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Yikes! Being induced tomorrow!

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Well, it looks like #4 will start making his way to the world tomorrow at 11am!


I am so excited to see my little boy and yet so absolutely nervous that I've got the shakes, isn't that silly?? You'd think that since I have done this three times before - and have been induced twice as well - that I would think doing it again was easy peasy. But I just keep thinking things like "What if it hurts???" - :lol:.

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I just had #4 (home water birth) and I was nervous going in, just as you describe! I figure that must never go away no matter how many times you've done it. (Pretty sure this is our last, so I won't be testing that theory. lol!) But I will say that this birth was my fastest and easiest, so maybe you'll be blessed with that same experience. :D


Lots of good thoughts for your big day tomorrow! I look forward to hearing your good news. :D

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I think it is normal to be nervous especially when you already had gone through childbirth. i sum it up like this:


First baby: Your nervous because you don't know what to expect in terms of labor.


Second baby: Your hopeful that maybe it will be different this time around in terms of labor.


Third and subsequent babies: You KNOW exactly what to expect in terms of labor and your nervous as hell!


I personally was most nervous with #3, #4 I just wanted to get over with since she was 2 weeks late and now that I am expecting #5 I still have months to go and I'm already nervous....


Good luck! And yes, it is pain with a purpose so it will all be worthwhile tomorrow night!

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