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recommend an "instant" netflix documentary

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I'd love to hear some recommendations for "instant watch" netflix documentaries. I enjoy them on my own and my kids watch lots of them. (Please add a note if it's not safe for kids, if that is the case.)


State of Mind -- 2004 documentary following 2 schoolgirl gymnasts as they prepare for the North Korean "Mass Games" extravaganza. Safe for kids although it contains about 30 seconds of very disturbing war footage and some off-handed anti-American comments. My daughters loved this film. Lots of footage of gymnastic rehearsals and performances.


Bigger, Faster, Stronger -- maybe safe for teens depending on how strict/ lax you are, definitely not for little kids. Hilarious & interesting documentary about steroid use in the United States.

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I watched one the other night called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I don't necessarily agree with their method, but it was very moving. There's nothing in it that's bad for kids, but I don't know that kids would be very interested. It's about two men who overcome auto-immune disorders with a juice cleanse and getting into a healthy lifestyle.

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I just got Netflix and am so excited because I love documentaries.

Please Vote For Me - third grade election for class monitor in China. Fascinating to watch how involved the parents are and how school is run in China. Subtitled


Road to The Big Leagues- shows kids 12 to 17 playing baseball in order to try and get noticed by an academy run by the big leagues so the can escape poverty.

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Do you all know about instantwatcher.com ? It lists hidden netflix instant titles. If it's new to you, watch out..highly addicting. It's like Google for the first time addictive.


Anyway, has anyone actually SEEN this one? I've watched the trailers, and they are super spooky. I was looking for a documentary on Christopher Columbus when I first found it...and it's been nixed as a choice for the kid..too violent..but for me..I dunno...I'm up in the air.


title is: http://instantwatcher.com/titles/167934




I"m a documentary watcher personally. One of my last favorites was http://instantwatcher.com/titles/77728


Title: Herb & Dorothy


It's a docu on 2 art collectors in NY who donate their lives collections. Their apartment is like hoarder city for reals. Amazing story.

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I watched one the other night called Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I don't necessarily agree with their method, but it was very moving. There's nothing in it that's bad for kids, but I don't know that kids would be very interested. It's about two men who overcome auto-immune disorders with a juice cleanse and getting into a healthy lifestyle.


Just watched this today with my 11 yo. After I saw your post Very good and I thank you for recommending it!


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Just watched this today with my 11 yo. After I saw your post Very good and I thank you for recommending it!


Oh no problem. I talked a little about it in my blog today now that I've thought about it some more. If there's anything you'd like to discuss, please do. I love talking about movies.

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They have a few of Terry Jones ones on there now. We had got the middle ages on dvd (there might have been a few cartoon scenes that some might not approve) but as we're watching ds pipes up "So did this guy do comedies or something?":lol:

Edited by hmschooln
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:iagree: I wanted it to be a SERIES! "But I bought thus SUV. How can you not have room to park it????"


Ha! I'm just glad to have found someone else who watched it! DH wanted to turn it off 15 minutes in. I was like "are you kidding!?! This is the best movie ever!"

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