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What do you do with figs?

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My neighbor has a loaded fig tree. She told us we can have as many as we want. She just threw a bunch in the trash because she couldn't use them.


What can I do with them?




She TRASHED them? :svengo:


Make preserves! Eat them with prosciutto! Make tarts and freeze them!

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She TRASHED them? :svengo:


:lol: That's what I thought, and I didn't even know how much I like figs! Actually, her husband was cleaning up outside and...out they went.


She was asking me for ideas because she doesn't want to waste them either!


Now that I've tasted ripe figs, I don't know how many will make it until I get to the store for goat cheese and such. They are delicious! I've got some in the dehydrator too, and a friend suggested fig-apricot jam.


Has anyone dried figs? (If any make it that far. I've already taken 2 out of the dehydrator to eat. Warm figs are heavenly!


Thanks for the ideas! If you've got more, keep 'em coming!



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Fig Preserves - heavenly!!!


Here's a recipe that I love, love, love!!!!


Eta: I don't chop the figs - just cut them in half so you have big, gooey, spicy fig in the preserves. It's beautiful and makes great gifts too.


you can also do a water bath to seal the jars so you don't have to refrigerate them.

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I have a large fig tree...they can be canned whole in a light syrup (to be eaten plain or over stuff), pickled (sweet and sourish). You could make fig jam, dehydrate them to use later in stews or breads (we do this often). Our favorite though is to make Strawberry Fig Jam using Strawberry Jello and figs. Good stuff!

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