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What would posess someone to park like this?

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DD auditioned for a community theater show & made it this week :) I went to pick her up from rehearsal today and parallel parked an appropriate distance behind another vehicle. The front end of my car was about a foot behind my meter, while the car in front of me's back end was about a foot in front of their meter (we have double meters). There was nobody behind me.


I was gone for less than 3 minutes. When I returned to my car this (the attached) is what I saw!! There was nobody behind them (the spot behind them is a valet drop off spot). Their meter was a good 4-5ft behind them.


I could understand if I was parked too far back in my spot, or something, but I really just cannot come up with any reason for them to have parked in a way which resulted in their car TOUCHING my bumper?!?



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(just dropping by after a year off of homeschooling to sell some odds and ends - but this post is too much to pass up!!!)


I would find it extremely difficult not to put my car in reverse and let nature take its course! That is some aggressive parking there. Unfortunately, I can feel/act pretty aggressive, too.

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Looks like they learned to park in Rome, Italy. I was AMAZED at some of the parking jobs we saw there. Up on the curb, double and triple parked, etc. They would parallel park by driving slowly up to the car in front, then *bump* and they'd reverse, drive slowly backward to the car behind, then *bump* over and over again, back and forth...


(And yes, I actually watched this happen, with my mouth hanging open.)

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Looks like they learned to park in Rome, Italy. I was AMAZED at some of the parking jobs we saw there. Up on the curb, double and triple parked, etc. They would parallel park by driving slowly up to the car in front, then *bump* and they'd reverse, drive slowly backward to the car behind, then *bump* over and over again, back and forth...


(And yes, I actually watched this happen, with my mouth hanging open.)


:iagree: Some European has 'kissed' your bumper. This doesn't make it NOT crazy.

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I can't parallel park. Or I should say that I'm really, really bad at it. I've never touched another car, though. Maybe you just snapped a photo of someone who is actually worse at parallel parking than I am?


I'm thinking that's quite possible!! I'm also thinking that it's very likely that they didn't even have to parallel park, and just pulled in (I've RARELY seen a car in the valet spot unless it is a weekend in the evening - it's for an upscale restaurant).

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I can't parallel park. Or I should say that I'm really, really bad at it. I've never touched another car, though. Maybe you just snapped a photo of someone who is actually worse at parallel parking than I am?


Wow. I am that bad at parallel parking which is why I'll park blocks away and walk instead of parking like that. But, if somebody parked like that behind me, well.... I might actually have to go over them to get out. My Unparking is as bad as my parking and my truck is big.

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I never attempt anything I'm not sure I can do in the realm of parking. I would absolutely end up hitting that person so close to me. Although ya know, I wouldn't really care because my car is scratched up anyway and they would deserve it!


:D Good thing the two of us don't park in the same places. I'd be the one at the far end of the lot, poorly parked and all alone so nobody will scratch me.

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For the record, I hate parallel parking and won't park between 2 cars, LOL! I pulled into this spot! I did call hubby and ask for help. He suggested I try to get out by pulling forward and back a few times, but he was on his way to help if I needed it. With the help of DD standing on the sidewalk telling me when I was getting too close, I was, thankfully, able to get out!

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I lived in a small TX town quite a long time ago now. My dh and I were parked in a parking spot facing out. In other words, we pulled through one spot and drove forward to park in the spot in front of that spot. We were sitting in the car when an elderly man pulled into the spot behind us and hit us. Then he backed up and did it again! Then he turned off his car and got out with his bumper still in contact with our bumper. So we got out to talk to him and my dh being the smart @ss that he was asked the man where he learned how to drive. With a perfectly straight face and absolute sincerity in his voice he said, "Down Como. Why?" and then walked away. We were in too much shock to say anything else. Now anytime someone in my family does something wonky when driving or we see someone else do something wonky we say, "Down Como. Why?"

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I lived in a small TX town quite a long time ago now. My dh and I were parked in a parking spot facing out. In other words, we pulled through one spot and drove forward to park in the spot in front of that spot. We were sitting in the car when an elderly man pulled into the spot behind us and hit us. Then he backed up and did it again! Then he turned off his car and got out with his bumper still in contact with our bumper. So we got out to talk to him and my dh being the smart @ss that he was asked the man where he learned how to drive. With a perfectly straight face and absolute sincerity in his voice he said, "Down Como. Why?" and then walked away. We were in too much shock to say anything else. Now anytime someone in my family does something wonky when driving or we see someone else do something wonky we say, "Down Como. Why?"


I love that. It is an answer that you can't argue with, isn't it. :lol:

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Wow. I am that bad at parallel parking which is why I'll park blocks away and walk instead of parking like that. But, if somebody parked like that behind me, well.... I might actually have to go over them to get out. My Unparking is as bad as my parking and my truck is big.



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My ideal solution to this would be to call my hubby, have him park right behind that loser.....just as close. And wait. And watch.


I know that probably wouldn't have been possible, but man.....karma ;)


Heh heh heh...I love this solution!

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I had once parked way out on a side street between two driveways in a town I rarely visit. This was to avoid parallel parking. The sign on the street said that parking was allowed until 6 pm. I walked several blocks to the store I needed. When I came back, I had two cars on either end parked as close as that car was to your bumper. One was even in front of one driveways. I had to call the town police to get the car out. A policewoman from an urban area got it out without touching either car and she attributed her parking skills to growing up in that city. Afterwards, they waited until 6 pm to ticket both cars for being parked after 6 and for either being too close to the driveway or in front of the driveway. So I felt that justice had been served.

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I had once parked way out on a side street between two driveways in a town I rarely visit. This was to avoid parallel parking. The sign on the street said that parking was allowed until 6 pm. I walked several blocks to the store I needed. When I came back, I had two cars on either end parked as close as that car was to your bumper. One was even in front of one driveways. I had to call the town police to get the car out. A policewoman from an urban area got it out without touching either car and she attributed her parking skills to growing up in that city. Afterwards, they waited until 6 pm to ticket both cars for being parked after 6 and for either being too close to the driveway or in front of the driveway. So I felt that justice had been served.


Good for you for calling the town police. I wouldn't have know how to deal with it. I'm glad i bike most places.

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