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TMI thread: Europeans and shaving

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Not to put out too much personal info here, but in my 20s I had a man express an interest in the thread topic. I told him if that was a deal-breaker, he was free to go elsewhere. I hope to high heaven I raise a girl who is not so swayed by trends or the aesthetic desires of others as to give a flying fig what they think, or change her grooming habits accordingly. And, porn or no porn, I hope to raise a boy who understands the difference between real bodies and lens-filtered, hairless, augmented bodies. I'm pretty sure both of those things are possible, regardless of the trends.


What is frustrating is that so many images of beauty are held up to women - false images of beauty. I recently realized that some young actresses I thought were natural beauties (and they are regardless) have had lots of plastic surgery. Women in the media are perfected through surgery, and then airbrushed to perfection, and we are told that it is realistic. Grrr.

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Okay, I have to ask. How often do you have to do this? And doesn't it get prickly prior to the next shave? Inquiring minds, you know...:blush:


I usually shave everyday. I shower and wash my hair everyday, and I have just gotten in the habit of shaving as well. Sometimes I skip a day of showering and just fix my hair and go. On those days, I don't shave.


I found that once I got in the habit it was fairly easy to be quick about it. I do it in the shower. I shave my legs and underarms as well. It never really has time to grow back so there is no pricklyness. I also haven't experienced any issues with razor burn or ingrown hairs.


I prefer to take care of it that way. I can't imagine getting the area waxed. Yikes! Sounds too painful.

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I usually shave everyday. I shower and wash my hair everyday, and I have just gotten in the habit of shaving as well. Sometimes I skip a day of showering and just fix my hair and go. On those days, I don't shave.


I found that once I got in the habit it was fairly easy to be quick about it. I do it in the shower. I shave my legs and underarms as well. It never really has time to grow back so there is no pricklyness. I also haven't experienced any issues with razor burn or ingrown hairs.


I prefer to take care of it that way. I can't imagine getting the area waxed. Yikes! Sounds too painful.


How is it that you manage to never get razor burn or ingrown hairs?


Every time I shave my legs I have a major problem. Maybe my skin is just really sensitive. :confused: I wish I could fix it. It would be nice if recovering from shaving wasn't a bad process.

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Must have been an interesting evening, conversationally. :D



Not really. lol :) It's something some of the girl relatives and I have discussed before. ;) Young people are not hairy. Maybe WW II or post WWII , but not now. lol


It took about 60 seconds via Facebook PM messages. I read this short thread and I got on the horn. ;) Meaning I FB PM'd a couple of young relatives.


They tidy and trim.


Simple inquiry, & simpe & quick responses.

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In my area, even arm hair (not armpit: arm, and in addition leg, pit, and bikini, and toe) is frequently removed. Maybe we are supposed to look and feel like Barbies now.



People shaved ('scraped') in the past--- so the lice & mites could be seen and dealt with more easily.


Porn and lice...who knew they were related.



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I don't think shaving it all off looks good if you have a c-section scar. Waxing is definitely in across the UK but you have to use your common sense. I shave my legs and underarms. I have my eyebrows "threaded" (the new thing in the UK is to have "threading" kiosks in the mall).


I'm thinking about waxing my legs but "down there"? Too painful too consider.

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If we consider Art History and the statues and paintings so well known to us, we can see that, in general, there is not much body hair. You don't see many (any?) statues of women with underarn hair fi, or lots of pubic hair. Sometimes we see a little in some paintings, and on some sculptures of some men, but in general, body hair is down- played for both men and women. People have been shavng and plucking and scraping forever.

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I completely agree with it being ridiculous. It comes from the porn industry just as the excessive breast augmentation and push up bras for tweens are now the norm. I refuse to look like a prepubescent girl. There is a difference between ladyscaping and waxing the whole business. Until women refuse to acclimate themselves to porn culture these trends will continue. FWIW I think it is one matter to do what is comfortable for oneself versus wanting approval from a lover regardless of gender.

:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

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I totally agree. I think it is sad that women feel it necessary to jump through all of these hoops just to look attractive. Women did not shave for most of history. Did men say "yuck" for those thousands of years?:D


Actually, some societies did shave. Middle eastern women have removed all body hair for centuries.

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Do medical professionals prefer women to shave or not shave? Do OBGYNs?


Where I live, pubic shaving before giving birth is COMPULSORY (obviously only for hospital births)! Most women do it themselves these days, to avoid being shaved with the same razor as every other women going into labor that day. The idea is that hair could cause trouble for episiotomies or c-sections, never mind that those areas are usually not really covered in hair? :001_huh:

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Where I live, pubic shaving before giving birth is COMPULSORY (obviously only for hospital births)! Most women do it themselves these days, to avoid being shaved with the same razor as every other women going into labor that day. The idea is that hair could cause trouble for episiotomies or c-sections, never mind that those areas are usually not really covered in hair? :001_huh:


WOW, places still do that???? Studies over a decade ago proved that there were MORE infections with women that shaved than those that didn't, so shaving before birth was no longer done. I can't believe people still do that in some hospitals!

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WOW, places still do that???? Studies over a decade ago proved that there were MORE infections with women that shaved than those that didn't, so shaving before birth was no longer done. I can't believe people still do that in some hospitals!


Yep, in Eastern Europe. I don't think they give much importance to evidence-based care.


More on topic, I think most younger women also shave their lady parts here. Almost everyone shaves legs and armpits, and eyebrow and lip waxes are also very common.

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Where I live, pubic shaving before giving birth is COMPULSORY (obviously only for hospital births)! Most women do it themselves these days, to avoid being shaved with the same razor as every other women going into labor that day. The idea is that hair could cause trouble for episiotomies or c-sections, never mind that those areas are usually not really covered in hair? :001_huh:


Really? Hospitals still do this archaic thing? They are opening these women up to MORE infection. Oy. I didn't know anywhere still did this.


Not to mention, how mean to make a woman have that "wonderful" itching when she's just given birth. :001_huh:

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