and help him. She said he vas supposed to be given a vest last night, (so her e-mail this morning says) but I did not get one last night so I am sure I will next week. he really is excited and pratices his verse many time a day with me and never "fights me or refuses". so i feel he has earned it with willness

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We are so sad. My son will be 2nd year Cubbies this year.


The church we had AWANAs at last week decided not to continue to hold the program this year. The church they were directing their kids to does not have a Cubbies program! So we went on the Club locator and found a church (in Bastrop) and looked forward to first day.


One week before that day, the fires started. So obviously, they have their hands full for now! AWANAs is now starting up in January. Hopefully we'll still have time to finish the book.

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We are so sad. My son will be 2nd year Cubbies this year.


The church we had AWANAs at last week decided not to continue to hold the program this year. The church they were directing their kids to does not have a Cubbies program! So we went on the Club locator and found a church (in Bastrop) and looked forward to first day.


One week before that day, the fires started. So obviously, they have their hands full for now! AWANAs is now starting up in January. Hopefully we'll still have time to finish the book.


If I was you I'd pratice the book at home and have my kids ready to say 2 or 3 verses a night in jan.


Poor family -- is there no other club near by?





any leaders here -- my son went in last night ready to recite 1 John 4:14 (we learned the entire verse, not just the part in the sparks book) and when i picked him up he had also been signed off on the next verse (plsams something) that he 'learned at the group'. He does have a good memory and learning verses is not a challange for him (though the actual speaking of the words still can be due to his speech issues); but i can't help but wonder if the leader expectations are a bit too low if he came in ready to say one and 'learned one' in the class?


so what level of mastery are they expecting, i know you can not expect perfection, i don't either (see speech issue) but I also can't see him learning a verse in group -- with game time and all that too --


I am happy for him, he is happy and the repeated masters (3 verses in 2 sessions) has his confidence up -- all good, i jsut kinda wonder if i am maybe expecting more at home than they are in group. :glare:


Just wondering.

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If I was you I'd pratice the book at home and have my kids ready to say 2 or 3 verses a night in jan.


Poor family -- is there no other club near by?





any leaders here -- my son went in last night ready to recite 1 John 4:14 (we learned the entire verse, not just the part in the sparks book) and when i picked him up he had also been signed off on the next verse (plsams something) that he 'learned at the group'. He does have a good memory and learning verses is not a challange for him (though the actual speaking of the words still can be due to his speech issues); but i can't help but wonder if the leader expectations are a bit too low if he came in ready to say one and 'learned one' in the class?


so what level of mastery are they expecting, i know you can not expect perfection, i don't either (see speech issue) but I also can't see him learning a verse in group -- with game time and all that too --


I am happy for him, he is happy and the repeated masters (3 verses in 2 sessions) has his confidence up -- all good, i jsut kinda wonder if i am maybe expecting more at home than they are in group. :glare:


Just wondering.


DS went in prepared with one verse and they signed off on two. I agree with you...we practice all week, read the book, discuss what the verse means and try to apply it. Then they throw in another verse that we've never worked on.


Does anyone take their kids to Awana at a different church than you attend? DS goes to Awana at a very conservative church and I feel so awkward dropping him off each week. They don't actually check the kids in when we get there, he just goes in and sits at his spot. Since I barely know any of the people there, I just feel odd letting him go in without any kind of check in. I guess we're just new at this!

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Well, when this happens to mine I just make certain they know the verse and can say it to me. I also talk about what it means and then go on to the next one. Different clubs have different expectations.


I always expect more from my daughter than the leaders expect and I am a T&T director. Whenever anyone signs off on something I have not heard her practice, she knows she says it to me before we move on to the next section.


Linda (Mom to 3 Citation achievers!)

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Does anyone take their kids to Awana at a different church than you attend? DS goes to Awana at a very conservative church and I feel so awkward dropping him off each week. They don't actually check the kids in when we get there, he just goes in and sits at his spot. Since I barely know any of the people there, I just feel odd letting him go in without any kind of check in. I guess we're just new at this!


We do this. There is only one other 2yo who shows up consistently, besides my own kids, at our little church. The church the hosts AWANAS also hosts BSF which I attend, so I think that helps. They are open to anyone for BSF, and I never got the impression that they weren't open to anyone for AWANAS. I did pay the dues after all! I am not good at meeting new people and making friends, so I understand you being uncomfortable. It's hard to become part of a group when all the other parents and kids have known each other since they were babies. How about you pray for me, and I'll pray for you :001_smile:

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We do not attend the church my son goes to Awana at! The first year I felt the same way, a little uncomfortable and out of place. It is hard just dropping him off and not knowing anyone! The second year he was going to Awana we joined a small group bible study that was going on at the same time as Awana. We got to know other families a little better. We tend to have a hard time meeting other people so it was good for us.

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DS went in prepared with one verse and they signed off on two. I agree with you...we practice all week, read the book, discuss what the verse means and try to apply it. Then they throw in another verse that we've never worked on.


Does anyone take their kids to Awana at a different church than you attend? DS goes to Awana at a very conservative church and I feel so awkward dropping him off each week. They don't actually check the kids in when we get there, he just goes in and sits at his spot. Since I barely know any of the people there, I just feel odd letting him go in without any kind of check in. I guess we're just new at this!


I check both mine in, buy they are 3 and 5. I am AMAZED at the line of cars that stop and kids tumble out and run in the building. :001_huh: but each child MUST be signed out by a parent to leave -- you physically have to sign them out of their class

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Well, when this happens to mine I just make certain they know the verse and can say it to me. I also talk about what it means and then go on to the next one. Different clubs have different expectations.


I always expect more from my daughter than the leaders expect and I am a T&T director. Whenever anyone signs off on something I have not heard her practice, she knows she says it to me before we move on to the next section.


Linda (Mom to 3 Citation achievers!)


that is good to hear. i keep up a roteation of his 'leanred verses' -- both for sparks and for our family -- so i try to make sure he is not just putting them in short term memory to get by (he is too young, i think, to 'think of that' but i want the habit and SOP to be long term repatition before he "thinks" to not really learn them --yk?)


I am making him do the psalms one in addition to the Cor verse for next week

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My son started Cubbies just before he turned 3 & just graduated from T&T in April! He started Youth Group in the summer. Our AWANA ends after 6th. I'm am both proud & sad. How could he have grown up so fast???!!! For the graduates they make a slide show with an audio message from the parents and show it during the year-end awards ceremony. I like that.


My son LOVED AWANA. I was amazed at how well they can memorize verses at such a young age! It was so good for him. He is not very motivated in school work, but by about 3rd grade he was starting to take responsibility for doing his AWANA sections himself.


Ah, memories....

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If I was you I'd pratice the book at home and have my kids ready to say 2 or 3 verses a night in jan.


Poor family -- is there no other club near by?


It's Cubbies -- you are supposed to follow along in the book. Cover the story during the week that they do at the Cubbies program, etc. Stay together. (And we don't have the new book. Though we can review the old one!)


There are other clubs. They just started back in august so we're way behind. I decided to stick with Bastrop.


Does anyone take their kids to Awana at a different church than you attend? DS goes to Awana at a very conservative church and I feel so awkward dropping him off each week. They don't actually check the kids in when we get there, he just goes in and sits at his spot. Since I barely know any of the people there, I just feel odd letting him go in without any kind of check in. I guess we're just new at this!


We take AWANA to a different church than we attend -- our church does not have AWANAs or anything similar for 3-4 year olds. However, at least last year, I had to walk him in and sign him in (and sign out after class) And I tended to go to the gym for opening ceremonies and stay there until a teacher showed up, etc. (And often all the way through opening ceremonies!)

Edited by vonfirmath
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I've been a Sparks, Cubbies and Puggles leader and am a Sparks director now. I also have a Cubbie and a Sparkie. :) I LOVE AWANA.


Re: getting more verses signed off on than you thought they'd get. I have amazed parents all the time. Their kid will do a handful of verses and they thought they knew one. If you drill the kids they do know them...forward and backwards and what they mean. BUT....if you only want them doing the one they worked on, I'd tell their leader. I totally understand wanting to go more in depth with the verse. Or if they are very capable of doing two or three, just work on three during the week and make sure they have a firm grasp.


Re: Security. Talk to the leaders and directors! Sometimes it takes a parent bringing up a concern to get something going. I go to a very large church now with a very in depth security process. It's something we discuss every week in our leader/director meetings. Talk to someone and let them know you'd appreciate a little more strict security measures. Talk to the pastor of the church if you need to.

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Jumping in here...my ds did two years of sparks and a year of TNT, and we took breaks. DD 6 did cubbies and last year we did not attend. This year we decided (a month after it started) to go back. The kids really drove the decision. They are very attached to the commander and staff of volunteers. They are so motivated to do the work! I love that this program gets kids excited about God's word.

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