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There's a Man Cold in my house.

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but accurate.


Unless you have the correct X Y chromosome make-up you simply would not understand!


I find the electric buzzer far better than the bell because the high pitched sound of the bell is "more painful than childbirth" and that IS an irrefutable fact :-)



I'm sure my Dh would agree with you.;)


Funny story (at least to me) on men, women, and pain:


I visited a new chiropractor a few years ago and took my Dad in for an appointment at the same time since he was visiting. The chiropractor asked me to rate my pain on a personal scale of 1-10. He emphasized that the scale was based on how I personally rated the pain. I have scoliosis and frequently have debilitating headaches when my neck is out of alignment (3-5 times per week is not uncommon). I have trouble walking without limping after an exceptionally physical day. I will occasionally not be able to move for several hours and then spend several painful days loosening up my lower back. I thought about the pain level and rated it a three. The doctor, a friend of ours, nodded and said that women usually rate their pain lower than men do - often because they've experienced childbirth. After our appointments, I asked Dad how he rated his pain (which I'm sure existed but was not a chronic, debilitating pain like I live with). He rated it a 6. Obviously, he has never given birth.:tongue_smilie:

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How does your average boy, who falls out of a tree, jumps up and yells "I'm all right!!!" grow up and turn into a sniveling, whining, gelatinous blob of goo when sick? I. don't. get. it.


...because if there were other men in the house we would be just brushing it off but as our darling adoring ever patient wives are in the house we can (in the interests of sharing and having a relationship where no secrets are kept <that is what you want isn't it ladies?>) express the real agony of such an affliction.


Honesty, telling you exactly how we feel...... saying things that we would never say to anyone else, real feelings, nothing hidden........you asked for it....so be glad that you have such honest and open husbands......now where was that buzzer?

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...because if there were other men in the house we would be just brushing it off but as our darling adoring ever patient wives are in the house we can (in the interests of sharing and having a relationship where no secrets are kept <that is what you want isn't it ladies?>) express the real agony of such an affliction.


Honesty, telling you exactly how we feel...... saying things that we would never say to anyone else, real feelings, nothing hidden........you asked for it....so be glad that you have such honest and open husbands.....


Oh, nicely done! :D (Now I just have to make sure my DH never sees this :lol:)

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...because if there were other men in the house we would be just brushing it off but as our darling adoring ever patient wives are in the house we can (in the interests of sharing and having a relationship where no secrets are kept <that is what you want isn't it ladies?>) express the real agony of such an affliction.


Honesty, telling you exactly how we feel...... saying things that we would never say to anyone else, real feelings, nothing hidden........you asked for it....so be glad that you have such honest and open husbands......now where was that buzzer?


Good answer. :tongue_smilie:

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...because if there were other men in the house we would be just brushing it off but as our darling adoring ever patient wives are in the house we can (in the interests of sharing and having a relationship where no secrets are kept <that is what you want isn't it ladies?>) express the real agony of such an affliction.


Honesty, telling you exactly how we feel...... saying things that we would never say to anyone else, real feelings, nothing hidden........you asked for it....so be glad that you have such honest and open husbands......now where was that buzzer?



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I cannot believe I missed this. I'm so glad to read that my dh is not the only one. It drives me bonkers. I've started telling him that he has to help when he's sick as I don't get sick days, he doesn't either. I feel horrible that I'm not more sympathetic but I'm not!

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...because if there were other men in the house we would be just brushing it off but as our darling adoring ever patient wives are in the house we can (in the interests of sharing and having a relationship where no secrets are kept <that is what you want isn't it ladies?>) express the real agony of such an affliction.


Honesty, telling you exactly how we feel...... saying things that we would never say to anyone else, real feelings, nothing hidden........you asked for it....so be glad that you have such honest and open husbands......now where was that buzzer?

Bwah hahahaha!


Be glad you're not Wolf. You'd know where that buzzer is...and wouldn't be happy about it. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I never should have shown my husband this video.


He now has a "man flu" and he has my 11 y/o daughter and my 5 y/o son trained to come to him every time he rings a bell to rub his forehead and say "Poor little bunny, is there anything I can do for you?"


I don't know whether to :lol: or :boxing_smiley:

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Mine wraps himself in a blanket and huddles in his chair in front of the TV when he has a cold. From his demeanor, you'd swear he had cancer. I SO want to tell him to suck it up and be a man...but that wouldn't go over well teehee

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