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Freezer full of thawed meat! Keep or toss?

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On Monday afternoon our upright freezer was unplugged temporarily. We forgot to plug it back in. Today we noticed it. All 300lbs of meat is thawed but still very cold.


Do I cook like mad and refreeze it or is it a lost cause and needs to be tossed?


I would recommend going through bit by bit and cook like mad.

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I was surprised there were so many no votes! If it was still very cold, I see no reason not to refreeze. The texture may not be as good after an extra defrost/refreeze, but that's it.

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I would check to make sure it is good and go ahead and refreeze. Almost all the meats we purchase in the store have been frozen and then thawed for the shelf. We never think twice about refreezing those and consider it the first freeze!


Yes, if the meat was still cold, I would just refreeze it. If it was too warm to refreeze, then I probably wouldn't eat it, even cooked.



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I was told that if there are still ANY ice crystals on it that it would be fine to refreeze.


I have refrozen meat before, although I think it is better to cook and freeze.


I am so sorry you have had this happen. I have had it happen before but with far less meat.



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That is horrible, but at least you are able to still use all that meat. Now a few suggestions of what to do so you can freeze when done then pop in the oven for a quick meal later. Roasts with gravy, stews, BBQ chicken, BBQ ribs, soups, chilies, or just have the meats ready for other stuff. Like chicken and beef cut into strips of fajitas, cubed for soups or casseroles, gosh the list can go on and on. Oh don't forget to prepare it different ways, slow cooker, grill, baked, etc that way you have so many different ways to use it later.


My first thought was yeah time to make jerky.:D

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Something similar happened to my mom when 2 of my brothers were still teens at home. I don't remember how many pounds of meat ended up thawed, but she just cooked it all up in one weekend and had a meat party and invited a bunch of people over. She had pulled BBQ, grilled chicken, buffalo chicken dip, steaks, stew, etc. I think she may have frozen some of those leftovers after the party, but she shared a lot of it first. It's probably been almost 10 years, but some of my brothers' friends who are grown and married still ask her every once in a while when she's going to leave the freezer door open again. ;)

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We arrived home from church last night to discover that our garage freezer in which a whole beef is stored was beginning to thaw. The hamburger meat appeared to be the most affected - it was all thawed. But the steaks and roasts were thawed to various degrees although some items were still completely frozen. This freezer is the type that must be defrosted so there was still a lot of ice in the freezer. I re-froze the majority, but I will cook those items that were closest to the door or in the door compartments and completely thawed today.


So what do I do with round steak, sirloin steak, and roasts that will be easy to prepare and freeze well? I don't really care if it is a complete meal or not. I just want to get it cooked and back in the freezer. I will fry up the hamburger and package it in zip-locks for later use in casseroles, etc.


Any suggestions?


ETA: I'm not sure how this came under another post (at least that's what I'm seeing on my screen) since I clicked on "new thread" - weird!

Edited by CynthiaOK
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Chicken fried steaks, cube up meat and brown for stews and chilies, make up a great roast beef with only gravy freeze it to use for roast beef sandwiches or a quick roast on a busy night, grill the steaks then slice thin for sandwiches- casseroles-fajitas- salads.

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