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If it really did exist

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I would not. :)


My family wouldn't match any of their demographics. I think if you're all white and all -'American looking' you'd feel comfortable, so I can see the appeal.


We are not the above.


Ditto. Been there, done that. Everyone knew who I was b/c my daughter was the only black person in town. I prefer cities. :)

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I'd love a slice of Americana that still cherished good values.


See, I thought that, too, about small towns. Then I moved to one. It was quaint. It was cute. It was nestled in the forests of the Ozarks. It had a nostalgic "Main Street". It also had more back-stabbing, gossiping, two-faced, hypocritical jerks in one place than I'd ever seen before. And those were just the folks in our Sunday school class. Strangers would come up to me and question my son's parentage. Surely, he was adopted (said with disdain and a sneer) because of his skin color. I couldn't go to get gas for the car or go to the grocery store without someone knowing who I was and me not having a clue who they were. In short, it was awful. All my illusions about Mayberry were shattered into microscopic shards. We won't even go into how one female middle school teacher was arrested for an inappropriate relationship with a 13 year old boy, or how one middle school teacher, who was married to a high school teacher, had an affair with another high school teacher. When the population of the town is 1,400, nothing is secret. And, if you hadn't lived there for at least 30 years, you were a new-comer. And, if you didn't buy your car at the one and only car dealership and mechanic shop, forget getting any service there. They'd outright refuse you.


It wasn't Mayberry; it was Stepford. I hated it and was absolutely giddy when we left there.

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Yes. I'd love for my kids to grow up running and playing outdoors, with lots of room to roam. Everyone may (or may not) know each others business, but it would also be nice to have everyone keeping an eye on each others kids. I'm a very quiet/shy person and so are my kids so it would be nice to see the same people all the time to get to know them.

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I'm city grown (Southern California), but raising kids in a tiny town. If Mayberry existed I'd probably try it, but it doesn't. I have been living in a small town for 15 years now though and as my kids grow in it, I find it more limiting than "safe".

Edited by rocketgirl
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I love the show, but would not want to live there. Where are the people of other races??


More diversity, please.



I remember hearing something about how the producers wanted to add a black family to the show but Andy Griffith didn't agree because he didn't think it was realistic for the time and place being portrayed.

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