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S/O Facebook - What annoys you?

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Honest to Pete? I don't have any FB annoyances. lol


I only friend friends. :) I love seeing pix of kids, escpecially. I also love seeing vacay pix!


FA dynamics are interesting, I grant you. Some people love seeing what you're doing at the same time some other friends feel threatened. Nobdy is ever forced to look at your pix. I know some of my relatives (because they come with the territory) will love pix, and I know some of them wil not. That's rather how it goes. :) Family is never going to be as careful about certain things. ;) lol

Edited by LibraryLover
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I love FB. Reconnecting with old friends has been uplifting. Getting to see my former students all grown up makes me proud! "Meeting" my cousins' children and finding out how much we have in common is fun.


Sure, some people can annoying. I've blocked the old high school classmate who was posting "what s** position are you?" quizzes, for instance. And I probably raise my eyebrow because a certain relative is always bragging on her AWESOME husband and FABULOUS children (I know a little too much about the volatility of their relationship and the insincerity is hard to stomach). Maybe she's trying to make the best of it? I haven't blocked her, but I don't *look* for her updates.


The good outweighs the negative for me.


The other day a cousin posted on my wall about a movie she'd watched that reminded me of my Mom and how much she missed her. It made me happy. Before FB we likely wouldn't have shared that memory and smile. As it is, I could post back immediately and another friend shared in the conversation.


I'm an extrovert and frequent social connections are necessary for me. It's not always possible on our budget and with our schedule to see people who encourage and cheer you. On FB I can get a fix everyday. :D

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I like fb for the most part. I can keep up with my cousins and high school friends. Right now my cousin and her finace are in Afghanistan and it's nice to see how they are faring. She posts the most amazing pictures of the country and the people. She is working with the women in the country right now and has some amazing stories to tell.


I also like seeing where my classmates are and what they are doing. One of my best friends from high school moved to WI with his wife last week. We are able to keep up with each other on fb which is really nice.


I mostly ignore everything That annoys me but I have one friend who is over the top gooey with her fiancé. It's disgusting and I have hidden her posts a few times because I just couldn't stomach it. Ugh.

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My status update last night was that I learned that 13 year old boys can be pickier about the clothes you are generously purchasing for them than an 11 year old girl.


How many of you find that annoying?


I would have 'liked' that comment. And best I can do here is :iagree:

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My status update last night was that I learned that 13 year old boys can be pickier about the clothes you are generously purchasing for them than an 11 year old girl.


How many of you find that annoying?


I would have liked it. It would not annoy me in the slightest.


Last night I annoyed myself with MY status update. I am ashamed to admit I did a repost of 'when did you meet your spouse'. Complete with hearts and all. I can't help it I am a newly wed.

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her status updates alternate between how to be a good christian and bashing our government's leaders. Seems a little contradictory to me.

Yes, this often puzzles me also. :confused:


I have one friend who constantly refers to her children as her 'loves' and posts a dozen status updates a day using that word...'Making pancakes for my loves', 'Shopping with my loves', 'Picking my loves up from school', etc. and she punctuates each one with one of those little hearts. Gag.

Yes, that's annoying to say the least.


Checking in. I mean, do you really want other people know about every place you go throughout the day?

"Checking in the gym"

"Checking in the Starbucks"

"Checking in a **** retail store"

I mean, seriously?!

A friend of mine had created a check-in point "Back of my closet" as a response to this craziness. That was great.

:iagree: I have one friend and a cousin who do this all. the. time :glare:


I have some friends who do sales type posts almost exclusively. Maybe they are trying to network. I don't really get it. I just hide their statuses. The ones I'm thinking of are men. I'm NOT thinking of the girlfriends who sell jewelry or makeup and mention that every once in a while. That doesn't bother me at all.

I had another friend who updated her statues almost every hour with the most mundane things. We were never that close IRL and it got really old so I hid her statuses too.

Have had to hide a close friend who is in MLM and her never-ending posts were out of control.


I'm trying to consciously reduce how often I post on FB just to not annoy others.


I haven't yet "unfriended" anyone. I think that's rude. Or maybe it's not. If it's not rude, please tell me and I'll gladly unfriend a few! My cousin unfriended me. Off with her head :lol:. Actually, I'm happy that she did. She was the type to post every 2 seconds with statuses of where she is and what her kids do ...


If people annoy me (and no, Cyndi, it's never you :grouphug:), I hide them from my News Feed.


I hate the layout of FB. I generally don't like FB.

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  • Whining

  • I can't stand 'vague-booking.' Posting something on a public forum that is vague, so that only a few people know what you are talking about.

  • The passive-aggressive thing that Janie Grace mentioned.

  • Duck face! ;)




This list makes me feel like I should justify why I still have an account. I suppose I do like knowing, on some level, what is going on in the lives of family and friends far away.


:iagree: These four things plus the "bandwagoning" drives me to drink. :glare:

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I'd like to delete my account, but we use it for sharing 4h info that I may not get any other way.


I particularly hate when someone posts "Happy Birthday/Anniversary to my daughter/husband.." and I know that the person lives in the same house. I always wonder, is the person being wished happy whatever off in another room on a different computer reading their facebook page? Don't they talk to each other?


Now if someone posts, "Today is my anniversary or daughter's birthday" then I don't mind.


Well, I sort of did this today. I posted our wedding photo and captioned it, "Smile! In six years you'll be posting this to say 'Happy Anniversary!'". He probably won't even see it. :001_smile:

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I was posting a LOT about my kids. They're the only grankids/great grandkids for my husband's family and my mother's side of the family. (My father's side of the family is about 4X those two families, combined.) But then I realized how little the other parents were posting about their kids. I wasn't getting a lot of comments back, and some of the comments, while nice, made me feel like people just thought I was bragging or looking for attention/validation through my kids (which I wasn't.) So I created a "group" that I can post to that only goes to the relatives who do want a daily dose of cute or "hey that's neat!" Ever since I've stoped posting on my main wall (the group is on the secret setting, so only the people who are in it know about it) no one has asked about the dc. So I think I did the right thing.

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What annoys me is when people comment about the state of their health. Drives me nuts. And I'm not talking about people who have like cancer or something and they're updating their friends on recent tests, or whatever. I'm talking about people who say their allergies are bothering them, or their kid has a cold or various other gripes that we all deal with and don't need to tell the world about.


Or worse, when they post gross pictures of their health issues! This one lady twisted her ankle and it really swelled up. For the next several days there were posts of her huge ankle from all angles! Or a bad sore, or something like that. Blck! Really didn't need to see that!

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Oh, the checking in! I can't say that it annoys me...but I feel like a really lazy stalker with some people on FB.


I do have a friend who constantly posts her latest conspiracy theories, mixed with commentary about getting right with God and relevant Bible verses. She also posts awesome recipes, so I've learned to skim. :)

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I guess I should preface this by saying that I actually love fb. My family and friends are spread out all over the country and it's a great way to stay in touch. I like reading my friends' status updates, commenting and posting banal snippets of our life for them. (Which most seem to enjoy, and if they don't, they can hide my posts.)


Scam videos. Really? Your BS radar doesn't go off when someone promises a video of OsamaBL being shot?


Invitations to ANY.thing. If I need to be invited to something, a real live paper invitation will arrive in my mailbox.


Being added to groups. I wish fb would fix this. No one should be able to add anyone to anything without their prior consent. :glare:


Game requests. I block as many as possible.


Overly intimate or disgusting pictures. I don't want to see your husband licking your face or your most recent surgery incision. :001_huh:


Unsupervised children. This one isn't fb's fault, but it still drives me nuts. My kids don't need an outlet to get online and post ignorant trash, curse at their friends, share suggestive photos and videos and neither do yours. Our older girls have fb pages, but they are supervised, and if they are less than polite or appropriate, they lose the privilege. Fb should be treated like a public area, and the same common courtesy you use at the mall should be employed on fb. IMO, of course. :D


Other than those small objections, fb and I get along pretty well. :)

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