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9:40 pm 91 degrees, 104 heat index,

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90 degrees with 90% humidity, heat index of 115 ... 365 days a year. :D



You Won!


Normal summer weather for us 90's with heat index 105-110 and high humid and my DH works out in the stuff and I just got finish staining my deck wearing my bandanna to catch the flood of sweat of my brow:001_smile:


But I know in the north that you are not use to it and probably does feel awful,


it funny we had a "cold spell" for a few days were the temp. was in the 80's and we were saying how it felt like fall was in the air:lol:

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oh no Laura, not 2 weeks of this heat. NO. It is now 12:24 am and it is 90 reg. and 102 heat index. We can't have our downstairs ac wall unit on at the same time as our upstairs bedrooms window units or the circuits blow. So we are alternating cooling downstairs during the day and upstairs at night. A few times I had to go upstairs today when the ac was off and could not breathe , it was so hot up there. we turned the upstairs units on 2 hours ago to cool off the upstairs which meant had to turn the downstairs off and it is just bearable downstairs now. Ok, I will stop whining and go to bed.

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And here I am complaining because I am having hot flashes and can't get it below 76 degrees upstairs. The unit is running 24/7 and I am wearing as little as possible with male relatives in the house. It has been between 90-100 with a heat index over 100 for at least two weeks now. We are not supposed to get extreme weather in TN! :glare:

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One of the weather stations in Bethlehem pulled a 115 reading yesterday with a 145* heat index. I *have* to believe that thing was up on a tar roof or something, because I simply cannot imagine being able to breathe in that!


We hit the 10Xs yesterday, which is completely out of character for our mountain top. We're typically 10-20 degrees cooler than "down below", but that was tossed right out the window.

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With 3 window air conditioners going 24/7 my house has not gotten below 74 degrees.


Last night it was a steamy 83 degrees at bedtime.


I'm actually tired of the pool. I think we have been at our town pool for about 45 hours over the past week. Heading to a museum today.

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With 3 window air conditioners going 24/7 my house has not gotten below 74 degrees.


Last night it was a steamy 83 degrees at bedtime.


I'm actually tired of the pool. I think we have been at our town pool for about 45 hours over the past week. Heading to a museum today.


:001_huh: I think you need to reconsider your WTM "location" with those numbers! :D I live at a sunny summer beach, and we turned off the air conditioning for the night to sleep in 81 degree high humidity weather, with the sea breeze blowing in. Yesterday was the first day we had the air conditioning on...because it reached 99 degrees. But I do understand how too many days at a pool can get too much. :grouphug:


Jeannie, where are you at? Can you get to the shore easily? Seems like everyone else is here escaping the inland heat. Hopping in the ocean really does cool your core quite a bit.

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We just put our a/c in for the pending heat. Glad we did, too, because my dash thermometer was reading 107 late yesterday afternoon. The husbands was 111 in Annapolis.


He was even hired back for OT today, to staff an additional paramedic unit because of the extreme heat. I hope they have lots of cold packs!


Suddenly, I feel a little stupid for laughing at those mister canopies for the back yard.

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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