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Homeschool rules

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We have a similiar rule....it's not posted, but we often state it "Get your responsibilities done, school and chores, then you get your free time"


Don't normally do rewards for grades or anything. Frankly if we keep grades, it is for "outside sources", not for me. Around here, either you do good, learned it, and we moved on, OR you did not learn it, struggled and we did not move forward until you did. (That is not stated to them, but my philosophy of how we do our schooling)


Rewards for good behavior are the "Free time" which usually video games for my children, can also be going outside to play with friends, etc. I do not give out trinkets, toys, etc.


Well, DS5 and DS8 do like to get stickers on their worksheets :).

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  • 4 weeks later...
"No light sabers/light saber noises/sticks masquerading as light sabers in the school room." Really.




:iagree: But would need to add Stargate palm weapon sounds and actions! I think he as about outgrown that, or forgotten.


He must finish schoolwork before tv, Wii, etc. He can earn extra time with extra reading and cleaning.

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The only 'reward' I can think of off the top of my head is that the sooner things are done, the sooner they have free time.


That, and no Wii, tv, etc until *after* school work.


Oh, I do treat them to a book now and then as a reward, but they never know its coming, its not something that is on a chart or anything.


For my kids, a getting to pick a new book is the highlight of their year :lol:

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Good behavior is expected during school without rewards. I do praise good behavior and on rare occassions when one of my kiddos was having a particularly rough day I make something special for lunch or spend some extra time with him.

As far as rules, we really don't have many. Please let me know if you need to use the bathroom instead of just wandering. Treat me respectfully as I will treat you respectfully. Whoever is not schooling needs to play quietly or in the other room.

After several years at this, we pretty much understand what is expected of each other and how the day runs. I rarely get excessive moans and groans over school, although each kid has his least favorite subject he bulks over.

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We schedule game time, family read aloud and a break into our school day but regular free time is only allowed after schoolwork and chores are completed. I actually assign a time for my kids to have video game time/computer time so that they won't rush through school to get their free time. They get that at 4:00 so that we can relax and enjoy learning throughout the day. Before I instituted this rule, the hurry up and get it done mentality towards school was driving me crazy. Now my kids read a lot more, take time to thoroughly learn their school subjects and we have a much longer family read aloud time.


I can't really think of any other special rules we have regarding school time that differ from our normal rules. Everyone is expected to obey all the time and consequences for disobeying are the same as usual.

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We schedule game time, family read aloud and a break into our school day but regular free time is only allowed after schoolwork and chores are completed. I actually assign a time for my kids to have video game time/computer time so that they won't rush through school to get their free time. They get that at 4:00 so that we can relax and enjoy learning throughout the day. Before I instituted this rule, the hurry up and get it done mentality towards school was driving me crazy. Now my kids read a lot more, take time to thoroughly learn their school subjects and we have a much longer family read aloud time.


I can't really think of any other special rules we have regarding school time that differ from our normal rules. Everyone is expected to obey all the time and consequences for disobeying are the same as usual.

Funny how so much depends on the personalities involved!


Diva, for one, would drag out her entire day, accomplishing diddly, if she knew that at x o'clock, she had free time. Found that out the hard way :tongue_smilie:

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Sit down and ignore the dog (she's the teacher's pet). :tongue_smilie:


We do have some written school rules. They include attitude, organizational skills, effort, promptness, accountability, and responsibility.


We also throw dragons around the class every once in a while, sometimes we annoy the cat.


We did rewards for a short period of time, but ds isn't motivated by small rewards so we had to stop.

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Well, the rules are basically, do your work and then you can play. I also don't let them chew gum or tip their chairs. :tongue_smilie:


I used to give them a sticker for every day that they completed all their work and then they could pick a treasure out of our box once they got 5 stickers. I stopped doing that because I wasn't finding good treasures anymore. So they don't get specific rewards for behavior, and I don't grade anything but math quizzes/tests.

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Funny how so much depends on the personalities involved!


Diva, for one, would drag out her entire day, accomplishing diddly, if she knew that at x o'clock, she had free time. Found that out the hard way :tongue_smilie:


You forget that my kiddos are also required to finish all schoolwork and chores before this time so they can drag if they want to but they still have to get it all done.


If I didn't have this rule in conjunction with the other, my son would never do his school work and chores either!

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1. Work hard.

2. Have fun.

3. Be a good listener.


These are drilled into the kids' heads by DH. No rewards for doing what is expected.

If my time is not respected, then their time is not respected.

Schoolwork is their responsibility. It's my responsibility to have things ready and it's their responsibility to learn things and apply themselves.


The kids have this little speech memorized.:D

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