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Is anybody else 100% happy with their curriculum choices so far?

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My percentage of happiness with my curricula vacillates week to week or even day to day. Today I am 100% happy. :D Still so much to learn and figure out though but my changes aren't requiring new purchases, just different approaches and strategies. I am 100% happy with the tools I have but not always with how I'm using them.

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You know what? This is the first year or even the first time I have felt sure in what I am doing. Sure I still question am I doing enough or the best. But I owe a lot to this golden forum. We are only as good as the information given and I learn so much from this site.


I have learned that this year I am not stressing over things, or the subjects I picked. I only question due to the strengths and weaknesses of my right brain learners.


Over all I am 100% happy with what we are doing this year. Will that remain come January - well that depends on the kiddos. Thus far we have regained a schedule with ease, less tears and fussing about work and over all a happier tone in the home.


I suppose some of the bright lights of the newbie glaring down on me have began to dim.


I really do chalk it up to learning so much here! :)

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I am THRILLED with everything this year! We've done 24 days, and I simply cannot believe it. Someone pinch me ;)!!!


This has never happened. I think like someone else said, what a LONG learning curve, but hopefully I have finally learned some things.

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100% happy with HOD. Loved it last year. Loving it again this year. :D


What I'm not happy about is balancing the extras. :confused: This year we are trying Karate & Art on Wednesday mornings, and a coop on every other Friday. We also have Football and may do Children's Choir and Awana type stuff. That's too much. Trying to work on what the right combination of extra curriculars.

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So far so good for us. This will be our second year with CLE. But my first year using it will all of my daughters. I plan on getting LOF for my oldest and see how that goes for her.

I really like the Stories of the Saints from Catholic Heritage. I wasn't sure how it would all go with my oldest but she is liking it so far and I've found myself sitting there reading the stories in the book myself.

I still have to order the Apologia Physical Science so I'm not sure how it will go over with my oldest quite yet.


So we'll see further in we get here in the year.

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Almost! :tongue_smilie:


Love: Teaching Textbooks, and all our language arts choices (Igniting Your Writing, ILL/PLL, MCP Phonics & Spelling Workout, Word Roots Beginnings)


On the fence with: We tried to go much more classical this year, but I really think at heart we're more CM. I am not sure right now if History Odyssey or Elemental Science are up our alley, or if we'll go back to living books (probably the latter.) Thank goodness for the try-it-before-you-buy-it feature at Pandia Press for history! We'll give ES another couple of weeks and see...

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I am 100% happy with what we are doing.


We have been homeschooling for awhile, and we did change things completely after the first year. We spent a whole year figuring out our homeschooling approach and deciding what direction we wanted to go. We changed up a few things the next 2 years. Now we are just doing the same things.


I don't change curriculum to fit each child - I simply modify as needed. Sometimes I will bring in some reinforcement but mostly our materials are the same year to year. I am familiar with them and how they work. I am confident in them. And I think that leads me being happy and content in our choices.

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That's good news! I know how much you agonized over everything! Maybe I will just steal your plan for next year.... :lol:


Yes, I think that is why I am happy - I agonized for more than 6 months and I even bought and sent a few things back. :) I think we are pretty well set for 2nd grade too as long as the curriculum bug stays away. I need to keep away from this K-8 board!

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I'm actually happy. I'm not sure how much of it is the curriculum, or if it's just my changed mindset this year. I am not trying to do it all. I am keeping things way simple and loving it.




Same here. We started the new school year's materials in June...so this week is just a continuation of our summer routine (2 hours/day of formal school). When the big kids go to high school next week I will be able to focus 100% on the youngers.


We are loving WWW and GWG. I appreciate the incremental hand-holding -- and the workbook approach. This is our only new publisher for this year.


Everything else we use is carried over from last year. See below for the usual suspects. I'm not a big curriculum-hopper. But I knew I needed to make a switch from Shurley after testing results in the spring. Even MCT GI didn't provide the implicit mechanics instruction & practice that my dds need... :)

Edited by Beth in SW WA
typo :)
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