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Please help 13 year old dd find some Good Books

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She's rather picky and selective.

These are some of the books she's loved in the past:


The Harry Potter Series


The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner

The Host


The Twilight Saga

Hold Still

The Edge Chronicles

The Year we Disappeared

Rapunzel's Revenge

Calamity Jack

The Unfinished Angel

Princess Academy

The Unfortunate Events Series


Thank you so much. :)

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Riddlemaster of Hed trilogy by Patricia McKillip (you MUST obtain the entire trilogy at once)


Anything else by Patricia McKillip


The Earthsea books by Ursula LeGuin


Robin McKinley's books


Anne McCaffrey's Harper Hall trilogy (not all of the Pern books are appropriate, but the Harper Hall trilogy is okay)



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Megan Whelan Turner's The Thief (it's a whole series). Start there! Also, Robin McKinley - especially The Hero and the Crown and The Blue Sword. That's my top two picks for a fantasy loving picky 13 yo. Both are amazing - great writing, great story, great voice.


It looks like she kind of on that cusp between middle grades and YA books. A few other thoughts in case she rejects my totally perfect suggestions...

In the fantasy realm still...

Scott Westerfeld's Leviathan (YA alternate history)

The Search for Wondla (amazing illustrations)

Shannon Hale's other books (has she read Goose Girl, Enna Burning, etc.?)

Anything by Diana Wynne Jones (twisty, mind-bending middle grades fantasy)

Graceling by Kristen Cashore (has some romance and sex is alluded to - nothing graphic)

Libba Bray's Rebel Angels series (YA, literary, historical fantasy)

Jonathan Stroud's Bartimeaus books (light, silly middle grades)

The Dark is Rising (middle grades, Arthurian fantasy in the modern world)


Branching out to other genres...

Anything by Jennifer Donnelly (very literary YA historical fiction)

Sharon Shinn (YA fantasy romance - light, mostly pretty tame)

Chasing Vermeer (middle grades mystery)

Kira-Kira (middle grades historical fiction)


I can do more, but that starts you off...

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My teens have enjoyed the Robin McKinley books.


A good story we have read recently (I just finished this yesterday and liked it, too!) is Matched by Allie Condie.


Here is a book review site I found a while back. It has really helped me when looking for books for my kids. Rated Reads




I just came back to second LidiyaDawn's suggestion of The Hunger Games - great read!

Edited by Mothersweets
How many times can I use the word good in a post?
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We are listening to them not reading them, but maybe she would enjoy the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik. Basically, napoleonic wars with dragons. :lol:They are really fun and engaging, quite well written, almost no language, no graphic s3x, and there are several!:D

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We are listening to them not reading them, but maybe she would enjoy the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik. Basically, napoleonic wars with dragons. :lol:They are really fun and engaging, quite well written, almost no language, no graphic s3x, and there are several!:D


I dunno. The first one was really good, but I have been slowly slogging through the third for the last 3 months when I run out of other books to read. Everyone I have talked to about them seems to feel the same. The first one is good fun, but I would suggest stopping there. That is just me. :)


Oh, has she read Cornelia Funke? Inkheart is really good.


The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman series by Bryan Jacques (author of the Redwall books) is good too.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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Tamora Pierce's books are good. She might also like Garth Nix's Abhorsen series. There are some adult themes, so you might want to check them first. I think they are dealt with responsibly, but different families would feel different.


I was just getting on here to suggest Tamora Pierce too. Dd has read some of her different series & enjoyed them. (I haven't read them, so I can't comment on content.)

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Cynthia Voight's "Kingdom Series": Jackaroo, On Fortune's Wheel, The Wings of a Falcon, Elske (this one is a bit graphic)


Robin McKinley, especially The Hero and the Crown & The Blue Sword


More Shannon Hale books: The Goose Girl, Enna Burning, Forest Born, etc.

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Thank you all so very much. :) I'm copying and pasting all your suggestions.



Yes, she does want to start on these soon. :) Not sure if we'll be doing these as read-alouds OR if she wants to read them herself.


Anything by Patricia Wrede

She's read some of these, I'm pretty sure.


Shannon Hale's other books (has she read Goose Girl, Enna Burning, etc.?)

She's read these and loved them.


I just came back to second LidiyaDawn's suggestion of The Hunger Games - great read!

I'm very unsure about this. I almost read it myself, but decided against it. What I have read about it doesn't appeal to me. I think. I'm not sure about it. But if most here think it's very good, I'm more than willing to let her try it out. Is there anyone here who does not recommend the Hunger Games, and if so, I would love to hear why. My knowledge of these books is very limited. :confused:


Oh, has she read Cornelia Funke? Inkheart is really good.

the Redwall books) is good too.

She read and hated both of these.

I could not stand the Inkheart books either. I just found them annoying.


She's so desperate that she's thinking of starting some of my books - Flavia de Luce, etc.


Thank you all. Do please keep more wonderful suggestions coming if you think of them.

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Divergent by Veronica Roth



One of the best YA Sci-fi books I have read. I do not usually care for sci-fi, but this was really good. both my dss, 16 and 18 read it too and enjoyed it. Although, I would think a teen girl would like it more:001_smile:


i see it is a trilogy, so more to come....

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Is there anyone here who does not recommend the Hunger Games, and if so, I would love to hear why.


Could you guess I was going to raise my hand here, Negin? ;):lol:


After hearing so many (adults & kids) rave about The Hunger Games books, I borrowed the first one from my dd's friend. I read part of it but could not finish. I found the underlying concept (of children killing children & having it be a form of public entertainment, in a way, like reality tv or the gladiator games reinstated) too horrible & could not continue reading. Now, I've read violent books & seen plenty of violent movies w/out problem. It was just something about this book, in particular, that really set me off, I guess.


Otoh, dd wanted to read the books (mostly curiosity from her friends raving about them) & I was fine w/ that. She knew I couldn't get through them & why. She read the first 2 & thought they were ok, but never even bothered to read the last one (& she's a pretty avid reader). I don't think she was as upset by the basic idea of the books as I was, but she didn't think they were that compelling/interesting/well-written overall (which is why she said she didn't bother reading the 3rd one).

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series I recommend trying


Divergent (15yo and I loved this book and it's next on my 13yo's list to read)

Matched (13yo thought it was okay, 15yo and I really enjoyed it)

Hunger Games (my 13yo, my 15yo, and I all loved this, but my 18yo didn't even make it through the first book)

The Roar (my 13yo loved this, my 15yo and I liked it a lot)

Artemis Fowl (first 5 books definitely, maybe the 6th, but quality went way downhill on the 7th)

Shiver, Linger, ... (I loved these, but couldn't get my kids to read them because they don't want vampires or werewolves or anything like that - it's a werewolf book)

Mortal Instruments (think the first book was City of Bones)

Golden Compass (didn't like that one at first, but it grew on me)

Uglies (but my 15yo said not to read the companion book that came out later because it messed with her good memories about the series, my 13yo loved the series and skipped the companion book)



My 15yo says to add Memento Nora to the list.



I can't believe I forgot about Rick Riordan's books. My kids have liked the Kane Chronicles series best of all. They enjoyed Half-Blood Camp, but liked the first Olympian book more than the original series.

Edited by AngieW in Texas
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While the dc were doing their work this morning, I spent most of my time browsing these books. Thank you all again so much.

Some of them, she's already read. :)


Could you guess I was going to raise my hand here, Negin?

Stacia, yes, that's why I asked. :lol: I remember you telling me some of this.


Otoh, dd wanted to read the books (mostly curiosity from her friends raving about them) & I was fine w/ that. She knew I couldn't get through them & why. She read the first 2 & thought they were ok, but never even bothered to read the last one (& she's a pretty avid reader). I don't think she was as upset by the basic idea of the books as I was, but she didn't think they were that compelling/interesting/well-written overall (which is why she said she didn't bother reading the 3rd one).

Thank you for this. I'll see if dd is up to it. I couldn't stand the Lemony Snicket books, for example. Dd loved them. We'll see. I doubt if she'll like them ... :glare:


If you or anyone else has any more suggestions, please keep sharing. Thank you all. :grouphug:

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Thank you, Cindy. I have the children's version but am not sure if dd would be up for some of the suggestions in the Teen Version. I'll look for some sample pages.


Hi! The author categorizes her selections by adding ET (early teen), MT (middle teen), LT (late teen) or AA (all ages) after each book synopsis. I would definitely use my discretion when picking from any of these titles. :) Also, Mrs. Hunt has some excellent, Socratic~type questions to use when discussing literature with your kids. I am going to copy these out, and put them in my binder to use this year. Just a few thoughts... :D


Take care!

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