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singing mom

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  1. Wow…I think it’s not a coincidence I’m seeing your post today! I don’t get on the forum very often, not because I don’t enjoy what I see when I’m here but quite frankly I kinda forget about it! (Duh! J) Anyway, I have son who is 14 and entering in the 9TH grade. I’m seriously contemplating the same course of action you are with regards to CC and the track you are taking by beginning in Challenge B and then progressing to Challenge 1 next year. I don’t have any advice but I do have a thought, such as it is. J I absolutely do not think you’ll be wasting time the first two years in her courses…it will be an absolute benefit to her now and the adult she will be. Also, with regards to possibly lacking in the literary arts; from what I’ve seen with CC, you have nothing to worry about! From what I understand and have seen, she will have a fantastic base for writing as a result of reading all the wonderful books she’ll read as well as the IEW courses she’ll take. I’m trying to say I think she will be absolutely more than ready for those college classes! Thanks for posting…I know it sounds weird but despite the fact I obviously have never meet another person on this forum or have even communicated on a one on one level, I have a respect for those who post here. (Told you it was weird! J) Anyway, it makes me feel like my train of thinking is on track.
  2. We haven't been to a workshop with him either but he is probably one of the NICEST people you'll ever meet!! Me and my kids went and heard him this summer at a couple venues, one in the afternoon and the other in the evening. At the evening venue, he came up to us and thanked us for coming back. Absolutely go if you have the chance, if only to meet and personally talk to him!
  3. What is "HOD"? I couldn't find it in the abbreviation list.
  4. Awana is just wonderful! At our former church my husband and I were privledged to be apart of the team that introduced it. Then I had two sparks and a tnt. I will always have fond, fond memories of those days and the wonderful blessing of seeing precious, young children come to give their lives to Jesus!
  5. Hello. :-) I am also new to the forum but I wanted to let you know that yes, ALL has not been released yet. I'm still 'learning the ropes' but I did see last week that there is a very infomatiove post from SWB on the subject of her next leval of language and writing curricula. If you go to this link: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&daysprune=&f=19 on that page the first two threads are the posts from her. Hope this helps.
  6. "We didn't do WWE because I was silly and thought since she was already in 2nd grade when it came out it would be too baby for her. Haha. If I could do my homeschooling over, that is probably the first thing I would change." I COMPLETLY agree with you!! Probably the biggest regret I have is deviating from FLL with my dd! She is now 9 yo, going to be 10 in Nov, and we just went back for leval 3 a few months ago. I've already seen a big jump in knowledge and confidence when it comes to the subject matter. She even, on her own I might add, composed a poem the other day! (5 lines but still, I was very encouraged!)
  7. We just began using Lively Latin this year and we love it. The best part is the gal who wrote the program is the teacher. When we are due for a lesson, we log onto the website and play the video. In addition, as each new set of vocab words are introduced, there is a recording we listen to that allows us to hear both the classical and the ecclesiastical, what ever you choose. Here is the link fyi: http://livelylatin.com/site/index.php
  8. I suggest you check our "Biblioplan"(Sp?.) It's a classical approach curriculum. This year we are doing the 3rd cycle which is American and world history combined. This is our first year using it but so far so good. :-)
  9. I'm new here...where is the abbreviations list? Thanks! :-)
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