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Privacy fence or hedges or ???

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We are working on our new house and need to know what to do about 1 of the neighbors. We have had 3 different people say they are not sociable---I don't think they cause problems, I just think they like to be left alone.


We have 5 acres and they have 5 acres so we should be good, right??? Well, they built the house quite close to the lot line (considering the size of the lot) and have it angled on the property such that their decking overlooks our back yard/deck.


We are also in the process of clearing out a lot of trees to put in horse pasture so the woods that has buffered the 2 homes will be gone. We are leaving up about 40 feet along their property line but it isn't thick enough to provide a lot of privacy.


We are trying to decide on putting up a privacy fence along the part of the lots where you can see from 1 to another (NOT the entire 660 feet deep) or trying to plant some fast growing/thick hedge type things.


I do worry about our dog wandering over there. She is normally in the house with us or out in the barn, etc. with us and is NOT prone to wander but I can't say that it would never happen. If she has a barrier of sorts, she won't cross it. A cheap option might be chicken wire just to give her a boundry but that wouldnt' give us any privacy.


I don't want problems with a neighbor and I don't want to BE the problem. I know for city people this sounds weird as our house is likely 200 feet or more from theirs but we live in a more rural area where people tend to keep a bit more to themselves and many moved out here for the privacy.

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I live in town, where one of our neighbors is, perhaps, 30 feet away. But the fronts of the houses are staggered so our front porch is mor forward than theirs, etc. If someone's deck (which they presumably use) was facing my house with no barrier in the 200 feet, I would feel like they were always watching me.


We have a privacy fence that I designed. The "solid" lower part is 5' tall, with about 1" gaps between the boards so there is some feeling of openess. There is another foot of 2x2" spindles that are about 6" on center, and a cap rail. It provides privacy without feeling like a fortress.


I love a nice hedgerow, but dogs don't seem to take that as a barrier.

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With such a large area, a privacy fence for 5 acres will be very expensive. I would put up a regular chain link fence that is that dark green color made to 'disappear', which would take care of the dog. Then I would add trees and shrubs to provide the privacy. I would not plant them in a row, but rather in groups of three and layer.

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We are working on our new house and need to know what to do about 1 of the neighbors. We have had 3 different people say they are not sociable---I don't think they cause problems, I just think they like to be left alone.


We have 5 acres and they have 5 acres so we should be good, right??? Well, they built the house quite close to the lot line (considering the size of the lot) and have it angled on the property such that their decking overlooks our back yard/deck.


We are also in the process of clearing out a lot of trees to put in horse pasture so the woods that has buffered the 2 homes will be gone. We are leaving up about 40 feet along their property line but it isn't thick enough to provide a lot of privacy.


We are trying to decide on putting up a privacy fence along the part of the lots where you can see from 1 to another (NOT the entire 660 feet deep) or trying to plant some fast growing/thick hedge type things.


I do worry about our dog wandering over there. She is normally in the house with us or out in the barn, etc. with us and is NOT prone to wander but I can't say that it would never happen. If she has a barrier of sorts, she won't cross it. A cheap option might be chicken wire just to give her a boundry but that wouldnt' give us any privacy.


I don't want problems with a neighbor and I don't want to BE the problem. I know for city people this sounds weird as our house is likely 200 feet or more from theirs but we live in a more rural area where people tend to keep a bit more to themselves and many moved out here for the privacy.


there are some great arborvitea that grow large (green giant will go to 24 feet - emerald green is nice, and much shorter) - but narrow and make a very good living privacy fence. I don't know what your climate zone is, but you can look it up. plant them close enough they will interlace.

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With such a large area, a privacy fence for 5 acres will be very expensive. I would put up a regular chain link fence that is that dark green color made to 'disappear', which would take care of the dog. Then I would add trees and shrubs to provide the privacy. I would not plant them in a row, but rather in groups of three and layer.


We don't have to do the entire 5 acres thankfully. We do need though at least 100 feet along one side. They have about 2 1/2 acres of woods up front (they are actually the corner lot but have the house/drive off the road around the corner from our drive).


We are in West Michigan--zone 5 for plants. Right now they have a 2 rail split rail fence up along the property line in the section we are worried about privacy but obviously that just marks the property line but doesn't provide privacy or a real barrier.


We will be working on training our dog where our property lines are and she is good and obedient. Obviously though won't be letting our chickens do much free ranging.


We have it so nice where we are but the state wants a highway here so we have to move. The new house is much nicer but now we have a lot of other things to work out.

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I'd talk to these neighbors and see if they'd be willing to split the cost of a privacy fence with you along the shared property line.


I thought of that but then we would likely have to go with new fencing which would be much more money. This is stuff that will be in the woods so not really in the open.


I did just find privacy fencing on Craig's list for $200----300+ feet of it, not too far away. Going to call as soon as it is polite to do so. Dh and ds could get it today.

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I live in a 5 acre housing estate.

we all have barb wire fences ( the usual three strand farm type) that came with the estate. We have all planted a variety of trees and shrubs along the fence lines. nobody can actually see anyone else's house, just glimpses of the roof, or maybe a corner here and there. it is really great. our property also has a lot of native scrub on it, and it is all hilly, so it gives the appearance that three of our neighbours properties are part of ours, and vise-versa it is really quite pleasing.

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Wish we had something like that. At our current place we have thicker trees/brush between the houses so you can't really see them and then our pasture is all out back and behind that is 40 acres of woods and fields that are ours to ride and enjoy as the guy that lives back there opened it all up to us and his house is WAY back there--about 1/4 mile.

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I am zone 5 and planted trumpet vines along a chain-length fence - man, those things GROW!!! The foliage is dense, too. It comes back each year, too. I'd do some fencing, plant trumpet vines, maybe some spots with raspberry, etc. bushes.


I grew up in S. California and everyone had a tall fence for privacy. The lack of fences, or use of short, see-through fences, in the Midwest still seems odd after 20+ years here.

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We aren't that close to our neighbor, but the previous owner of our house cut down all the trees between us. We each have about 3 acres. THey have a large privacy fence that goes about halfway down. It is enough that they can sit behind the fence and not see our yard. From the end of the fence to about halfway down the property they have an assortment of thick bushes and cedar type bushes. It really make it private between us. THey kept a dog for a time and used cattle panels on their side of the shrubs/cedars as fencing. But he wasn't large enough to get thru it.

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I'd go with fencing, but I'd add trees that will be higher than the fencing in time. We have ridiculously fast growing Leyland Cyprus trees around our house. I think they are supposed to grow 3-4 feet a year. You need to be sure to space them at least 15 or 20 feet apart--they spread out too.

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there are some great arborvitea that grow large (green giant will go to 24 feet - emerald green is nice, and much shorter) - but narrow and make a very good living privacy fence. I don't know what your climate zone is, but you can look it up. plant them close enough they will interlace.



this, or a panel wire fence with a quick growing flowering vine growing all over it. Cucumbers would work, or the cardinal climber vine. I don't care about privacy in the winter when we are not outside.

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