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How do you do your day of HS with a crazy little toddler boy in the mix?


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So I am just easing into HSing. Not with my FIAR curriculum yet (I just got it and am going to start on Monday!). I am realizing this might be trickier than I thought - I knew it would be hard, but now I am really nervous. Any of you have to juggle a little, loud, toddler? I am trying to figure out how the set up should work etc.



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I'm afraid I'm right there with you. My son is 3 (turning 4) this year and if we aren't playing WITH him, he watches TV. I really don't want him sitting in front of the TV all year!


I had hoped to plan out preschool-type projects for him this year, but just didn't have time. I know I'd considered having my dds take turns working with him throughout the day but I feel like they already have so much work to do. And I am completely busy helping them or getting chores done that I don't have extra time for my guy. Not to mention we are having baby #5 this fall.


I'd love to hear others' suggestions! :bigear:

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We try to do school outside if we can. That way he is content to play on his truck in the driveway or push around the babydoll stoller (3 older sisters...). Or we go to a park to do school. We school during his naptime as well.

Sometimes I'll keep my school kids up 30 min. after he goes to bed at night and get some read aloud time in.


I've tried to do school during a meal while he is strapped in, but have realized that he really likes to make LOUD noises while I'm trying to read aloud or have a conversation with the other kids, so it doesn't usually work.


Other than that he is just learning the rules and routine of homeschooling life and learning how to entertain himself for longer periods of time.

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Workbooks, including RS A-B-C set. He loves to do school for just a bit and that will occupy him for a bit and then he moves on. Yes, I use learning as a distraction. He also knows his presidents to Lincoln (first and last name) and recites CC history sentences he learned from his brother. Amazing.


Include the little one as much as possible.




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I got some good replies when I posted a similar question. DS1 is crazy- he doesn't sit still to read, he's already broken a leg, and he's fearless... I'm really encouraging the kids to work independently in the morning until his naptime. Otherwise I'm just not able to accomplish much.




I did end up getting a water table, but it's really too hot to school outside. I've ordered a couple of the other suggested toys but they haven't arrived yet.


Good luck!

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I send my 2 year old off to play. If he won't leave us alone, I might put him in his room (with toys) for a bit. We also utilize nap time, though we're able to do more during wake time than I was able to earlier this year (when he was 18 months).


Also, I have school desks - one for each child. The 2 year old has papers and crayons and such in his desk, so he can do "maf" with his brothers. :D While he only sits there for a few minutes now and then, it does help quite a bit - he thinks he's done school, I guess!


On occasion, I'll pop in Blue's Clues ("It's preschool on your TV!" and "Encouraging children to read..." :001_huh:) for the 2 and 4 year old to watch while we finish stuff up.

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Granted it's only been 3 days of school so far, but my 19-month-old's favorite activity by far is to stand at the sink on a chair with a trickle of water from the faucet and cups and spoons and funnels to play with.


We do try to include him as much as possible, but I've got to come up with some more ideas to keep him busy....in a good way. He's very good at being busy in some not so good ways. :D

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My just-turned-2-year-old is BUSY. But! She's busy because she thinks she's 5! To be honest, if we "include" her, things are better. If we're playing with rods, I toss her a few, if we're doing paperwork, she has crayons and paper. If we're cutting, she has toddler scissors.


The lucky thing is, FIAR really can be family-inclusive. We all climb on the couch, 2yo in my lap if she's awake, and read the story, point things out, etc. Even when we're doing lapbookish components, it still takes only 30 min max. I bet you'll love it. We do!


I'm more concerned about doing RS A with little tag-alongs... (We start full-steam ahead on the 22nd. Currently we are only doing FIAR.)

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I LOVE that MOTH schedule that was posted - Thank-you.


I too have a "little" that is turning 3 this Saturday. He is very busy. so far we have been trying to give him one activity at the start of the day with the rest of us at the table (colouring sheet, puzzle, playdoh, etc.). He does it until he is bored and gets down and will usually give us another 15 minutes until he beckons someone to play with him :).


I love the idea of scheduling time in the day for the other kids to play with the youngest. I am definitly going to try this. Thanks!!!

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my 19-month-old's favorite activity by far is to stand at the sink on a chair with a trickle of water from the faucet and cups and spoons and funnels to play with.



This is my almost three year olds favorite activity too...only eventually pours water on the counters, and the floors...it seems everything ends up being poured or dumped out with out...never lasts long!

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Montessori has great activities you can plan for him through the day for that's age group. It makes them more independent with each lesson you give him and they're very hands you can do everyrhing by yourself no need to buy expensive puzzle or anything. this way you kill two birds with one stone. Look at blog and youtube. Hope this helps.

Edited by Prahl
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When my daughter was 2-3, I used the bathtub. I put in tons of bubbles and she could bring in all the toys she wanted. She literally stayed in for about an hour a day...she was really clean that year:001_smile: and we got a ton done during that hour. She also got a half hour of leap frog and could entertain herself quietly for about a half hour. This gave us two good hours.

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Thank you all, I am still going to watch this thread for more ideas - my little boy is probably what is making me the most nervous about HSing for the first time. I do know we are not going to be the family that starts at 8 everyday and done by noon. I see us getting more done at his nap time, and his earlier bed time.

By the way, we have an ipad2, and he loves it. He can keep his attention for a long time, I just have to keep the volume down and stop asking me for help to find "monster trucks on you tube".



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We also utilize nap time, though we're able to do more during wake time than I was able to earlier this year (when he was 18 months).



Thank you for this. I have a 22 mo. We started summer break when he was 18 mo and just have started back. I am hoping it gets better (and quickly) as we go along. Nap time is pretty much it for us right now. I love the water idea and so would he.


I also have a 4yo. He hangs out while we do the 3r's and really likes to join in for history and science.

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Oh, I identify with you so much!


I have found that our magnetic letters and numbers on a large magnetic dry erase board (I'm too chicken to let him use the markers yet) spread out on the floor are a fabulous distraction.


Unfortunately, I have also found that he will: scribble on walls, get cheese/eggs/yogurt out of the fridge and enjoy/destroy them, and distract his brothers terribly during "seat work" time.


Happily, he does love his GeoTrax trains!

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I am not sure of the age of your toddler. I have a 3yo and a 15 month old. My 3yo is a girl so she is easier to deal with. She sometimes sits with us as "plays school" while we work. She will play with math manipulatives (especially tangrams) or color a picture. I have some workbooks for her because she begged for them so she sometimes does that as well. My DS15months is a whole different ballgame. We do have a "fort" which is a gated off area of our living room (those gates that hook together to form a hexagon) filled with toys. I can usually get about 45 minutes out of that which is plenty of time for us to do our seatwork (since my oldest is in K). He will sit and eat a snack in his high chair while we do art, science or history. He LOVES LOVES LOVES music class. We do Making Music Praying Twice. He shakes the shake eggs and dances. It is super cute! If all else fails, I put him in his exersaucer in front of the TV. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen!


I heard a suggestion to get some dried beans, some funnels and cheap bowls from the dollar store and put them in a pan with a big lip. Apparently kids will play with this for hours. I am going to try that once he stops putting stuff in his mouth!!!

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My youngest turned three in May. Like an above poster said, we used the bathtub!! DS would easliy stay occupied for an hour or so every day :D My dd and I would sit on the floor and do schoolwork while the little one played. My ds gave up naps a long time ago, but he is learnng to entertain himself. Last year he also sat in the highchair and colored or painted or did playdoh (but now he is too big!!) DS also loves to do puzzles now (the 24-36 piece puzzles). Whenever dd can do some work on her own, I let her, and then I read to ds (thankfully my older son is very independent). And, I don't feel guilty if ds watches some educational TV (my older two watched the same programs and they are no wse for it :lol:). Many blessings!

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  • 3 weeks later...
My youngest turned three in May. Like an above poster said, we used the bathtub!! DS would easliy stay occupied for an hour or so every day :D My dd and I would sit on the floor and do schoolwork while the little one played.


Huh, this is one I haven't thought of......school in the bathroom! :D I'm just afraid if I put my 2 year old in the bathtub that my 4 and 6 year olds would want to join her, lol! You don't find the tub fun to be a huge distraction?


Off to search more ideas for occupying a toddler!

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My loud toddler is two days short of turning one. Yes, toddler, he's been walking since eight months. :tongue_smilie: My current method is to blockade Valor into the room we do most of our schooling, and keep dangerous items out of his reach. There are plenty of toys and safe things for him to get into. When he starts getting out of hand I pull out something like random empty containers from the kitchen and small objects to hide in them. (Non-toy items entertain better than fresh toys.)


Absolutely take advantage of naptime. Put the independent subjects away quickly and get to those ones that need more of mom before he wakes up.


The kidlet who's furthest ahead in today's lessons can go spend some time playing with Valor while I get some one on one with the kid who needs it most.

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I'm so glad someone brought this up! I have an 8-year-old, 4-year-old, and a 7-month-old. We made the difficult but necessary and beneficial decision to send dd4 to the great VPK Montessori program three hours a day. She's on her third day tomorrow, and so far she loves it. She's engaged, talkative, bright eyed. I can't believe how happy she is, and I can't believe how much we get done without her here (but we miss her already). She's very self-motivated and perfect for a Montessori setting. However, when she was 3 and with us, she would constantly complain about me spending time with ds, not wanting to join in the reading (barely or no pictures), and she quickly exhausted her toys. Dd4 would even be done with Starfall, on to the next thing. She needs to be constantly, mentally busy, and I couldn't keep up. Ds on the other hand is very easily distracted. I need to stay on top of him to do his work. I'm working with him this year to become more independent in his work in anticipation of hsing dd next year! By then I will have a toddler yikes!!! Okay, now I'm hyperventilating. Off to read the blog of the mom with 12 (!) children. If she can do it, I certainly could. Can I?

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One of the best school items I have is a little magnetic whiteboard, about the size of a sheet of paper. We use it all the time for school- math problems, spelling, etc. I have one for each child and my toddler (almost 2) absolutely loves hers. I have a little mini eraser for it and special markers that we only get out during school time. So generally during school she is drawing, sitting on my lap, or pulling the house apart. Another favourite is the RS abacus (we have two) and other math manipulatives. Between her and my 4yo my house is a HUGE mess at the end of the day, everyday. But, we get school done and that is what matters. We have a clean up, hopefully before my husband gets home. Also, every time I sit down on the couch to read schoolbooks, I have to allow time for reading to the younger ones as well. As soon as they see me sit down they go running to choose their books too. :)

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