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Update on my earlier prayer request...continued prayers needed please.

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Dh has been officially transferred to maintenance after losing his medical card for his CDL Class A drivers license. That, in itself, has become very sad for him. He feels lost and out of place, especially since he is still recovering from the stroke, dealing with lots of depression and fatigue along with speech impairment issues.


Now it has become very evident that he is in a hostile work situation. He's been wrongly accused of things, seemingly set up and framed on one account and unfairly reprimanded on another. With both situations he was sent home without pay as a discipline. He has been given really dirty jobs that no one else wants to do, also sent in to greenhouses with temperatures of 132 degrees and told to work there. The crew he's been placed with wants him out big time, so they are trying to make him quit. Today it became very clear that HR is not going to help him, they keep telling him things and not following up - even avoiding him. It's all become really dirty and I'm appalled at their tactics.


Dh needs time to get career counseling because he feels so lost, we desperately need his pay AND we desperately need his health insurance. These issues are making him miserable. Please pray for wisdom, direction and provision. We are trying to keep our mortgage out of foreclosure as it is, so the timing of this is just horrible.


I am tired and fighting depression of my own. Other things in my life are really, really good but I'm finding it hard to be able to enjoy them this week. It would be so easy to just go to bed and stay there.




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I think it would be wise to seek legal counsel. There are labor laws which may protect your husband and preserve some benefits.




Yes to this. OSHA surely has rules regarding heat! If he is too disabled to work, might he qualify for disability coverage? Either through work or social security. I think consulting a labor lawyer would be very helpful.

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Now it has become very evident that he is in a hostile work situation. He's been wrongly accused of things, seemingly set up and framed on one account and unfairly reprimanded on another. With both situations he was sent home without pay as a discipline.


I've met more dirty low-down people at work! I'll be less than a lady, and say that bad co-workers simply suck. :grouphug:


And worst of all is a crooked boss. Ugh. :grouphug::grouphug:

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:grouphug: and prayers.


Your state government has a civil rights division. I'll pm the link to you.


Also look here: http://www.ada.gov/ (ADA refers to the Americans with Disabilities Act)


Look up Legal Aid in your area and see if you can get some assistance. If they can't help you, keep talking to people there until you find someone who knows who can. Do not ask a receptionist -- do your very best to talk to an attorney.


Depending on how your husband views the helpfulness of this suggestion, he could mention the ADA to the HR department, and if they deny that he is disabled, he could mention that his ADA attorney will be glad to contact them.

Edited by RoughCollie
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:grouphug: Thank you all for your prayers and input. It means more to me than I can possibly express. We are taking this a day at a time, praying for strength from the Lord and choosing to keep our eyes on Him despite how things look right now.


We have been doing some checking into the legal resources through our state already, and have been considering the best course of action. Dh is signed up with the Vocational Rehab program here in our state as well, but all of this takes time and right now we are really short on emotional strength. I will be making some calls this week to find out more though, and we have been documenting everything.


I am seeking another part-time job, but one that I can do from home on my computer and phone. This would enable me to keep teaching part-time, hs dd and be home for my elderly mom. If you'd remember that in your prayers for our family, I'd really appreciate it too.


Blessings to all,


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:grouphug: Thank you all for your prayers and input. It means more to me than I can possibly express. We are taking this a day at a time, praying for strength from the Lord and choosing to keep our eyes on Him despite how things look right now.


We have been doing some checking into the legal resources through our state already, and have been considering the best course of action. Dh is signed up with the Vocational Rehab program here in our state as well, but all of this takes time and right now we are really short on emotional strength. I will be making some calls this week to find out more though, and we have been documenting everything.


I am seeking another part-time job, but one that I can do from home on my computer and phone. This would enable me to keep teaching part-time, hs dd and be home for my elderly mom. If you'd remember that in your prayers for our family, I'd really appreciate it too.


Blessings to all,




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Dear Praying friends here in the Hive,

Thank you so much for your prayers for dh this week. The Lord heard us, and some very positive things happened today that I wanted to share with you. It's very, very obvious that God intervened.


Two days ago I had a strong, gut feeling that I should express some concern about dh's health to the HR department where he works. I prayed over my words and kept it to a minimum, but I was able to explain how he is still recovering from a stroke and that I am terribly concerned about him being under so much stress on the job. Believe me, I would never under any other circumstances contact my husband's employer, but this was a risk that I felt needed to be taken. I didn't put it this way to them, but I believe that what the work crew has put him through these past couple of weeks has been more than dh should have to bear at any time -- and especially while still dealing with the lingering effects of a stroke. I did express to them my concerns about the possibility of him having yet another stroke because of all the stress, which is no exaggeration.


Well, today dh was called in to a meeting with the owner and HR. They wanted to know what was happening and how they could help him. During the meeting dh was given an opportunity to explain everything completely from his perspective, and they LISTENED!! Amazingly, there were actually photos available to back up part of what he was saying about one of the incidents, and that really opened his boss' eyes to see the truth of the behavior of several people in the department. As a result, dh was cleared of wrong doing and he gained the support and trust of the owner of the company.


A while later, a meeting was called for everyone in the department where rules about harassment and discrimination were addressed and emphasized. The owner stated plainly that he will not tolerate any misbehavior from anyone regarding the matters being presented. The people that had treated dh unfairly are also being dealt with individually.


See? God does hear our prayers, and He does care. The Lord is good!! Thank you for your willingness to pray on our behalf. This is a real victory, but there is still much yet to overcome. We are encouraged to move forward though, and I want you to be encouraged too.




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Dear Praying friends here in the Hive,

Thank you so much for your prayers for dh this week. The Lord heard us, and some very positive things happened today that I wanted to share with you. It's very, very obvious that God intervened.



This is great news. I didn't see this thread until now, but I will pray for you.:grouphug::grouphug:

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Thank you all so much! Prayer is so important - and we so often minimize it. One thing I have learned through a number of situations in recent years is that it's really important to let people know the outcome of their prayers. So please, everyone, whenever you ask for prayer please remember to also follow up with encouraging news when it comes, or remind people to continue praying.




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Dh has been officially transferred to maintenance after losing his medical card for his CDL Class A drivers license. That, in itself, has become very sad for him. He feels lost and out of place, especially since he is still recovering from the stroke, dealing with lots of depression and fatigue along with speech impairment issues.


Now it has become very evident that he is in a hostile work situation. He's been wrongly accused of things, seemingly set up and framed on one account and unfairly reprimanded on another. With both situations he was sent home without pay as a discipline. He has been given really dirty jobs that no one else wants to do, also sent in to greenhouses with temperatures of 132 degrees and told to work there. The crew he's been placed with wants him out big time, so they are trying to make him quit. Today it became very clear that HR is not going to help him, they keep telling him things and not following up - even avoiding him. It's all become really dirty and I'm appalled at their tactics.


Dh needs time to get career counseling because he feels so lost, we desperately need his pay AND we desperately need his health insurance. These issues are making him miserable. Please pray for wisdom, direction and provision. We are trying to keep our mortgage out of foreclosure as it is, so the timing of this is just horrible.


I am tired and fighting depression of my own. Other things in my life are really, really good but I'm finding it hard to be able to enjoy them this week. It would be so easy to just go to bed and stay there.





Wow! Awesome news!

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