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Need prayers and goodwill as I am doing something dangerous and stupid

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What??? I must be a complete idiot, because I have no idea what you are talking about and have never heard of such a thing! Are you some sort of fighting professional, such a knife-wielding version of a boxer??? Do you train for this?


So you are having two real fights with another person today - one with a knife, and one with a stick? Do you actually try to stab the other person? I know I must sound completely stupid, but I am so flabbergasted and confused and would love to educate myself on this!


In any case, good luck!

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What??? I must be a complete idiot, because I have no idea what you are talking about and have never heard of such a thing! Are you some sort of fighting professional, such a knife-wielding version of a boxer??? Do you train for this?


So you are having two real fights with another person today - one with a knife, and one with a stick? Do you actually try to stab the other person? I know I must sound completely stupid, but I am so flabbergasted and confused and would love to educate myself on this!


In any case, good luck!


LOL. My guess is that it's some form of martial arts. She won't really stab anyone, but the weapons may well be real. It's all about control.

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In my school we practice knife fighting with rubber or wooden knives. Sometimes we chalk the edges to make it easier to see if/where a person got cut. I'm not sure about competitions, never having had the nerve to try, but I would guess they do the same. I have only ever seen real bladed weapons used for kata.

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My day wasn't sucky.


This is what I did (clip is from last year's Gathering)



I technically got killed but since I've only trained this way for over a month, I am cool with it. I got several compliments on my fight (yes, even though I got killed). Crafty (the main guy) even complimented me on my knife fight during the fight.


Oh, at the bar afterward, I got carded. When the waitress looked at my date of birth, she said,"Way to go!"


Thank you for your well wishes. They were very nice to read. Thank you.

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